Demetrios – A puzzle adventure game filled with humour and intricate stories. You will play as a character named Bjorn Thonen, a slob and antique shop owner living in Paris. One night on a hot July night, he comes home drunk, and falls on his bed to rest, as suddenly he gets a phone call. He picks up the phone and some stranger tells him that he is in mortal danger, Bjorn thinks it’s a prank and hangs up. Later that night Bjorn hears creaks and noises, he goes to check what’s going on, takes a torch and moves into the living room. He saw nothing, but suddenly, he found himself on the floor, after he woke up he realised that someone had broken into the flat and he was the victim of a robbery. Forced to start his own investigation, with the help of his neighbour Sandra, he gradually realises that he has become a participant in a very complicated story. You will have to find out the whole truth and find out what happened that night. If you can not pass any of the puzzles or do not know where the items are, on our site you can watch the walkthrough of Demetrios, and find out how to end this unusual story.
Demetrios – Walkthrough
Here you can see the complete walkthrough of Demetrios, including all chapters.
Chapter 1: Paris Shmaris
- I’d better check all the rooms in my apartment and see if anything important is missing. I can’t really say why, but I have a feeling this is no ordinary thief…
- I’m certain I forgot to check something in my bedroom…
- Right! The bird statue! I should take a closer look at it.
- The thief stole my statue’s tablet! But why? I’d better go to the police and see if they can help me.
- To go to the police, I have to leave my apartment, then take the stairs. I’ll be able to find it on my map. I have to talk to the right policeman.
- I need to tell the police about my bird statue and the stolen tablet!
- The policeman wants to see my ID card! But where did I put it? It’s probably somewhere in my apartment…
- Where did I see my ID card last…? Hmmm… I think it was in my jacket… But where’s my jacket?
- Oh, right! My jacket is in my closet! I’d better check my jacket pocket, I might find my ID card there…
- I know where I’ll find it!
- I expected that… The policeman doesn’t care about my case. But I know it’s no ordinary thief! I need some proof. Maybe I could check around my store? I think I saw something on the street near the shop…
- Yeah! There’s a newspaper on the floor! I should show it to the police!
- It seems the policeman will get me an appointment with the inspector if I give him an ice cream cone. Didn’t I see an ice cream cart recently?
- Yeah, there’s an ice cream man near my antique store. I should go there!
- The ice cream man is there!
- I need money to buy an ice cream… But the thief stole my credit card and my cash! Fortunately, I think I have some money left somewhere else in my apartment.
- I think the money is in my living room. In the top-left of the wardrobe, to be exact. But it’s locked!
- The key to open the drawer? Where is it? I think I left it in a messy box in my apartment…
- Yeah, the key is in the cardboard box in my closet. But it’s too dark in there to rummage! How can I fix that?
- I need to use my flashlight on the box!
- I need my flashlight! With it, I should be able to find the key in the cardboard box. But where’s my flashlight? Somewhere in my apartment, that’s for sure…
- My flashlight is here!
- I need to use my flashlight… But the batteries are dead! Maybe I should look in the closet; I may have some replacements there.
- I remember having a gadget in the top drawer in the closet. It probably has working batteries!
- I need to get the batteries from my vibrating eiffel tower and combine them with my flashlight!
- What a waste of cookie! I just need to deliver the ice cream to the policeman!
- Now that I have money, I should buy that ice cream cone for the policeman!
- I need money to buy an ice cream cone for the policeman! But how to get some? Mmm… This small key is probably key to solving that mystery. Yeah.
- I should probably unlock the drawer in my wardrobe. I keep some cash there, just in case.
- The locked drawer is there!
- So the policeman wants a coconut ice cream, huh?… Maybe I could do something with that ice cube…
- I’ve got it! I need to coat the ice cube with coconut flavoring! Let’s see if I can find that somewhere…
- I know! In my bathroom, my deodorant… It’s coconut flavored!!! That’ll work great!
- My deodorant is here! I just need to coat the ice cube with it.
