Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages – Walkthrough

Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages - Walkthrough

Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages – The game’s walkthrough begins with a mysterious series of crimes has been striking San Francisco for the past few weeks. Residents of the city wait in breathless wonder as the horrifying events take place in the quiet alleys of city. Three victims have already perished at the hands of an unknown person. All the deaths appear as if choreographed on a blood-drenched stage. One might think, as though these scenes came off the pages of a horror novel, and they would be right. Isn’t it unnerving that literature connoisseurs have noticed the similarities of the ongoing attacks to the storyline in the popular novels of Damian Crow, the master of crime fiction. Is the celebrated author behind this slaughter. Or is there a roving copycat in the city. That’s something we’ve yet to find out. If you can not pass any of the puzzles or do not know where the items are, on our site you can watch the walkthrough of the game Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages, and stop the villains.

Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages – Walkthrough

Here you can see the full walkthrough of Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages, namely for all chapters, including the bonus chapter, in pictures.

Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 1
  • Take the PLATEN (A).
  • Take the MAP, take LETTERS 1/2, take HAIRPINS 1/2, take KEY (B).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 2
  • Take JOURNAL, take SCISSORS, take PLATEN KNOB (C).
  • Use PLATEN on the printing press (C1).
  • Use PLATEN KNOB on the typewriter (D).
  • Take SAMPLE TEXT (D1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 3
  • Use SAMPLE TEXT on the printing press (E).
  • Use KEY (F).
  • Play puzzle, earn CHESS PIECE.
  • Use CHESS PIECE on the drawer (G).
  • Take SQUIRREL TAIL and LETTERS 2/2 (G1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 4
  • Use LETTERS on the printing press (H).
  • Easy and Hard Solutions: Assemble the title of the article backward: REDRUM NI SEGAP (H1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 5
  • Take paper and use it on the printing press (I).
  • Open the door (J).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 6
  • Assemble the picture as indicated in the picture (K).
  • Assemble the picture as indicated in the picture (L): A-6, B-3, C-5, D-1, E-2, F-4.
  • Assemble the picture as indicated in the picture (M).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 7
  • Select (N), Earn STRANGE LETTER, read LETTER (N1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 8
  • Play puzzle (N2), earn MAGNIFYING GLASS.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 9
  • Use SCISSORS on the bush, take HAIRPINS 2/2 (O1).
  • Use HAIRPINS on the lock (P).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 10
  • Easy solution: See the clue for the order of the arrows (Q).
  • Hard solution: See the clue for the order of the arrows (R).
  • Go to the Bookstore.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 11
  • Select 1, 2 or 3 (S).
  • Use the pot plants (3) to put out the fire (S1).
  • Use APOTHECARY KIT on Clementine (T).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 12
  • Take EVIDENCE – Check 1/3 (U).
  • Take EVIDENCE – Shoe print 2/3 (V).
  • Take SIGNET, read the note, take EVIDENCE 3/3 – Note (W).
  • Select 1 or 2 receive UMBRELLA (W1).
  • Go to the Detective Section.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 13
  • Take SUN TOKEN, take COMPACT (X).
  • Use COMPACT on the frame, earn BOOK NUMBER (Y).
  • Use BOOK NUMBER on the book shelf (Z).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 14
  • Play puzzle (A), earn ORNATE GEMSTONE.
  • Use SUN TOKEN on the plate (B).
  • Use ORNATE GEMSTONE on the book cover (C).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 15
  • Easy solution: Move the stones until the ones with painted objects on them are next to the appropriate slots.
  • Here is one of the solutions (D).
  • Hard solution: Move the stones until the ones with painted objects on them are next to the appropriate slots.
  • Here is one of the solutions (E).
  • Take MESSAGE, take TAURUS CHARM (F).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 16
  • Use TAURUS CHARM on the drawer (G).
  • Take CLAY WHISTLE (G1).
  • Go back 2x.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 17
  • Use UMBRELLA on the pipe (H).
  • Take CLAPPER (H1).
  • Use CLAY WHISTLE on the bird (I).
  • Take NAIL FILE (I1).
  • Go to the Detective Section.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 18
  • Use NAIL FILE on the book (J).
  • Take MOON TOKEN (J1).
  • Use MOON TOKEN (L).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 19
  • Easy solution: Unravel all the chains by moving the tokens.
  • Arrange the tokens like in the picture.
