Murder in the Alps – Chapter 2: Exiled Dead – More than a week has passed since the investigation into the murder of Aldo Molinelli was completed. Anna is still in Porto Ceso. Very friendly people live in this beautiful town, but it’s time to know. She’s happy here, but she can’t wait to get back to the office. You thought that in Porto Ceso everything is quiet and calm. In vain. Help Officer Cozzi break the veil of secrecy that keeps the whole city at bay.
Murder in the Alps – Chapter 2: Exiled Dead Walkthrough
Here you can watch the complete walkthrough of Chapter 2: Exiled Dead in the game Murder in the Alps.

1. Zoom in on the suitcase.
2. Take the key.
3. Put the camera into the suitcase.

4. Put the Diary into the suitcase.
5. Close the suitcase and pick it up.
• Leave the room.

• Go to the old town.
1. After speaking to Rinaldo, give him the apartment key.
2. After speaking to Luigi, zoom in on the watering can and take the figurine.
• Go to the station platform.

1. After the conversation on the platform, zoom in on a suitcase, open it and take the figurine.
2. Zoom in on the boxes.
3. Tap on the sign and the crack in the box.
• Go to the station lobby.

1. Zoom in on the timetable sign.
• Scroll down to Find the Milan-Zurich train schedule.
• Go to the town square.

2. Zoom in on the ground and take the figurine.
3. Zoom in on the drawer, open it and take the figurine.
• Go to the police station.

• After the conversation in the police station, try to fix the phone.
• Take the wires and drag them to the sockets with the same color, as shown in the picture below.

1. After fixing the phone, take the typewriter.
2. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Open the drawer, zoom in and take the objects inside.
2. Open the cabinet, zoom in and take the objects inside.

3. Open the safe, zoom in and take the gunpowder.

• After the HOS, leave the police station.
1. After talking to Rinaldo, take a key from him.
• Goto the apartments.
2. Zoom in on the door and use the key to open it. Go inside.

3. In the apartment, place your suitcase on the ground to unpack it.
4. Place the typewriter on the table.
5. Zoom in on the camera case, open it and take the Figurine.

1. Zoom in on the typewriter.
2. Attach the ribbon to the typewriter.
3. Put some paper into the typewriter.
4. Start writing the article.

5. After the article is finished, place the page into an envelope.
6. Pick up the envelope.
• Leave the room and go to the station lobby.

1. Zoom in on the postbox.
2. Drop the envelope into the postbox.
• Go to the old town.
3. Talk to Rinaldo and get some daisies from him.

• Go to the cemetery through the alley.
4. Zoom in on the lantern, open it and take the Figurine.
5. Zoom in on the cross on the grave.
6. Place the daisies on the grave.

• After the conversation with Luigi, leave the cemetery.
• Go to the police station.

• Later in the evening, leave the police station and go to the station cellar.
1. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Attach a tap to the barrel. Use it to pour a glass of wine.
2. Open the basket, zoom it in and take the objects inside.

3. Open the book, scroll down the page and take the ice cream.
4. Pull out the boxes. Zoom in on them.
5. Use a spoon to open the can and take the coffee.

• After the HOS, go back to the old town.
• After meeting Giuseppe, go to the harbor.
1. Take out the lantern.

2. Zoom in on the barrel, open it and take the figurine.
3. Zoom in on the tracks on the ground.

• After the comic, take the Cliff Road to the Lake View.
1. Zoom in on the trash bin and take the figurine.
2. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Attach the blades to the windmill to complete and take it.
2. Zoom in on the trash bin and take the firefly.
3. Open the can and take the sardines.

4. Zoom in on the nest box and take the objects.
5. Unlock the latch to open the door to find the egg shell.

1. After the HOS, zoom in on the tree.
2. Tap on the wire.
3. Move the bushes so you can see the footprints.
• Take a photo of them.
• Go to the Town Square.
4. Give Giuseppe the candle.