- How the heck am I going to find a coconut ice cream?! I have almost no money left! Anyway, let’s talk to the ice cream man again, and we’ll see…
- The ice cream man sells Scottish ice cream for cheap… Maybe I should get one, then see what I can do with it.
- Sandra said I promised to give her a cookbook. I’d better find it! I remember having a book like that in my apartment, but where?
- I think the cookbook is in my bedroom.
- The book I should get is here!
- Sandra gave me the lighter from the thief! I should visit the Dumoulin company stamped on the lighter. Then I’ll figure out some way to get more info…
- The guard won’t give me any information. I need to find another way. I noticed something behind that billboard…
- While the guard is away, I need to unlock the billboard.
- Now that I’ve unlocked it, I need to turn the billboard and take what’s behind it!
- What am I waiting for?! Let’s grab those keys behind the billboard!
- I need to enter the archives at the Dumoulin company… But how? The guard won’t let me! I have to figure out a way to distract him…
- I should read the signs… There might be a clue!
- Using the phone might be a good idea. But calling the guard myself would be pointless. I could use some help!
- When I’m at the Dumoulin company, I should call Tom! He’ll keep the guard busy, while I search the archives.
- I really need a phone to distract the guard! But where did I leave mine?
- I often forget my phone in my store… It might be a good idea to check there.
- My mobile phone is there!
- While the guard is busy, I can use the keys on the archive door and enter. Inside, I have to find a way to get information on Hector!
- I noticed the middle drawer contains a list of the company staff. Hector is probably among them! Also, the bottom drawer seems to have detailed files on each person.
- The files in the bottom drawer are identified by a letter and a number. The same symbols appear next to the photo of each person in the staff list!
- Hector’s file is identified by “C4.” So I need to take the “C4” file in the bottom drawer!
- I’ve got Hector’s address! That will be enough. Now, let’s get out of the archives! Not out the front door, obviously. There must be another, smarter way!
- The window! I need to get out from the window! It’s not much of a jump.
- How to exit through a window, lesson one! First, turn the handle. Then, open the window. Finally, exit! Ta-da, you’re free!
- I think I should look over my bathroom more carefully… Yeah, that’s a weird thing to say. But I have the feeling I missed something!
- There’s a paper in the bathroom trash can! Let’s have a look-see!
- Where’s that paper? Am I going blind or what…? Ohhhh, I see it now!
- I remember a weird invoice in the bathroom trash can… I should take a better look!
- There’s a phone number on the invoice! I should write it down and try to call the seller!
- Now that I’ve got Henri Basse’s number, maybe I should call him?
- Tom said I should go visit him at the end of the day. It’s time! Let’s check the map.
- Let’s show my ID card to the policeman!
- Let’s give the coconut ice cream to the policeman!
- I need to open the archives door with the keys and enter!
- I need to show the newspaper to the policeman! That should convince him!
- I remember having batteries in the top drawer in the closet. I should get them! I need to get the batteries in the drawer and combine them with my flashlight!
Chapter 2: Fun and Fair
- I have an appointment with Inspector Cassé! I should go to the police station and head upstairs.
- I should pay a visit to Hector! His house is on the Paris map now. I want to talk to him face to face, to see who I’m dealing with.
- It’s obvious Hector isn’t ready to tell the truth… I should just leave the conversation.
- I really need to talk to a friend about this… Tom said he was fishing at the lake today.
- Tom said I’d need the fingerprints of the thief. I should search for a fingerprint kit! I’m pretty sure the police have that kind of equipment…
- I need to “borrow” Inspector CassĂ©’s fingerprint kit! But it’d be impossible to steal it, it’s way too big. There must be another way to get it from him…
- I know! I should just insist on borrowing it by asking over and over until he’s fed up and gives it to me! That’s definitely going to work!
- I need to find fingerprints of the thief. What did he touch? He probably left fingerprints on something…
- The thief touched the bird statue in my bedroom. Let’s use the fingerprint kit on that!
- To prevent Hector from running, I’ll need restraints. Handcuffs for example. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some in my apartment…
- The handcuffs are in the top drawer in my closet!
- I need a police badge to look credible… Didn’t Inspector CassĂ© have one?