  • Here is one of the solutions (M).
  • Hard solution: Unravel all the chains by moving the tokens.
  • Arrange the tokens like in the picture.
  • Here is one of the solutions (N).
  • Take BALLERINA (O).
  • Use BALLERINA on the box (P).
  • Go back 2x.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 20
  • Use CLAPPER on the demon head (Q).
  • Go to the Brasserie.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 21
  • Select 1 or 2 (R).
  • Take COMB, take WEIGHTY KEY (R1).
  • Use WEIGHTY KEY on the door (S).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 22
  • Play puzzle (B), earn CHAMPAGNE.
  • Use CHAMPAGNE on the shelf, earn CLOCK HANDS (T).
  • Go to the Bookstore.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 23
  • Use CLOCK HANDS on the lock (U).
  • Earn WHIPPING TOP (U1).
  • Use HANDKERCHIEF on the glass shard, earn WRAPPED SHARD (U2).
  • Use WHIPPING TOP on the ladder (V).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 24
  • Use SIGNET on the lock (W).
  • Solution: Press the buttons in this order (X): C, A, B, C, A, B.
  • Take CAN OPENER, take GLUE (Y).
  • Go to the Brasserie.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 25
  • Use CAN OPENER on the gap, earn 3 PENCE (A).
  • Play puzzle (B), earn GRAPES AMULET.
  • Use GRAPES AMULET on the drawer (C).
  • Take RIBBON (C1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 26
  • Use SQUIRREL TAIL on the spider web (C2), take FIGURE FRAGMENTS (C3).
  • Use WRAPPED SHARD on the bag (E), earn PIPETTE (E1).
  • Go to the Bookstore.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 27
  • Use PIPETTE on the oil, earn OIL (F).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 28
  • Play puzzle (G), earn MECHANICAL HEART.
  • Use OIL and MECHANICAL HEART on the robot (H), earn STENCIL (H1).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 29
  • Use FIGURINE on the board (J).
  • Easy solution: Step 1 (K), Step 2 (L), Step 3 (M), Step 4 (N).
  • Hard solution: Step 1 (O), Step 2 (P), Step 3 (Q), Step 4 (R), Step 5 (S), Step 6 (T), Step 7 (U).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 30
  • Earn NUT and CHISEL (V).
  • Use CHISEL on the floor (W).
  • Select 1 or 2 (X1).
  • Go to the Brasserie.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 31
  • Use CRIMINAL’S WATCH on the book (Y).
  • Find Clive Fitzroy (Y1).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 32
  • Use FITZROY’S ADDRESS and 3 PENCE on the cab driver (Z).
  • Solution: Step 1: We choose the direction indicated by the sign 1937 (A).
  • Step 2: Choose the path where parking is only allowed on even numbered days of the month (B).
  • Step 3: Turn onto the winding road that leads to the Coit Tower (C).
  • Step 4: We take the road that leads to Lombart Street (D).
  • Step 5: Head towards the clock tower of the Ferry Building (E).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 33
  • Use DAMIAN’S BLADE on the glove compartment (G), take PIN (G1).
  • Use PIN on the lock (H), take PIPE (H1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 34
  • Use PIPE on the hole (I), take IRON CROWBAR (I1).
  • Use IRON CROWBAR on the window (J).
  • Easy solution: Put the fragments in the order shown in the picture.
  • Then click on the fragments in this order: 1, 2, 3 (K).
  • Hard solution: Put the fragments in the order shown in the picture.
  • Then click on the fragments in this order: 1, 2, 3, 4 (L).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 35
  • Play puzzle (M), earn FRESH NEWSPAPER.
  • Use FRESH NEWSPAPER on the door, use DAMIAN’S BLADE on the key hole (N).
  • Open the door with a key (N1).
  • Use COMB on the nail, earn NAILS 1/3, take SAW and SHOE POLISH (O).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 36
  • Use NUT on SAW (P).
  • Go to Fitzroy Manor.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 37
  • Play puzzle (Q).
  • Take BLANK SHEET (R), use DAMIAN’S BLADE on the shirt (R1).
  • Read note 1 and note 2 (S), use SHOE POLISH and BLANK SHEET on the wall, earn SHOE POLISH and PATTERN IMPRINT (S1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 38
  • Use PATTERN IMPRINT on OWL CRYPTEX, put in the symbols (T), earn WIND-UP KEY (T1).
