Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store – Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store - Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store (Bonus Chapter) – The Christmas adventure continues. This time you will have to help Santa Claus reunite Mr. Greedy and his daughter Irma to give them a chance to celebrate the New Year together. Mr. Greedy dreams of inviting his daughter and grandson to the holiday, but the address of her letters has long been lost. Together with your assistant Theodore and the post office archives, you have a chance to restore the family’s connection and bring the warmth of the holiday back to their home. Help find old records, overcome unexpected obstacles, and witness how family ties overcome any distance. Your care and ingenuity can reignite the fire of Christmas wonder.

Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 1
  • Read the note, take BLANK FORM and SUCTION CUP ARROW (A).
  • Take TREATS, use BLANK FORM on the top shelf (B).
  • Use SUCTION CUP ARROW on the circle in the glass, take CARBON PAPER and LAWN SCALE MODEL (C).
  • Use LAWN SCALE MODEL on the empty space in the model (D).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 2
  • Easy solution: Click on the numbers and repeat the mall model using the clue.
  • The correct numbers are shown in the picture (E).
  • Hard solution: Click on the numbers and repeat the mall model using the clue.
  • The correct numbers are shown in the picture (F).
  • Take GLUE.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 3
  • Use GLUE on the top shelf, examine the form, take ACCESS PERMIT (G).
  • Use ACCESS PERMIT on the person (H).
  • Go forward.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 4
  • Easy solution: Reach the postal archive by finding the items you need to overcome the obstacles (I).
  • Hard solution: Reach the postal archive by finding the items you need to overcome the obstacles (J).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 5
  • Use GLUE on the contents of the container (K).
  • Take PRESENT (L).
  • Use TREATS and PRESENT on the chair’s armrest, take BOW and COAL (M).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 6
  • Use CARBON PAPER and COAL on the mail, get FILE NUMBERS (N).
  • Use FILE NUMBERS on the drawers, play puzzle, earn ADDRESS PART 1/2 (O).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 7
  • Solution: Get the shown picture (P).
  • Select this option, get TOY SWORD (Q).
  • Go back.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 8
  • Use TOY SWORD on the lever socket, take BEAM COMPASS and TREE TOP (R).
  • Use TREE TOP on the tree figurine, take BUTTON and HANDKERCHIEF (S).
  • Go to the Postal Archive.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 9
  • Use HANDKERCHIEF on the contents of the container (T).
  • Easy solution: The numbers on the pictures show the correct sequence (U).
  • Hard solution: The numbers on the pictures show the correct sequence (V).
  • Take SCOOTER.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 10
  • Use SCOOTER on the mail, read and take ADDRESS PART 2/2 (W).
  • Use ADDRESS PART on the person (X).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 11
  • Use KNITTING NEEDLE on the lock (Z).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 12
  • Easy solution: Swap the fragments.
  • In the picture, the letters represent the positions.
  • Solution: E-F-J-A-A-F-J-E-I-B-B-G-I-D-I-B (A).
  • Hard solution: Swap the fragments.
  • In the picture, the letters represent the positions.
  • Solution: F-G-A-G-E-G-B-G-F-K-H-F-D-L-D-G-C-I-C-L-J-F-F-I (B).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 13
  • Take BEAR (C).
  • Use DOORBELL on the doorbell socket, press the doorbell (D).
  • Go forward.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 14
  • Select this option (E).
  • Go to Alfie’s Room.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 15
  • Take BRUSH (F).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 16
  • Use PAINTING KNIFE on the pink paint, get WINDING KEY, use BRUSH on the easel (H).
  • Use WINDING KEY on the knight figurine, get GLOWING KNIGHT (I).
  • Go back.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 17
  • Take OIL (J).
  • Use OIL on the latch, read the note, take TINTED GLASS and FISHING SINKER (K).
  • Use BOW and FISHING SINKER on the chain, take WIRE and OLD PHONE BOOK (L).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 18
  • Select this option, get REWARD TICKET (M).
  • Go to Irma’s Porch.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 19
  • Use GLOWING KNIGHT under the tree, read and take WISH LIST FRAGMENTS (N).
  • Go to Alfie’s Room.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 20
  • Use WISH LIST FRAGMENTS on the journal, play puzzle, earn HIDING PLACE DRAWING (O).
  • Use HIDING PLACE DRAWING on the painting, click on the doll, take BALLERINA FIGURINE (P).
  • Go to the Postal Archive.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 21
  • Use REWARD TICKET on the mailbox, take CHRISTMAS WREATH (Q).
  • Play puzzle, earn TROWEL (R).
  • Go to Irma’s Porch.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 22
  • Use TROWEL on the snowbank, take JOINT 1/2 and GAS CAN (S).
  • Use CHRISTMAS WREATH and GAS CAN on the car (T).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 23
  • Easy solution: 3-2-3-2-1-4-1-2-2-1-A (U).
  • Hard solution: 3-2-3-2-1-2-1-4-1-2-2-1-A (V).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 24
  • Take TOY CATALOG (W).
  • Take ELF FIGURINE (X).