- I’ll find the badge in the inspector’s jacket. It’s small so I can probably just hide it in my pullover while he’s not looking!
- I’ve got a client in my antique store! I should ask him if he can help me move the furniture blocking the top floor.
- Hector might recognize me… I need a wig. I remember seeing something like that in my antique store, upstairs.
- I can use that mop as a wig!
- If I want to disguise myself as a policeman, I need the right uniform! Didn’t I see one like that at the funfair?…
- Yes, I can exchange coins at the funfair for a uniform! The wheel operator has them. Of course I’ll need to win enough coins first. Let’s play some Plate Shoot, maybe!
- Someone is ready to sell me a gun in my antique store! I don’t have enough money so he needs something valuable in exchange. My most precious statue is upstairs… But a cat is blocking the way! How to get rid of it?
- I’ll need something to distract the cat. Maybe a cat toy? I haven’t seen anything like that, but maybe I can build one!
- Cats love mice! I’m pretty certain there’s some kind of computer mouse lying at the bottom of the lake. Time to do some fishing!
- To get the gun, I need to get rid of the cat blocking the access to my precious statue! Throwing the mouse at the cat won’t be enough. I need to be able to move it, and for that I’d need a string!
- There’s some super-resistant string in my apartment, on the floor… Though it’s unusual…
- Let’s cut the trash bag string! It’s very strong!
- I have the mouse, I have the string. Let’s combine them to make a cat toy!
- What am I waiting for? Let’s use the cat toy on the cat! Then get the valuable statue and give it to the sleazy man in my store!
- Tom said I need visual proof. Dunno why but I think Caroline might have been a witness! She’s in front of my store.
- Caroline will give me the picture in exchange for a plush. She’s the kind to like horrible things, so let’s get the most awful plush at the funfair…
- Caroline will surely want the Cat head plush. I should grab it at the funfair claw machine (the middle one), and give it to her! If I’m running out of coins, I can just play some Plate Shoot!
- Caroline needs a Pico WD card to copy the photo onto. I think I saw one in the right claw machine at the funfair…
- Let’s give the Pico WD card to Caroline!
- I’ll need to record Hector when he confesses! Who has a recorder? Maybe I could ask Sandra?
- Mushrooms! I know they often grow near trees. Maybe I should check by the lake?
- The mushrooms are there!
- There’s rum in the recipe. Doesn’t Tom always have a bottle of rum next to him? Let’s ask him and insist!
- Tom will not give me the rum until I catch some fish. Well then… Let’s do some fishing!
- I need honey, but I don’t feel like going to the supermarket. Besides I don’t have any money! Let’s look for a bee hive instead !
- There’s a bee hive near Tom at the lake. Of course I can’t just stick my hands in it… I’ll need to get rid of the bees first.
- I should burn the reeds. The smoke will surely make the bees flee the nest!
- I need something to store the honey. Maybe I could find an old vase in my antique store?
- There’s a jar upstairs! Perfect!
- Let’s combine the empty jar in my inventory with the beehive to get the honey!
- So I need eggs? Wasn’t there a nest near Hector’s place? I should take a look.
- The nest is here.
- The eggs are way too high for me to reach. I should ask someone who could reach them for me… Hey! I think Caroline said she liked climbing trees! Let’s ask her!
- Caroline wants a tennis ball in exchange for the eggs. Wasn’t there one near the ice cream man?
- If I can’t find a way to get that tennis ball myself, maybe Caroline could help?
- Well, I have all the ingredients for Sandra’s recipe! Let’s see if she found her tape recorder.
- Looks like I’ve got the disguise and all the proof I need! Let’s put Hector in jail!
- This guy is hiding something… He must have my money and the tablet somewhere! I should check the walls…
- There’s definitely something behind the wall there!
- I should try using my ID card to open that crack in the wall… It’s slim enough to fit.
- I need to enter the combination to that safe… Maybe he wrote it down somewhere in this room!
- The combination is written on the radiator! It’s : 1 4 6 3
- Now I need a key to open the safe… It must be somewhere in this room! What would be good a hiding place for a small key?