  • Use WIND-UP KEY on the key hole (U), earn MAGNET (U1), use SHOE POLISH on the mechanism (U2).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 39
  • Use MAGNET AND RIBBON on the floor, earn COIN (W).
  • Use COIN on the screws (X), earn HANDLE and LETTERBOX HORN (X1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 40
  • Use HANDLE on SAW (Y).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 41
  • Use LETTERBOX HORN on the mailbox (Z), read the letter, take NAILS 2/3 (Z1).
  • Play puzzle, earn MEAT (A).
  • Use MEAT on the dog (B), take NAILS 3/3 (B1), use DAMIAN’S BLADE, earn GEAR (B2).
  • Go to Fitzroy Manor.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 42
  • Use GEAR on the mechanism (C), earn METAL RELAY PART (C1).
  • Use METAL RELAY PART on the shoot (D), take METAL STAG BEETLE (D1).
  • Use NAILS on the stairs (E).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 43
  • Use METAL STAG BEETLE on the lock (F), take THIN BLADE (F1).
  • Use THIN BLADE on the SAW, earn SAW (G).
  • Use SAW on the boards, earn BOARDS (H), take HINGE (H1).
  • Go to Fitzroy Manor.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 44
  • Use BOARDS on the stairs (I).
  • Use HINGE on the mannequin (J), take OWL STATUETTE (J1).
  • Use OWL STATUETTE on the stairs (K).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 45
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (L).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (M).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 46
  • Take CAMERA and OLD PENCIL (A).
  • Open CAMERA, take the broken lens out (B).
  • Use OLD PENCIL on the cupboard (C).
  • Use HANDKERCHIEF on the stain (D), take NEW LENS (D1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 47
  • Use NEW LENS on CAMERA (E).
  • Use CAMERA on the tripod (F).
  • Play puzzle (G).
  • Select 1 or 2 (G1), earn MELINDA’S LOCK PICKS.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 48
  • Open the lid (H).
  • Go to the Second Floor.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 49
  • Select 1 or 2 (I).
  • Use MELINDA’S LOCK PICKS on the lock (I1).
  • Take STURDY CLOTH (J).
  • Use STURDY CLOTH on the sofa (K).
  • Take PIANO KEY 2/3 and SEWING KIT (L).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 50
  • Use SEWING KIT on the sofa (M), earn UMBRELLA (M1).
  • Go to Monique’s Room.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 51
  • Take SOLVENT, move the pillows (N), look at the book (N1).
  • Use SOLVENT on the canvas, take the cloth and remove the paint (O).
  • Take a look at the bag, put in the name: “KING” (P), take SUITCASE PIN (P1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 52
  • Use SUITCASE PIN on the lock (Q).
  • Easy solution: Press the keypad in this order: A, B, A, C, D, E, B, A (R).
  • Hard solution: Press the keypad in this order: A, B, C, D, A, B (S).
  • Take BEADS (Q1).
  • Go back 2x.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 53
  • Use UMBRELLA on the cupboard (T), earn CHISEL (T1).
  • Use CHISEL on the floor board (U), earn PIANO KEY 3/3 (U1).
  • Use PIANO KEY on the piano (V), earn ODD NOTES (V1).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 54
  • Use ODD NOTES on the box with a code lock (W), take HEART-SHAPED DETAIL (W1).
  • Use HEART-SHAPED DETAIL on the frame (X).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 55
  • Easy solution: Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture (Y).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture (Z).
  • Earn NOTE AMULET (Z1).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 56
  • Use NOTE AMULET on the piano (A), earn SLEEPING POWDER (A1).
  • Use CAT’S SEDATIVE TREAT on the cat (C), earn LIGHTER and DAGGER (C1).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 57
  • Use DAGGER on the pillow (D), earn DAGGER and FAMILY RING (D1).
  • Use BEADS on the mechanism (E).
  • Earn WIND MUSIC WITH MIRROR, use FAMILY RING on the lock with a “G” letter (E1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 58
  • Easy solution: Arrange the amulets in the order shown in the picture (H).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the amulets in the order shown in the picture (I).
  • Take CORK and PAINTING KNIFE (I1).
  • Go to Monique’s Room.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 59
  • Use WIND MUSIC WITH MIRROR on a jewelry rack (J).
  • Play puzzle, earn PALETTE AMULET (K).
  • Use PALETTE AMULET on the easel (L), earn GLUE (L1).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 60
  • Use GLUE on the amulet from the box, earn FLAT CAT FIGURE (M).