• In the town patrol mini-game you need to place the characters so that their vision covers all the town tiles, as shown in the picture below.

• After the mini-game, go to the tunnel.
1. Zoom in on the fuse box, open it and take the fig u ri ne.
2. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.
1. Use the bolt cutters from the tool box to unlock the wheelbarrow.

2. Open the bag and take the bottle.
3. Move the wheelbarrow out of the way to find the boot.
4. Drop down jackets and take the mallet.

1. After the HOS, show the clay to Giuseppe.
2. When everyone leaves, try to open the service room door.
• Go back to the platform.
3. Take the key from Herman and return to the tunnel.

4. Zoom in on the door.
5. Open it with the key and go inside.
6. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Use the bolt cutters to open the lockers.
2. Pull out the metal box. Open it, zoom in and take the catapult.
3. Open the safe, zoom in and take the bracelet.

4. Open both locker doors to take the magnet and drill.
5. Zoom in on the shelf and take the stamp.
6. Add two cards to the card tower to complete and take it.

• After the HOS, go back to the platform.
1. Give Giuseppe the hammer and nails.
• After the conversation, go to your apartment.

2. Next morning, after the comic, complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.
1. Open the toolbox and unfold the leather pouch.
2. Use a crane. Take the paint.

3. Add a wrench to a toolbox to complete the wrench set and take it.
4. Zoom in on the glass jar and take the amber stone.

5. Zoom in on a postbox and unwind the wire.
6. Open the postbox and take a stamp.

1. After completing the HOS, give Giuseppe the scarf.
• Go to the cemetery.
2. Try to open Tonino’s shed.

3. Zoom in on the barrel and open it.
4. Try to open Tonino’s shed.
5. Go back to the alley and complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.
1. Use a trowel to dig up the pile of earth and take the bottle.

2. Open the drawer and take the brush.
3. Move the vest out of the way to see the inside pocket. Zoom it in and take the key.

4. Zoom in on a glass jar and take the coin.
5. Zoom in on the postbox and take the objects.

• After the HOS, go to the cemetery.
1. Zoom in on the shed door and try to open it with the key.
2. Take the lockpick from Luigi.
3. Open the shed door with it.

• To open the door, use the two correct lockpicks so that all lock pins are aligned with the line in the middle of the lock.

1. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Open the bag and take the mask.
2. Open the closet door and take the trowel.
3. Open the box, zoom in and take the angel.
4. Open the candle holder and take the candle.

1. After the HOS, give Luigi the casket.
2. Open it with the key.
• Go to the abandoned house.

3. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.
1. Open the side of the clock and take the teddy bear.

2. Zoom in on the drawer.
3. Attach the corkscrew to the drawer like a handle and open it.
4. Take the compass.

5. Open the doll house, zoom in and take the objects inside.
6. Zoom in on a statue’s face and take the sapphire.

1. After the HOS, let Luigi examine the shovel.
• Go back to the alley.
2. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Attach a handle to the pump and use it.
2. Take the sponge.
3. Zoom in on the postbox and take the objects inside.

1. After the HOS, give Luigi the photos.
2. Then give him the rubber boot.

• Check if the sole of the shoe matches the footprints in the photo. Find the matching shapes of the shoe sole on the ground in the photo.

• After the mini-game, go to the station lobby.
1. Take the key from Herman.

• Go to the end of the platform.
1. Zoom in on the cellar door and open it with the key.
2. Open the latch and go inside the cellar.
3. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Turn the pages until you see the pizza. Take it.
2. Add some pepper to the pestle and mortar, grind it and take it.
3. Zoom in on the boxes and take the poison.

1. Take the rope from Herman in the cellar.

• Go to the service room.
• Take the fabric and complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Zoom in on the shelf and take the objects there.

2. Zoom in on the safe and take the bow tie.
3. Attach the string to the yo-yo.
4. Attach the missing part of the yo-yo to complete it and take it.

