Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park – Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park - Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park (Bonus Chapter) – You are once again called upon for help, the park has reopened and is regaining its popularity. But visitors are disappearing again without a trace. Rumors are spreading through the town. People believe there is still a curse hanging over the park. The park had to be closed for a while, but there is still a guard who can let you in. You will have to investigate the paranormal phenomena occurring in the amusement park.

Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 1
  • Use STOOL on the lamp post (B).
  • Take AWL and GLOVES (C).
  • Use MONOPOD on the lily pad, take HANDLE (D).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 2
  • Open the bag, take Camera Manual, read the Camera Manual, take CAMERA and BROKEN HAIR DRYER, use GLOVES on the prickly bush (E).
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (F).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (G).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 3
  • Take LOCK PICKS 1/2 and LOVE PADLOCK (H).
  • Take apart the BROKEN HAIR DRYER.
  • Use HANDLE and LOVE PADLOCK on the mechanism (I).
  • Go to the Tech Room.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 4
  • Use CAMERA on the ghost (J).
  • Select this option (K).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 5
  • Take POWER BANK (L).
  • Open the fridge, use TISSUE PACK on the spilled coffee, earn TISSUE PACK, take LOCK PICKS 2/2 (M).
  • Use LOCK PICKS on the lock on the drawer (N).
  • Play puzzle, earn GNOME’S TORCH (O).
  • Go to the Amusement Park Garden.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 6
  • Use GNOME’S TORCH on the gnome, take GNOME (P).
  • Use GNOME on the bush (Q).
  • Solution: Place the colored gnomes in accordance with the color of the flowers, take FAN.
  • Go to the Tech Room.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 7
  • Use WIRELESS HAIR DRYER on the freezer, take CRACKER (R).
  • Use CRACKER on the mouse, take TRIDENT (S).
  • Use TRIDENT on the lock (T).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 8
  • Easy Solution: Ax4, Bx6, A (U).
  • Hard Solution: Ax4, Bx6, A, Bx2 (V).
  • Take TAPE RECORDER and VALVE, use AWL on the metal panel (W).
  • Use VALVE on the pipe (X).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 9
  • Easy solution: Ax2, Bx3, Cx2, Dx10, E, F (Y).
  • Hard solution: Ax2, Bx6, Cx3, Dx2, Ex10, F, G (Z).
  • Take HAMMER (A).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 10
  • Use HAMMER on the metal panel, take SPATULA (B).
  • Go to the Amusement Park Garden.
  • Use SPATULA on the moss, take BOOK AMULET and BUTTON (C).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 11
  • Use BUTTON on the socket, take CCTV RECORD (D).
  • Go to the Tech Room.
  • Use CCTV RECORD on the CD player (E).
  • Play puzzle (F).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 12
  • Select this option (G).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 13
  • Use BOOK AMULET on the bag, take FAKE BOOK (I).
  • Use FAKE BOOK on the shelf (J).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 14
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint, take GAS CYLINDER (K).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint, take GAS CYLINDER (L).
  • Open the door (M).
  • Go to the City Street.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 15
  • Use BURNER NOZZLE and GAS CYLINDER on the rusted lock, take FIGURINE and HANDLE, use TISSUE PACK on the paint (O).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 16
  • Use HANDLE on the pipe, take HOOK (P).
  • Use HOOK on the grid, earn KEY (Q).
  • Use KEY on the electronic lock (R).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 17
  • Easy solution: Dx2, Ex2, B, D, Ax3, Dx3, Cx2, Bx2, Dx6, Cx2, Ax2, D, Bx6 (S).
  • Hard solution: Dx2, Ex2, B, D, Ax3, Dx3, Cx2, Bx2, Dx6, Cx2, Ax2, D, Bx6 (T).
  • Go to Computer Club.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 18
  • Select this option (U).
  • Use PHOTO on Jerry, earn PHONE (V).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 19
  • Use PHONE on the antenna scheme, earn ANTENNA INSTRUCTIONS (W).
  • Use FIGURINE on the lock, take ANTENNA PIECE (X).
  • Take BALLS 1/3, use ANTENNA PIECE and ANTENNA INSTRUCTIONS on the antenna (Y).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 20
  • Solution: Easy: B, Ax2, Dx2, C, Fx2, E, Hx2, G, I, J, L, K.
  • Hard: B, Ax2, Dx2, C, Fx2, E, G, J, Ix2, L, K, F, A (Z).
  • Take SCHEME (A).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 21
  • Use SCHEME on the junction box, connect the wires, use WIRELESS HAIR DRYER on the sparkling wires, take LIQUID NITROGEN (B).