  • Go to Monique’s Room.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 61
  • Play puzzle, earn FLAT MOUSE FIGURE (N).
  • Use FLAT CAT FIGURE and FLAT MOUSE FIGURE on the book (O).
  • Read the note (O1).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 62
  • Read Monique’s journal (P).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 63
  • Select 1 or 2 (P1).
  • Touch the key, take FAKE FLOWER 1/2, take BOOK LIST (Q).
  • Use BOOK LIST on the book pile (R).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 64
  • Play puzzle, earn LAMP CHAIN (S).
  • Use LAMP CHAIN on the lamp (T), take FAKE FLOWER 2/2 (T1).
  • Use FAKE FLOWER on the vase (U).
  • Solution: Arrange the flowers on the order shown in the picture, take ROLLER (V).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 65
  • Use ROLLER on the music box (W), earn COIN (W1).
  • Use COIN on the screws (X), take BARRETTE (X1).
  • Use BARRETTE on the broken key in the bag’s lock (Y), read the note (Y1).
  • Play puzzle (Z).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 66
  • Use EMPTY BOTTLE on the pond, earn WATER, take ROPE PART, take CATTAIL (A).
  • Use CATTAIL and LIGHTER on the bees, earn LIGHTER (B).
  • Use DAGGER on the bush (B1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 67
  • Play puzzle, earn STONE PATTERN (C).
  • Use STONE PATTERN on the stones (D), earn BIG HEAVY KNOCKER (D1).
  • Use BIG HEAVY KNOCKER on the dragon (E).
  • Go Forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 68
  • Solution: Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture (F): 2-K, 4-P, 5-N, 5-K.
  • Solution: Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture (G).
  • Solution: Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture (H).
  • Select 1 or 2 (I).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 69
  • Take LONG STICK and TONGS, move the rug (I1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 70
  • Use WATER on the fire, use TONGS on the ashes, earn SMALL SLIDER (K).
  • Use SMALL SILDER on the hatch (L).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 71
  • Easy solution: Arrange sliders as shown in the picture (M).
  • Hard solution: Arrange sliders as shown in the picture (N).
  • Take TIGER’S EYE (O).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 72
  • Use TIGER’S EYE on tiger’s head, use MELINDA’S LOCK PICKS on the key hole (P).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 73
  • Use CORK on the hole, use LIGHTER on the crossbow (Q).
  • Take GOLD CHAIN, turn on the lamp, take OIL LAMP (R).
  • Use OIL LAMP (S).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 74
  • Play puzzle, earn HEAVY FOLIO (T).
  • Use PAINTING KNIFE and HEAVY FOLIO on the lock chains (U).
  • Take Blackwood’s journal, take HOOK (U1).
  • Use LONG STICK WITH HOOK on the curtain rail (X).
  • Take SMALL GEAR (X1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 75
  • Use SMALL GEAR on the padlock, take the book (Y), read the book.
  • Earn STONE ANTLERS 1/2 (Y1).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 76
  • Use GOLD CHAIN on the hanger (Z).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 77
  • Play puzzle, earn LACE NAPKIN (A).
  • Use LACE NAPKIN on the racket, earn DECORATION (B).
  • Go to the Manor.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 78
  • Use DECORATION on the chain (C).
  • Easy solution: Arrange the stones as shown in the picture (D).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the stones as shown in the picture (E).
  • Take REFLECTOR, read the note, take MAGNET (F).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 79
  • Use MAGNET on the needles (G), take OILER (G1).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 80
  • Use REFLECTOR on the mirror (H).
  • Use OILER on the window (I), earn STONE ANTLERS 2/2 (I1).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 81
  • Use STONE ANTLERS on the gargoyle (J).
  • Earn STURDY CANE, read the book, earn RITUAL BOOK (J1).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 82
  • Use RITUAL BOOK on the pulpit (K).
  • Play puzzle, earn MYSTERIOUS MIRROR PART (L).
  • Use MYSTERIOUS MIRROR PART on the mirror (M), earn MAZE PLAN (M1).
  • Go to Manor Grounds.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 83
  • Use MAZE PLAN on the maze entrance (N).
  • Easy solution: Repeat the path from the picture (O).
  • Hard solution: Repeat the path from the picture (P).
  • Select 1, 2 or 3 (P1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 84
  • Take BARREL (Q).
