Another Shadow – Hidden Object Puzzle game with lots of puzzles from Dark Dome. Bastian and Carissa have moved into a new house and have been living together for 5 years without any strange inconvenience. But since Bastian’s last birthday, paranormal phenomena have been happening to them. They are prevented from doing their daily chores and work, some ghosts, and it seems that an ancient curse from the past has returned. And it won’t leave until it gets what is its own, Bastian’s life. Bastian ended up in a bleak place, as if in a dark dimension. You have to find a way to return him to the normal world. If you are stuck and don’t know how to get through one of the locations, you can watch Another Shadow walkthrough on our website and find a way to get your loved one back.
Another Shadow Walkthrough
Here you can watch the full walkthrough of Another Shadow, step by step in pictures. In the passage of the game “Another Shadow”, you will need to switch between heroes to get certain items.
Step 1
Enter 461-0358 on the hall phone.

Step 2
Line up the stripes in circles on the pedestal under the phone, just like on the note.

Step 3
Match the photos to get the password.

Step 4
Sequence photos.

Step 5
First photo with 3D glasses, second with balloons, third with pizza, fourth with sunset.

Step 6
In the correct order of the photos, enter the symbols from them, on the lock under the stairs that leads to the second floor, pick up Bastin’s lubricating oil, and Carissa the voodoo doll.

Step 7
Give the voodoo doll to the hands sticking out of the floor.

Step 8
There are numbers under the cookies.

Step 9
Click on the liver and remember the numbers below them and the shape of the cookie.

Step 10 The
number under the cookie is the order of the password.

Step 11
Use the numbers under the cookies to enter the symbols on the drawer in the kitchen (everyone has a different one).

Step 12
Open the car.

Step 13
Open the trunk.

Step 14
The location of the tools is the password for the box.

Step 15
Remember how the objects correspond to the symbols.

Step 16
Enter the code, according to the location of the tools.

Step 17
Open the door with the received red key.

Step 18
Take the clue sheet from the drawer.

Step 19

Step 20
We draw a graphic pin code, according to the notes from the wall, the first is red, the second is green, the third is yellow (the code is different for everyone).

Step 21
Take the paper in the red box near the computer and insert it into the printer.

Step 22
Click on the computer to print.

Step 23
We enter the printed code on the drawer of the computer desk, and we get tongs.

Step 24
Take the matches in the kitchen in the second drawer near the sink, and light the candle on the table near the main exit.

Step 25
We set fire to the stove in the kitchen with a candle.

Step 26
Take the pan to the left of the stove in the cupboard and put it on the gas.

Step 27
Take the frozen key in the yellow box near the computer and throw it into the pot.

Step 28
We catch the key with tongs.

Step 29
Open the drawer in the bedroom with the key.

Step 30
Oil the window near the computer.

Step 31
Get the password.

Step 32

Step 33

Step 34
Using the symbols from the windows, enter the password on the box in the room with the computer, we get an airplane.

Step 35
Take the drawing from the computer desk drawer.

Step 36
The picture will show a sequence of red dots. In accordance with it, click on the fingers of the ghost.

Step 37
Take the note from the table.

Step 38
We return the airplane.

Step 39
We take a spatula on the street under a tree near the booth, and use it to open the cans with the rest of the paints in the garage, pick up the key in one of the cans.

Step 40
Open the shield on the street with the key.

Step 41
Install the switch in the shield.

Step 42
At the prompt on the sheet, set the switches.

Step 43
Play the piano, get a red notebook.

Step 44
We call the number from the notebook, we get the password.

Step 45
Enter the second part of the password, and pick up the whistle in the form of a bird.

Step 46
Whistle through the bedroom window.

Step 47

Step 48

Step 49
According to the location of the birds on the wires, we enter the password, we get the cassette.

Step 50
Insert the cassette into the player.

Step 51
Click play.

Step 52
Get the key from the dog’s collar.

Step 53
Open the plumbing hatch in the bathroom with the key.

Step 54
Open the faucet.

Step 55
Open the hot water, get the code on the mirror.

Step 56
We enter the password on the hatch in the booth, we get a trap.

Step 57
Place the trap near the hole in the tub.

