Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet – Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet - Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet (Bonus Chapter) – As you advance in the game and find out that Romeo and Juliet are going through their families’ feud and promise to get married, a ghost from the past appears and wants to make sure the feud never ends and the Capulets are destroyed.

Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 1
  • Take the MATCHES (L) and note (M).
  • Use the MATCHES (N).
  • Play the puzzle (O), receive the GARDENING SHEARS.
  • Go forward.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 2
  • Take the EMPTY BOTTLE and RAZOR (Q).
  • Use the RAZOR.
  • Take the note, and PROTECTIVE AMULET (blue), take the BRICK (R).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 3
  • Insert the BRICK (S), take ROSE AMULET 1/2 (T).
  • Give the PROTECTIVE AMULET (U), receive the SHAWL.
  • Use the SHAWL (V).
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 4
  • Easy solution: (W).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 5
  • Hard solution: (X).
  • Receive the GOLD INLAY.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 6
  • Place the GOLD INLAY and take ROSE AMULET 2/2 (Y).
  • Go back.
  • Go forward.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 7
  • Place the PENDULUM (A), take the CANE and CHISEL (B).
  • Use the JULIET DOLL (C), receive the STAR INLAY.
  • Insert the STAR INLAY (D), take the CROSSBOW and RAKE (E).
  • Go back.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 8
  • Use the CHISEL (F), play the mini-game.
  • Easy solution: (4-5)-(3-6)-(2-7)-(1-9)-(7-10)-(6-11)-(5-12).
  • Hard solution: (4-8)-(3-11)-(8-12)-(2-6)-(12-4)-(11-7)-(4-8).
  • (1-9)-(8-12)-(7-3)-(12-4)-(6-10)-(4-8)-(3-11)-(8-12).
  • Take the note and ARROW ON A ROPE.
  • Place the ARROW ON A ROPE on the CROSSBOW, receive the LOADED CROSSBOW.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 9
  • Shoot the LOADED CROSSBOW (G).
  • Go right.
  • Use the CANE (H), play the mini-game.
  • Easy solution: (4-14)-Jx3-(7-9)-J-(3-5)-J-Ix2-(3-5)-Nx2-M-(19-21)-Mx2-Lx2-(15-17)-Lx3.
  • (4-14)-J-Kx3-(7-9)-(18-8)-Mx3-(15-17)-Nx2-(19-21)-Kx2-N-(12-22)-Mx2-Nx2-(19-21)-Mx2.
  • Lx2-(15-17)-N-Kx3-(12-22)-Mx2-(19-21)-Lx3-Mx2-(15-17).
  • Hard solution: (7-9)-(3-5)-(12-22)-(19-21)-(14-4)-Nx2-(19-21)-N-(12-22)-Jx2-(7-9)-J-Kx2.
  • (7-9)-L-(15-17)-Mx2-(19-21)-N-(12-22)-Nx2-M-(19-21)-M-(15-17)-M-(15-17)-Mx2-L-I-Mx5-Ix2.
  • (19-21)-Mx3-Jx2-(8-18)-Mx3-Lx2-(15-17)-Mx2-Nx2-Kx3-Jx2-N-Jx2-Kx2-M-Kx5-(19-21)-K-Jx3.
  • (7-9)-L-(17-15)-L-I-J-M-(4-14)-M-(15-17)-Jx3-(3-5)-J-Mx3-Ix3-(8-18).
  • Take the BONE.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 10
  • Take the LACE and LEATHER (O).
  • Place the LACE on the MAGNET, receive the MAGNET ON A ROPE.
  • Give the BONE (P).
  • Go forward.
  • Use the RAKE and take the NIPPERS (Q).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 11
  • Use the NIPPERS (R) and play the puzzle (green), receive the GLUE.
  • Place the GLUE and LEATHER on the LEAKY LEATHER BUCKET, receive the LEATHER BUCKET.
  • Go back.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 12
  • Use the LEATHER BUCKET (U), receive the BUCKET OF WATER.
  • Go forward.
  • Use the BUCKET OF WATER (V), play the mini-game.
  • Easy solution: 1-1-1-5-5-5-4-3-2-2-8-9-9-9-7-7-7-8-8-8.