  • Use STURDY CANE and BARREL, earn BROOM (R).
  • Use BROOM on the dirt, use DAGGER on the trap, earn DAGGER and TANGLED NET (S).
  • Use DAGGER on the prickly bush, earn LONG LASSO (T).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 85
  • Use NET ON ROPE on Edmund (V).
  • Easy solution: Set the traps as shown in the picture (W).
  • Hard solution: Set the traps as shown in the picture (X).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 86
  • Take ALCOHOL SOLUTION, read the newspaper, take PENCIL (A).
  • Use PUNCH CARD TEMPLATE on the code plate, enter the code, open the door (C).
  • Play puzzle, earn CELL PASS (D).
  • Use CELL PASS on the guard (E).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 87
  • Take MAGNET and PAPER SHEET (F).
  • Use PRISON’S PLAN (H).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 88
  • Play puzzle, earn MELINDA’S KEY (I).
  • Use MELINDA’S KEY on the drawer (J), earn ARREST LIST (J1).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 89
  • Use ARREST LIST on Prisoners’ list (K).
  • Easy solution: Place the names as on the clue (L).
  • Hard solution: Place the names as on the clue (M).
  • Talk to Damian (N).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 90
  • Solution: You should have a picture like this (O): 5-F, 2-E, 2-D, 1-C, 2-A.
  • Solution: You should have a picture like this (P).
  • Solution: You should have a picture like this (Q).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 91
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 92
  • Use DAMIAN’S RING on the staples in the drawer, earn MELINDA’S BROOCH (S).
  • Use MELINDA’S BROOCH on her bag (T).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 93
  • Easy solution (U).
  • Step 1: press button A – 2 times, B – 2 times, then press button C – 2 times, D – 1 time.
  • Step 2: press button A – 8 times.
  • Step 3: press button A – 3 times, B – 1 time, then press button C – 2 times, D – 1 time.
  • Step 4: press button A – 1 time, then press button B – 1 time, C – 2 times, D – 5 times.
  • Hard solution (V).
  • Step 1: press button A – 2 times, B – 2 times, then press button C – 2 times, D – 1 time.
  • Step 2: press button A – 8 times.
  • Step 3: press button A – 3 times, B – 1 times, then press button C – 2 times.
  • Step 4: press button A – 1 times, then press button B – 1 times, C – 2 times, D – 6 time.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 94
  • Earn SANDWICH (W).
  • Use DAMIAN’S ADDRESS on the map (C).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 95
  • Use SANDWICH on the mouse (D).
  • Take RED THREAD and SCREW (D1).
  • Use MAGNET on the needles, earn NEEDLES (D2).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 96
  • Use NEEDLES on the map (E).
  • Easy solution: Use the picture and plot a route, collecting all the tracks on the map along the way (F).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture and plot a route, collecting all the tracks on the map along the way (G).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 97
  • Use ALCOHOL SOLUTION on the hinge (H).
  • Take SCISSORS (I).
  • Use SCISSORS on the bush, take WHEEL (J).
  • Use WHEEL on the wheelbarrow (K).
  • Go forward.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 98
  • Select 1 or 2 (L).
  • Use GOODS LIST (M).
  • Play puzzle, earn RING (N).
  • Use RING (O).
  • Go to the Basement.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 99
  • Take LIGHTER, use SCISSORS on the cloth, earn CHINESE COIN (P).
  • Use RED THREAD on the grid, use CHINESE COIN on the barrel (Q).
  • Move the barrel, take SPATULA and HACKSAW (Q1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 100
  • Use SCREW on HACKSAW (R).
  • Use COLOR REAGENT on the vial rack (S).
  • Use SPATULA on the posters, earn BRUSH (T).
  • Go back 2x.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 101
  • Use BRUSH on the hinge (U).
  • Easy solution: The markings may be of different sizes and in different locations, but necessarily with the same symbol.
  • Please pay attention to the picture (V).
  • Hard solution: The markings may be of different sizes and in different locations, but necessarily with the same symbol.
  • Please pay attention to the picture (W).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 102
  • Use LONG UMBRELLA on the window sill, earn BAG (Y).
  • Open BAG (Y1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 103
  • Use TWEEZERS on the gap in the back of the box, earn HOOK (Z).
  • Use HOOK on the grid, earn PIN (A).
  • Use PIN on the vials (B).
  • Solution: Arrange the bottles as in the picture (C).