- The key is in that mouse hole!
- There’s no way I can grab the key from the mouse hole with my fingers. I’d need something that attracts metals… but I don’t have anything like that currently. Maybe I could find something like that in the same room.
- On the yogurt pack, there’s a magnet!
- Let’s use the magnet on the mouse hole to get the key and open the safe!
- Let’s grab everything from the safe and scoot!
- I can use the scissors in my pharmacy.
- Let’s pay a visit to Sandra! It’s been a while!
Chapter 3: Welcome to Nogo
- I wonder how Sandra is doing! Let’s pay her a visit!
- Where the heck is that annoying brat?! Maybe I should check my store… I left the door open.
- She’s behind the sarcophagus!
- She’s not in my store anymore… I should get back to my apartment.
- She’s behind the curtain in my closet!
- I’m pretty sure that brat is still in my apartment! Let’s check the bedroom!
- Don’t tell me she’s… in the coffin?!
- Let’s go outside!
- I need a map to go outside… Let’s talk to the bartender.
- Let’s go upstairs and give this snack to room 204!
- Henri said I’d find the sorcerer at the underground bar. Let’s get the map from the bartender and go there!
- That big guy is preventing me from entering the bar. He wants a card… A membership card? I saw one close to him!
- The membership card is in his pants! I need to take it when neither the guard nor the woman are looking.
- I need to change the picture on his card to mine. But how?… Maybe I’ve already got a picture of myself, somewhere?…
- Yes, there’s a picture of me on my ID card! I should try cutting it out with the scissors!
- Let’s go back to the hotel room… Maybe I’ll find some glue there?
- I need some kind of glue, but I don’t see any! Sandra said she can’t find her tube of glue… And Caroline just vomited on my door. Great.
- That’s it! Caroline didn’t eat a biscuit… She ate the glue! That explains why the vomit is all sticky!
- I need to… rub my picture in the vomit. Yeah.
- Now I should combine my picture with the membership card! A perfect fake!
- What a waste of a cookie… I should show my fake card to the bouncer to enter the bar and talk to the sorcerer!
- So, the Gekom root is some kind of little plant? I saw one like that near the entrance of the bar!
- It’s here!
- The sorcerer said he needs Gekom root ashes… So I need to burn it. The lighter isn’t enough. Maybe I can make a bigger fire somewhere? I think my hotel room has something…
- I should light a fire in my hotel room with my lighter, and let the Gekom root burn in it!
- According to the picture, I need a little plant with red flowers. I think I saw one like that near the pond, at the excavation site!
- I know! The plant is there!
- Let’s bring the plant with the red flowers to the sorcerer!
- So I need a plant with blue flowers instead?! Darn! There’s one like that where I found the first one.
- Let’s give the new plant to the sorcerer, to see if it’s Stagilis Strasimum!
- I’m pretty sure there are piranhas in the pond at the excavation site! But I’ll need some kind of fishing rod… Maybe I could build one?
- I’ll need a crowbar! I’m pretty sure I saw one at the store.
- The crowbar is here!
- To catch piranhas, I should build a fishing rod. Let’s tie the crowbar with the string! That’ll be a good start!
- The thing I built doesn’t look like a fishing rod yet… I need a hook!
- There’s a box full of hooks here, in the tent! Let’s take one and tie it to the rest!
- I should tie the hook to my “fishing rod.”
- I should combine the crowbar and the string with the hook!
- The piranhas won’t be attracted by my fishing rod if I don’t add bait… I could grab some food at the hotel?
- I should take those appetizers!
- I should bait my fishing rod with the appetizers! The final touch!
- Let’s go fishing at the pond! I should use the fishing rod to get a piranha!
- I should ask about Malaki at the store.
- I think the store said Malaki fruit would be delivered today… Maybe they arrived?
- How am I supposed to make juice from these?! They’re hard as rocks! He said I’d need some kind of machine… Maybe someone at the hotel has a juicer?
- I think Sandra brought a juicer in her plastic bags! I should ask her!
- Well, I put the juicer in my room… I should try using it. First, let’s plug it in!