  • Hard solution: 4-1-1-5-5-6-2-2-1-1-1-3-3-3-7-6-9-7-7-7-8.
  • Enter Octavio’s House.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 13
  • Talk to Octavio (W), take the INGREDIENT CASE.
  • Use the MAGNET ON A ROPE (X) to receive the STEEL TOOL, take the FILE (Y).
  • Take the PURPLE BERRIES and use the EMPTY BOTTLE to receive the OIL (Z).
  • Take the BRUSH (A).
  • Open the INGREDIENT CASE, take the DRAWER KEY.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 14
  • Insert the DRAWER KEY, take the MAGE BAG, and BELL (B).
  • Use the SHARP SHARD on the MAGE BAG, take the ALCOHOL and BOOK 1/3.
  • Go back.
  • Use the STEEL TOOL (C), receive the GOLDEN TILE.
  • Go back.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 15
  • Use the FILE and take the FRAMED PICTURE (D).
  • Go forward.
  • Place the BELL (E).
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 16
  • Easy solution: (F).
  • Hard solution: (G).
  • Take the BEAR INLAY.
  • Go forward.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 17
  • Place the FRAMED PICTURE (H), take the GREEN FEATHER and BOOK 2/3 (I).
  • Insert the GOLDEN TILE (J), play the mini-game.
  • Easy solution: 5-6-7-8.
  • Hard solution: 4-3-11-4-10-1-9-1-7-7-6-7-10-3-10-6-10-10-2-10-6.
  • Take the EMPTY JAR and JUG.
  • Go back twice.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 18
  • Place the JUG (K), take the NAIL PULLER and WEIGHT 1/2 (L).
  • Place the EMPTY JAR (M), receive the JAR OF FIREFLIES.
  • Place the BEAR INLAY on the MAGE BAG, take WEIGHT 2/2.
  • Go forward.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 19
  • Take the NAILS, BOOK 3/3, and RUSTY KNIFE (N).
  • Apply the OIL to the RUSTY KNIFE, receive the KNIFE.
  • Go back.
  • Place 2 WEIGHTS (O), take the BLUE MUSHROOM (P).
  • Go forward twice.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 20
  • Place 3 BOOKS (Q) and play the puzzle (orange), receive the CELTIC DECORATION.
  • Insert the CELTIC DECORATION and take the YELLOW FLOWER (R).
  • Give the ANTIDOTE INGREDIENTS (S), receive the STABLES KEY.
  • Go back.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 21
  • Insert the STABLES KEY (T).
  • Take the STEEL PLATE and BOARD 1/4 (U).
  • Take the ROCK HAMMER and BOARD 2/4 (V).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 22
  • Use the NAIL PULLER and KNIFE (W), receive 2 BOARDS and the FABRIC.
  • Use the NAILS and ROCK HAMMER on the BOARDS, receive the WOODEN BOARDS.
  • Apply the KNIFE to the FABRIC, receive the FABRIC STRIPS.
  • Place the WOODEN BOARDS (X).
  • Go forward.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 23
  • Take the STICK and GLOVE (Y).
  • Use the ROCK HAMMER (Z) to receive the FLINT, play the mini-game.
  • Easy solution: 1-2-3-5-6-4-1-2-3-4.
  • Hard solution: 3-2-1-4-5-6-1-4-3-2-1-4-5-6-1-4-3-5-6-1-4-3-5-4-1-6-5-4-1-6-5-4.
  • Go back.
  • Use the FABRIC STRIPS, ALCOHOL, STEEL PLATE, and FLINT on the STICK, receive the TORCH.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 24
  • Use the TORCH (A), play the mini-game.
  • Solution: Dominate the field (B) with your tokens (green).
  • This puzzle is randomized.
  • Use the GLOVE, take the REED PIPE, and GEMSTONE 1/3 (C).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 25
  • Place the PIKE INLAY, take the HOOK, and SANDPAPER (D).
  • Go forward.
  • Use the SANDPAPER, take the PUTTY KNIFE, and GEMSTONE 2/3 (E).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 26
  • Use the REED PIPE, take the SCISSORS, and GEMSTONE 3/3 (F).
  • Go back.
  • Place 3 GEMSTONES (G).
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 27
  • Easy solution: (H).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 28
  • Hard solution: (I).