  • Earn CHISEL.
  • Go back up.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 104
  • Play puzzle, earn TRAY (D).
  • Use TRAY on the boiling pot, take WOODEN HANDLE (E).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 105
  • Use HACKSAW on the grid, take SHOVEL (G).
  • Use SHOVEL on the dirt, take COTTON (H).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 106
  • Use LIGHTER on the lollipops, earn HINT (J).
  • Go to the Basement.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 107
  • Use HINT on the wall, use CHISEL on the brick, take the letter, read the letter (K).
  • Open the window (L).
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (M).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (N).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 108
  • Play puzzle, earn BELL RINGER (O).
  • Take MOSAIC PART 1/3 (P).
  • Take MOSAIC PART 2/3, use BELL RINGER on the bell (Q).
  • Select 1 or 2, earn BOOK (Q1).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 109
  • Use DAMIAN’S NOVEL and BOOK on the shelves (R).
  • Easy solution: Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture (S).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture (T).
  • Go to the Old Section.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 110
  • Take IODINE (U).
  • Use IODINE on the paper, earn DRAWING (V).
  • Use DRAWING on the safe (W).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 111
  • Easy solution: Use the picture to guide you (X).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture to guide you (Y).
  • Use GOLDEN CUCKOO on the clock, take JAR OF GLUE (A).
  • Go to the Crypt.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 112
  • Use LIGHTER on the candles.
  • Play puzzle.
  • Select 1 or 2 (A1).
  • Take CRYPTEX (B).
  • Use JAR OF GLUE on the glass shards, earn MONOCLE (C).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 113
  • Take LEVER (D).
  • Use LEVER on the mechanism, press the lever, take THICK INK (E).
  • Use THICK INK and DRAFT on the tombstone, earn CODE (F).
  • Use CODE on CRYPTEX, enter the code, read the note, take MOSAIC PARTS 3/3 (G).
  • Go to the Old Section.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 114
  • Use the MONOCLE on the spyglass (H).
  • Play puzzle, earn MOON STONES (I).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 115
  • Use MOSAIC PARTS on the box (L).
  • Solution: Use correct arrangement of colors from the picture (M).
  • Earn POWDER (N).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 116
  • Use POWDER on the lock, earn BROOM (O).
  • Go to the Old Section.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 117
  • Play puzzle, earn INKPOT AMULET (P).
  • Use INKPOT AMULET and FEATHER AMULET, read Clementine’s journal (Q).
  • Go to the Crypt.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 118
  • Use BROOM on the shards, take TINY KEY (R).
  • Use TINY KEY on the bag, read the note, take the CORKSCREW (S).
  • Use CORKSCREW on PIPE, earn FLUTE (T).
  • Use FLUTE on the iguana, take GOLDEN WINGS 1/2 (U).
  • Go back.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 119
  • Play puzzle, earn FIBULA (V).
  • Use FIBULA on the wallet, earn GOLDEN WINGS 2/2 and TAP (W).
  • Go to the Crypt.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 120
  • Use TAP on the nut in the wall, take GOLD OWL SYMBOL (X).
  • Use GOLDEN WINGS and GOLD OWL SYMBOL on the grave (Y).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 121
  • Easy solution: Move the figure: left 1 time, up 1 time, right 2 times, up 1 time, left 1 time, up 1 time, left 1 time, right 1 time, down 3 times, right 1 time, down 1 time, left 3 times, right 1 time, down 2 times, right 2 times, up 5 times, left 2 times, right 1 time, down 2 times (Z).
  • Hard solution: Move the figure: down 2 times, left 1 time, down 1 time, right 2 times, up 2 times, right 1 time, up 3 times, left 1 time, up 1 time, left 2 times, right 1 time, down 3 times, left 1 time, right 1 time, up 2 times, left 3 times, right 2 times, down 3 times, left 1 time, right 2 times, up 1 time (A).
  • Read the letter.
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 122
  • Select 1, 2 or 3 (B).
  • Take Clementine’s Robe (B1).
  • Use REVLOBER on the door (D).
Criminal Archives 3: Murder in the Pages Walkthrough - Step 123
  • Easy solution: You have to get the timing right.
  • Press 3, then 3, then 1 (E).
  • Hard solution: You have to get the timing right.
  • Press 1, then 3, then 3 (F).
  • Walkthrough Bonus Chapter, at the link below.
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