Step 58
Drain the water, get the tentacle.

Step 59
We put firewood from the trunk of the car into the fireplace.

Step 60
We light the fireplace.

Step 61
Take the shrimp from the kitchen cabinet.

Step 62
Take the hook from under the rug.

Step 63
Connect the hook with fishing line and shrimp.

Step 64

Step 65

Step 66

Step 67
After we lit the fireplace, a hatch with water appeared in its place, we throw a shrimp on the hook there, we get a fish.

Step 68
Take the chicken from the refrigerator.

Step 69
Feed the strange creature.

Step 70

Step 71

Step 72
We go upstairs.

Step 73

Step 74
The heads in the book match the shapes.

Step 75
Enter the password from the figures, in the following sequence: owl, tiger, goat, alien.

Step 76
Press the switch and remember the location of the cards with the keys.

Step 77
Click on the cards with the keys, get the blue key.

Step 78
Open the cabinet with the blue key, take the shoelaces and the note.

Step 79
Insert the laces into the shoes.

Step 80

Step 81
Let’s go to the door.

Step 82
We carefully look and count how many times a person knocks his head on the window, this will be the password.

Step 83

Step 84
Enter the received password on the red box (it’s different for everyone).

Step 85
Open the window.

Step 86

Step 87
Open the door.

Step 88
We set the hands of the clock, as indicated by the drawn person, we get a light bulb.

Step 89
Install the light bulb.

Step 90

Step 91

Step 92
Butterflies flap their wings, press the buttons accordingly, we get an eraser.

Step 93
Erase the clouds with an eraser.

Step 94

Step 95

Step 96

Step 97

Step 98
Press the buttons in accordance with the white palm prints, get a leaf with a hint and tea leaves.

Step 99
Place the mug near the teapot.

Step 100
We make tea, get the password and skull, open the blue chest, and take the puzzle piece.

Step 101

Step 102

Step 103

Step 104
We set the colors of the figures in accordance with the hint, we get a claw.

Step 105
Take the buttons from the doll.

Step 106
Throw all the ingredients into the cauldron.

Step 107

Step 108
We get the feather from the second drawer in the room where the kettle is.

Step 109
We scoop up the resulting mixture with a flask.

Step 110
Get the password.

Step 111

Step 112
Enter the resulting password on the blue box, pick up the ballerina doll.

Step 113
Install the ballerina doll and press it to spin to get the necklace.

Step 114
Necklace on the mannequin, we get the third skull.

Step 115
Mix from the flask to the frog in the fireplace.

Step 116
Place the skulls on the skeletons.

Step 117

Step 118

Step 119

Step 120

Step 121
At the prompt, set the location of the hands on the skeletons.

Step 122

Step 123

Step 124
Enter the password, according to the location of the hands, an example in the picture.

Step 125
We go and the opened aperture.

Step 126
Get up.

Step 127

Step 128

Step 129
According to the location of the notes with symbols, enter the symbols on the purple chest, get the key and the pen.

Step 130
The location of the boards is the password for the hatch.

Step 131
Install the handle.

Step 132

Step 133
Take the first part of the mask from the box.

Step 134
Take the second part of the mask from under the bed.

Step 135
Give the parts of the mask to the ghost, get the key.

Step 136

Step 137
Open the box with the received key, take the pruner.

Step 138
We cut the thickets with secateurs and get a watering can.

Step 139
Water the flowers.

Step 140

Step 141
Gather all grown flowers.

Step 142

Step 143

Step 144

Step 145
We give the flowers to the woman, we get a white diamond.

Step 146
Open the locker with the key, look at the photo.

Step 147
In the open area, peel off the wallpaper with a spatula.

Step 148

Step 149
According to the location of the eyes on the tree, turn the crow, if the pupil is looking to the left, then the crow is also looking to the left, if the pupil is to the right of the crow to the right, we get a black diamond.

Step 150
Install the white diamond.

Step 151
Install the black diamond, get the key to the main exit.

Step 152
Open the main door with the key.

Congratulations, you have completely completed “Another Shadow”.
Anyone know how to get the white stone if the game didnt allow you to grab it from the hand?
Give flowers to a woman
Where do u get the oil
the Middle East