  • Go right.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 29
  • Take the BRONZE FOX (J) and BAG (K).
  • Take the EMPTY POT, use the HANDKERCHIEF, and take the CROWBAR (L).
  • Use the CROWBAR (M) and play the puzzle (blue), receive the CHAIN.
  • Place the CHAIN on the HOOK, receive the GRAPPLING HOOK.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 30
  • Throw the GRAPPLING HOOK (N).
  • Climb up.
  • Take the note (O), use the SCISSORS (P) to receive the FEATHERS.
  • Use the PUTTY KNIFE, take the SCEPTER, and STONE TRIANGLE 1/2 (Q).
  • Go to the Basement.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 31
  • Use the FEATHERS and take the ROPE (R).
  • Use the SCEPTER, take the AWL, and STONE TRIANGLE 2/2 (S).
  • Place the ROPE on the EMPTY POT, receive the POT ON A ROPE.
  • Climb up.
  • Place 2 STONE TRIANGLES (T).
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 32
  • Easy solution: (U).
  • Hard solution: (V).
  • Take the HERBS and DRAGON INLAY.
  • Place the DRAGON INLAY on the BAG, take the ACID and note.
  • Go back.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 33
  • Use the ACID and take GOLDEN DECORATION 1/3 (W).
  • Go to the Cliff.
  • Place the BRONZE FOX (X).
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 34
  • Solution: 1-8.
  • Receive the STATUETTE.
  • Go to the Hallway.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 35
  • Place the STATUETTE (Y), take GOLDEN DECORATION 2/3 (Z).
  • Go to the Cliff.
  • Use the AWL and take GOLDEN DECORATION 3/3 (A).
  • Use the POT ON A ROPE (B), receive the BUCKET OF LAVA.
  • Go back.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 36
  • Use the BUCKET OF LAVA (C), take the HAIRPIN (D).
  • Go right.
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 37
  • Easy solution: 1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-4-4-4-4-4-4-3-3-3-3.
  • 2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-4-4-3-2-3-4-4-4-4-1-1.
  • Hard solution: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-4-1-4-3-4-1-4-4-4.
  • 3-3-3-3-2-1-1-1-2-3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-2-3.
  • Go to the Rooftop.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 38
  • Take the POUCH (F).
  • Use the HERBS (G), receive the BURNING HERBS.
  • Insert the HAIRPIN and take the GOLDEN KEY (H).
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 39
  • Use the BURNING HERBS and take the HONEYCOMB (I).
  • Open the POUCH, take the COIN.
  • Go back.
  • Insert the GOLDEN KEY (J) and play the puzzle (purple), receive GASPAR’S AMULET.
  • Place GASPAR’S AMULET (K), receive the MAGIC SWORD.
  • Go to the Basement.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 40
  • Use the HONEYCOMB (L) and take RUNE 1/2 (M).
  • Use the COIN, take the PAINTED CIRCLE, and TONGS (N).
  • Go to the Rooftop.
  • Place the PAINTED CIRCLE (O).
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 41
  • Easy solution: (T-6)-(S-21)-(Q-14)-(T-1)-(R-8)-(Q-24)-(S-20)-(U-11)-(T-17)-(R-11).
  • Hard solution: (T-6)-(S-13)-(Q-17)-(S-20)-(Q-15)-(T-1)-(S-21)-(R-8)-(Q-21)-(S-18)-(U-14)-(S-1).
  • (T-17)-(P-16)-(V-10)-(Q-24)-(T-13)-(V-6)-(T-9)-(V-16)-(T-7)-(U-21)-(R-9)-(W-1)-(S-14)-(T-18).
  • (R-11)-(T-17)-(R-10)-(S-19).
  • Take RUNE 2/2.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 42
  • Use the TONGS (X), receive the HOT EMBER.
  • Place the MAGIC SWORD, 2 RUNES, HOT EMBER, and take the MAGIC SWORD (Y).
  • Use the MAGIC SWORD (Z).
  • Play the mini-game.
Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 43
  • Easy solution: Cx5-Bx6.
  • Hard solution: Cx5-Bx6-Ax5.

Congratulations! You have completed the game Dark Romance 6: Romeo and Juliet.

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