- Looks like I need some kind of vessel to put in the juicer… I should grab a glass at the hotel, and try putting it in there.
- The glass is here!
- Let’s put the glass into the juicer!
- Darn! The glass didn’t fit in the juicer! I need something with very specific dimensions… I’ll never find anything like that! Maybe I should make it myself?
- Hey, the man at the bazaar had a pottery machine! Let’s buy that!
- I should try using the pottery machine! The cup needs to be exactly 5 centimetres wide to fit into the juicer.
- There are marks on the pottery machine. Each mark is one centimeter. I need to start the machine, wait until the cup grows to five centimeters, then stop it!
- Let’s try putting that cup I made in the juicer and see if it fits!
- Obviously, I need to put the Malaki fruit inside the juicer… And then press the “ON” button to start the juicing!
- It’s perfect, I’ve got everything! Let’s bring these back to the sorcerer!
- Let’s bring that potion to Henri! He’s in room 204!
- Well that was a waste of time. I should check on Sandra…
- Sandra said she can’t find her glue… And Caroline just threw some fruit juice on my door. Great. Wait, that fruit juice… It’s all sticky, like glue! That’s it! I need to rub my picture in the fruit juice!
Chapter 4: Day at the Museum
- I promised to go see the archaeologist at the museum. Better do that first.
- I need a ticket to enter the museum! By playing the quiz machine, I could get one!
- Here are the answers to the first questions. Question 1 : Nogo Question 2 : Only one hotel Question 3 : Big I’ll figure out the rest!
- Well, I thought I was more clever than that! The final answers are… Question 4 : Between 1948 and 1948 Question 5 : Mud Cat Question 6 : A hideous color
- Where’s the archaeologist? I should probably visit the museum, maybe I’ll see him… That bird statue seems familiar! I should read that sign above it, it might be interesting.
- Let’s go back to the hotel and get the tablet! It’s under my pillow.
- The tablet is here!
- Let’s go back to the museum and talk to the archaeologist…
- I need to find someone who can read old Nogoyan, someone with a bent spoon tattoo. I’m pretty sure I saw someone fitting that description in the underground bar…
- Yes, the Arab at the bar. I should ask him nicely!
- I have to get rid of the sorcerer… But I can’t kill him for real. Let’s try to find a way to put him into a comatose state, to make him look dead! I must have something in my inventory that could help me!
- Remember what the sorcerer said… The plant with the red flowers can induce a comatose state! Let’s find a way to use it…
- I should press the plant in the juicer! That way, it’ll be easy to put the juice in his glass!
- I should pour the plant juice into his glass. But I can’t do that while he’s looking at me! Is there a way to distract him?…
- The sorcerer is obsessed with his bird. Let’s ask to see the bird fly. While he’s looking away, I could pour the juice in his glass!
- So I need to bring him the text… I can’t copy it, so there’s only one way. I need to steal the vase!
- The alarm system will prevent me from taking the vase. So I need to disable it. I’ve noticed there’s an electric panel above… But I’d need a screwdriver to unscrew it. Let’s find one!
- There’s a screwdriver in my hotel room! I should take it and use it on the electric panel.
- So I need to bring him the text… I can’t copy it, so there’s only one way. Stealing the vase!
- The alarm system will prevent me from taking the vase. So I need to disable it. I’ve noticed there’s an electric panel above… Let’s use my screwdriver to open it!
- I should concentrate on deactivating the alarm system. I can probably cut some wires in the electric panel. But which ones?
- I’ve noticed some wires seem to have already been cut then badly fixed! Maybe someone already cut off the alarm system during the last robbery? I should cut the same wires!
- I need to cut the middle wire on the left with my scissors, and cut the middle wire at the bottom too.
- Now that I shut off the alarm system, I should try to get the vase! I’ll need something very strong to break the glass. None of the things in my inventory will do. But there’s something I used yesterday that I can get back…
- I need to take the crowbar that I used as a fishing rod at the pond!
- Let’s smash the vase glass with the crowbar!