  • Take STEPS and GRABBER, use ELF FIGURINE on the booth door, use OLD PHONE BOOK on the phone, call 3890B1, get WOODEN HORSE HEAD (Y).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 25
  • Use BUTTON and GRABBER on the machine, take REPAIR KIT and TOY SHIELD (Z).
  • Take DOLL (B).
  • Use BEAR KNIGHT on the gates (C).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 26
  • Easy solution: Find every pair of highlighted snowflakes.
  • The correct sequence is shown in the picture (D).
  • Hard solution: Find every pair of highlighted snowflakes.
  • The correct sequence is shown in the picture (E).
  • Go forward.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 27
  • Select this option (F).
  • Take WARM SCARF (G).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 28
  • Use DOLL on the dress, Take CROSS BAR (H).
  • Use BALLERINA FIGURINE on the box, take HANDLE, use CROSS BAR on the vise, take WRAPPING PAPER ROLL (I).
  • Go to Alfie’s Room.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 29
  • Use HANDLE on the box, take SOLVENT (J).
  • Use SOLVENT on the easel (K).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 30
  • Solution: Fill the scale by collecting groups of three identical drops of the same color (L).
  • Go to Toyland Factory.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 31
  • Use TINTED GLASS on the mechanism in the box, use WRAPPING PAPER ROLL and CLOTHESPIN on the metal pin, take WRAPPING PAPER and BURNER (M).
  • Go to Toyland Square.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 32
  • Use BURNER on the window (N).
  • Easy solution: In the pictures, numbers and letters represent cells.
  • The correct sequence: I-D-N-C-B-H-L-G-M-U-A-X-T-E-Q-Y (O).
  • Hard solution: In the pictures, numbers and letters represent cells.
  • The correct sequence: A-F-S-10-5-R-Z-Y-N-K-L-H-3-2-V-O-P-1 (P).
  • Take MUG.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 33
  • Use MUG on the marshmallow, get MARSHMALLOW (Q).
  • Go to Toyland Factory.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 34
  • Use MARSHMALLOW on the dolls, play puzzle, earn TOY DESIGNS (R).
  • Use WOODEN HORSE on the line among other toys (T).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 35
  • Easy solution: Move green gift to 1, move red gift to 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, move green gift to 8, 10 (U).
  • Hard solution: Move purple gift to 1, 2, 3, 4, move red gift to 3, 5, 6, 7, move green gift to 8, 9, A, move purple gift to 6, 9, B, move red gift to 6, 10, C (V).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 36
  • Use PHOTO OF GREEDY on the shelf, take CASH REGISTER PART and LEASH (W).
  • Use LEASH on the dog, get DOG (X).
  • Go back.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 37
  • Use DOG on the igloo, get STETHOSCOPE (Y).
  • Go to Toyland HQ.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 38
  • Use STETHOSCOPE on the safe (Z).
  • Easy solution: Click on the symbols in the order shown in the picture (A).
  • Hard solution: Click on the symbols in the order shown in the picture (B).
  • Take OLD DOLL.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 39
  • Use OLD DOLL on the empty room, click on the same doll 3 times, take ROPE and MIRROR (C).
  • Go to Irma’s Apartment.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 40
  • Use MIRROR on the fireplace, use WIRE on the matches, take MATCHES (D).
  • Select this option, get PIPE GUN (E).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 41
  • Use MATCHES on the stove, use PIPE GUN and BEAM COMPASS on the faucet, use POT on the water, move the pot on the stove (F).
  • Easy solution: Select pairs of ingredients shown in the picture (G).
  • Hard solution: Select pairs of ingredients shown in the picture (H).
  • Go to Toyland Factory.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 42
  • Use HOT CARAMEL on the broken mechanism part, take MECHANISM PART (I).
  • Use MECHANISM PART on the mechanism in the box, click on the illuminated buttons, take JOINT 2/2 (J).
  • Play puzzle (K).
  • Go forward.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 43
  • Click on Irma and Alfie (L).
  • Take MONEY PURSE, use STEPS on the gap (M).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 44
  • Use JOINT and STATUE’S ARM on the shoulder of the statue (O).
  • Easy solution: Position the pins as shown in the picture (P).
  • Hard solution: Position the pins as shown in the picture (Q).
  • Take TWEEZERS.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 45
  • Use TWEEZERS between the suitcases, get WINNING COMBINATION (R).
  • Go to Toyland Square.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 46
  • Use WINNING COMBINATION on the machine (S).
  • Solution: Fill the boxes with gifts.
  • Pull the lever to push a gift.
  • Solution: B-C-A-G-C-D-Ex3-Fx3-H (T).
  • Take HANDLE.
  • Go to the Railway Station.
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 47
  • Use HANDLE on the cash register, take TRAIN TICKETS and MAGNET (U).
  • Examine the gap, use ROPE AND MAGNET on the gap, get SNOWSHOES (W).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 48
  • Use TRAIN TICKETS and PACKED SUITCASE on Irma and Alfie (Y).
Christmas Fables 3: The Wishing Store Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 49
  • Easy solution: Arrange the timers to ensure that the train can make it to the end of the track.
  • Solution: 1-3×3-4×6-5×3-6×6-A (Z).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the timers to ensure that the train can make it to the end of the track.
  • Solution: 1-3×3-4×6-5×7-6-7×6-8×6-A (A).

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