• After collecting all the items, go to the cliffs.
1. To make the scarecrow, start with the rope.
2. Add some planks to make the body.
3. Use the pumpkin as a head.
4. Cover it with the fabric.
• Then leave the cliff and go to the harbor.

• After the conversation with Luigi and Giuseppe, go to the police station.
5. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.
1. Open the bowl and take the crackers.

2. Zoom in on the drawer and take the tobacco.
3. Zoom in on the cabinet and take the pencil.

4. Zoom in on the safe and take some bullets.

1. After the HOS, give Luigi the handcuffs.
2. Then take the gun from him.
• Leave the police station and go to the cemetery.

• After the conversation, go to the abandoned house.
3. Zoom in on the pile of hay and take the figurine.
4. Take the shovel.
• Return to the cemetery.

1. Use the shovel on the grave to start digging.
2. Dig with the shovel until Luigi helps you.
3. After the grave is dug up, complete the HOS in the shed.

• Collect the items.
1. Attach the blade to the scythe to complete it.

2. Open the trash bin and take the cone.
3. Remove the branches and take the boot.
4. Zoom in on the box and take the object inside.

1. After the HOS, give Luigi the crowbar.
2. Zoom in on the grave.
3. Use the knife to cut open the packages.

• In this mini-game you need to shoot all the smugglers by aiming at them and firing.

• To help Luigi escape from the cemetery, guide him through the graveyard, avoiding the light beams from the smugglers’ flashlights. Take the route shown in the picture below.

• After the comics, leave the cemetery and go to the harbor.
1. Check the shipping timetable.
2. Open the glass lid of the display case, open the timetable book, and turn to the third page of the book.
3. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Open the storage box, zoom in and take the objects.
2. Open the tackle box and take the reel.
3. Zoom in on the crashed boat and take the anchor.
4. Use the knife to cut the fishing net and take the hook.

1. After the HOS, give Luigi the list.
• Go to the cemetery.

2. After the conversation, hand the shovel to Luigi.
3. Then give him the crowbar.
• Leave the cemetery and go to the police station.
4. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Attach the handset to the phone and take it.
2. Zoom in on the drawer and take the objects inside.

3. Zoom in on the cabinet and take the objects inside.
4. Zoom in on the safe and take the stamp.

• After the HOS, go to the cemetery.
1. Give Giuseppe the police tape.
2. Zoom in on the dead smuggler, open his jacket and take his passport.

• Go to the police station.
3. Place the passport on the table.

• To check if the passport you found is really fake, find six differences between the images.

• After the mini-game, go to your apartment.
• In the morning, go to the cemetery.
• After meeting Giuseppe, go to the abandoned house.
1. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.
1. Open the lid of the clock and take the weight.

2. Use a key to open the chest and take the gold coin.
3. Zoom in on the doll house and take the objects.

4. Zoom in on the drawer and take the objects.

• After the HOS, return to the cemetery.
1. Give Luigi a lemon.
• Go to the police station.

• To make an identikit of the woman you have seen at the train station, you need to choose the correct parts of face, as shown in the picture below.

• After the mini-game, go and find Herman on the platform.
1. Show the identikit to him.
• After the comic, go to the tunnel.
2. Complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.

1. Use a hook to open the manhole. Then pull up the ladder and take the hose.
2. Move the wheelbarrow and take the bandage.
3. Zoom in on the wall and take the syringe.

1. After the HOS, try to open the service room door.
2. Open the fuse box and launch the mini-game.

• Move the connectors to make an electrical circuit between the pluses and minuses.
• Pull down the lever to let the electricity flow through the circuit.

• Enter the service room.
1. After the comic, complete the HOS.

• Collect the items.
1. Break the hourglass and take the sand.

2. Zoom in on the metal box and take the objects inside.

3. Zoom in on the safe. Attach a weight plate to the dumbbell.
4. Use a collar to complete the dumbbell and take it.

1. After the comic, give the passport to Giuseppe.