- I should bring the vase to the Arab at the bar so he can translate it…
- I’ve got the translation… Let’s return to the museum and give it to the archaeologist.
- First I need to go to the hideout, which is on the map now.
- I should check who’s in there and figure out where the tablets are…
- I need a plan! There must be a way to make those villains exit the hideout. Maybe there’s something on the roof that could help?
- I ought to take a look at the chimney! I can probably use it for my plan!
- I should take a look inside the truck. I’m pretty sure there’s something interesting in there!
- There are shears in the truck! I might need them!
- I’ve got a plan! It involves climbing on the roof, so I spread the drug inside! But I can’t climb that ladder until I fix it… There are five bars missing. What could I use?
- To replace the five missing bars on the ladder, I should cut those giant fingers in the fountain! Let’s use the shears to cut’em!
- I can fix the ladder! Let’s replace the missing bars with those giant fingers!
- Let’s climb the ladder!
- I can’t just throw the plant down the chimney… I need something that I could hold and set on fire…
- I should cut a branch from the tree! I can surely use something in my inventory to cut one!
- Let’s use the shears on the tree to get a branch!
- I’ll never be able to burn the branch with my lighter… unless I add something else. Is there something on this roof that I could use?
- I should put the branch in the gas barrel. That way, it’ll burn easily!
- I forgot the most important part… I should put the drug on the branch! Let’s combine them!
- The final touch! I should light the branch with my lighter. I just need to combine them!
- There we go! Now I should use the burning branch on the chimney to make the bandits run away!
- Oops… The big dummy is outside, shooting at me… I should go to the right of the roof, there may be something I could use to eliminate him!
- That’s it! I should push that big wheel on the far right of the roof! With a little luck it’ll fall on him. I just need to be careful to avoid his bullets. He always shoots at the exact same spot so it should be possible to pass through with the right timing. Once I’m behind the wheel, I might need something to push it…
- Yes, I should use my crowbar to push that big wheel!
- Let’s go for a visit! I should start with the museum. Maybe I’ll find Bjorn there?
- Mr. Basse suggested I ask his wife about the tablet. She’s in room 204 of the hotel.
- The Bazaar merchant must have the tablet! Let’s talk to him.
- No way! I won’t give the merchant a kiss! I should ask for help. I saw an underground bar, maybe I could have a drink there?…
- Let’s talk to the fortune teller! Maybe she could help!
- So I need a lizard…I think I saw one near the excavation site! I wonder how I’ll catch it, though… I need a plan.
- That lizard looks hungry. Let’s give it some food! There are some appetizers at the hotel.
- So I need a lizard…I think I saw one near the excavation site! I could probably use some food to catch it.
- Yes, I can put the appetizers on that rock for the lizard!
- After the lizard eats all that food, it’ll be much slower! I should be able to grab it!
- Let’s give the lizard to that crazy old hag… I mean, the fortune teller!
- I should use the pendant on the Bazaar merchant. She implied it can hypnotise people!
- I got the tablet! Let’s return to the hotel and see if Bjorn or Caroline are back.
Chapter 5: Escape the Graveyard
- There’s something bothering me… Right under my butt… What is it?
- I could swear there’s someone at the window! I should have a look!
- Yes, there’s Caroline right here!
- Oh no! I can’t hold it anymore! Maybe I should just… give up…
- Well, I let it go… But look! It made the medallion move right under my feet! I can grab it now!
- Let’s talk to Caroline again…
- To get the knife, I need to use the only item in my inventory… The medallion. It attracts metal!
- Easy! With the knife in hand, I can finally cut my ropes!
- Caroline is at the window…
- The guard has the keys. I’ve seen them in his pocket! How could I get him right next to me so I could steal them?…
- The light bulb! I should unscrew it, then ask the guard to fix it! Let’s just be careful to do it when he’s not looking.
- Let’s try again. I need to unscrew the light bulb, ask him to come, and click on the keys in his pocket. Then I should sneak forward with my hand (without going too far left), grab the keys, and come back to the right.
- I need a key to open the gate. There’s a message on that paper! Maybe a clue?
- The message says to “unmount the shoes”… I don’t think it refers to the clergyman’s shoes, but to that “No shoes” sign at the top!
- I need to unscrew the “No shoes” sign with my screwdriver! The key must be behind it!
- To enter the Vitocks vault, it seems I need to put something in that hole shaped like a heart. I’ve noticed one of the tombs has buttons on it, like a phone! I should take a closer look.
- Each button on the phone tomb has a symbol. Maybe there’s a specific order to push them?
- Yes, chronological order! Let’s push each symbol according by invention date, from oldest to newest. That’d be: flint, wheel, parchment, glasses, toilet paper, light bulb, vacuum cleaner, TV, mobile phone.
- That tomb shaped like a guitar… It says the guy chose the year of his death so we can play a good tune. And there’s a piano keyboard at the top!
- I need to input the year “1983” on the piano. The leftmost key is 1, the rightmost one is 9.
- One of those tombs looks like a pinball machine! I should play it! It says I’ll get a prize if I get 5,000 points!
- The manuscript I got seems to show the location of the third piece… That drawing… Doesn’t it look like the front gate?
- The manuscript indicates I should look at the right side of the gate. More precisely, the fourth stone from the top and second from the left.
- It’s that one!
- I should insert all the pieces I got into that hole shaped like a heart!
- I can’t see a thing inside that vault… Maybe I could use something from my inventory?
- Let’s use my flashlight!
- There must be a way to open these coffins! I’ve noticed there are locks on the sides… with screws.
- I should open the coffin locks with a screwdriver!
- I’m pretty sure I haven’t opened the top right coffin yet… Let’s do it!
- The tablet must be somewhere inside the coffin with all the stuff inside! Maybe it’s hidden inside something else…
- The toaster! There’s a little handle to the left of it. Let’s use that!
- There’s a weird toast inside that toaster! Let’s have a closer look!
- All said and done! Let’s leave this place by clicking at the bottom, when I’m at the front gate.
Chapter 6: Ending with a Bang
- The location I’m looking for is somewhere below a group of cacti and with a mountain on the right. To find the precise tile, I need to be careful with the distances! They’re indicated on the parchment, but not in meters…
- On the map, it says 1 meter is equivalent to 5 Narudias. The parchment indicates that the distance between the cacti and the temple is 10 Narudias, so 2 meters. One meter equals one tile on the map. So this means the treasure location is two tiles below the cactuses!
- Let’s do the same with the width. According to the parchment, when it’s noon, the distance between the mountains and the temple is 20 Narudias. That means 4 meters, or 4 tiles on the map. To summarize, the tile I’m looking for is 2 tiles below the cacti and 4 tiles at the left of a mountain!
- I need to find the correct values for the two symbols. I could try every combination… But now I’ve eaten a cookie, so I know the house symbol is “6”!
- What, really?! Looks like we’re very lazy… Anyway, the target symbol is “2”. So I should press “6” at the top and “2” at the bottom.
- This time, I just need to concentrate… It’s a memory game. I need to press the same combination of buttons as the computer. I’ll try three times. If I can’t get it right, I’ll just smash the whole thing!
- Hey, I can turn that paper on the wall! I just need to pull the bottom-left corner.
- I’m pretty sure the mechanism at the left of the room is supposed to be turned left or right. But I need the correct combination. I bet the solution is written on that parchment on the wall somehow!
- The parchment is almost written in English in the top part.
- It says “Do not use a weapon and be careful with the dog”. The bottom text with symbols has the exact same number of letters and spaces! So it’s the same message! So I can find what letter each symbol means and translate the message at the other side of the parchment!
- The message behind the parchment is “Turn three left then one right”. So I need to turn the mechanism three times to the left, then one time to the right!
- The solution is to say something in the microphone. I bet it’s something written in the room… Maybe those dancing stick figures are a clue?
- Got it! Each one of these stick men is a letter! The first letter is obviously a “D”, the second one an “E”, the fourth one also an “E”… I just need to take a good look and guess it!
- The word I have to say in the microphone is DEMETRIOS! Of course! I’m such an idiot!