  • Use LIQUID NITROGEN on the lock, take BALLS 2/3, SYRINGE and MONITOR CLEANER (C).
  • Go to the City Street.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 22
  • Use MONITOR CLEANER on the paint, read the newspaper, take CHIP and BATTERIES (D).
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (E).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (F).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 23
  • Use TAPE RECORDER on the dove, take BALLS 3/3 and TOOTHBRUSH (G).
  • Go to Computer Club.
  • Use BALLS on the puzzle (H).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 24
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (I).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (J).
  • Take WIRES 1/2 and HEAT-SHRINK TUBES (K).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 25
  • Use HEAT-SHRINK TUBES on the sparkling wires (M).
  • Click on the computer, click on the search engine, read the article, use CAMERA on the ghost (N).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 26
  • Select this option (O).
  • Earn LIGHTER.
  • Go to Nancy’s house.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 27
  • Use TOOTHBRUSH and LIGHTER on the broken key, take HANGER and WOODEN MAINLAND (P).
  • Use WOODEN MAINLAND on the globe, take SPRING and GARGOYLE PART (Q).
  • Go to the City Street.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 28
  • Go to the Computer Club.
  • Use METAL SHARP FANG on the wire, earn WIRES 2/2 (S).
  • Go to Nancy’s House.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 29
  • Use CHIP and WIRES on the remote (T).
  • Easy and Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (U).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 30
  • Use BLINDS REMOTE on the blinds, take STRANGE PARTS 1/2 and INK (V).
  • Go to the Computer Club.
  • Use FULL CARTRIDGE on the printer, click on the computer screen, take CULTIST PHOTO (W).
  • Go to Nancy’s house.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 31
  • Use CULTIST PHOTO on the closet, take black cloak, man’s shoes, cape and mask (X).
  • Select this option (Y).
  • Go to the Cultists’ Bar.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 32
  • Take COINS 1/2 and NAPKIN (Z).
  • Take SOLVENT and PENCIL (A).
  • Use NAPKIN on the spilled sugar, take DIAMOND RING, use PENCIL on the notebook (B).
  • Use DIAMOND RING on the glass, take TWEEZERS (C).
  • Go to the Cultists’ Gathering Hall.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 33
  • Click on the broken antenna, click on the metal panel, use SPRING on the mechanism (D).
  • Take EMBLEM (E).
  • Use EMBLEM on the frame, take BUTTON (F).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 34
  • Use BUTTON on the mechanism, take WING (G).
  • Use WING on the angel (H).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 35
  • Solution: Bx5, A, B, A, B (I).
  • Go to the Secret Room.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 36
  • Use CAMERA on the shadow (J).
  • Remove the carpet (K).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 37
  • Use HANGER on the two holes in the hatch, take BRUSH (L).
  • Remove the cover, play puzzle, earn KEY (M).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 38
  • Use KEY on the box, take POWDER (N).
  • Use BRUSH and POWDER on the keypad, open the safe by entering: 8-6-2-7-enter, take the note, read the note, take ANTENNA (O).
  • Click on the wall of the safe, use TWEEZERS on the gap, earn COINS 2/2 (P).
  • Go to the Cultists’ Bar.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 39
  • Use COINS on the vending machine, take CLUB SODA and LIME (Q).
  • Use LIME on the juice maker, earn LIME JUICE (R).
  • Use LIME JUICE and CLUB SODA on the notebook (S).
  • Go to the Cultists’ Gathering Hall.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 40
  • Use ANTENNA on the radio, take RAVEN SCULLS 1/3 and STRANGE PARTS 2/2 (T).
  • Use STRANGE PARTS on the mechanism (U).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 41
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (V).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (W).
  • Take STONE FLOWER (X).
  • Go to the Secret room.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 42
  • Use STONE FLOWER on the box, take RAVEN SCULLS 2/3 and CHESS PIECE, use SOLVENT on the wax, take DART (Y).
  • Go to the Cultists’ Bar.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 43
  • Use DART on the dart board, take SYRUP (Z).
  • Use SYRUP on the notebook (A).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 44
  • Easy and Hard solution: A-B, A-B, A-B, C-B (B).
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 45
  • Use SIGNATURE COCKTAIL on the cultist (C).
  • Solution: Use the picture as a hint (D).
  • Solution: Use the picture as a hint (E).
  • Go to the Secret Room.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 46
  • Use CHESS PIECE on the chess board (F).
  • Easy and Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (G).
  • Go to the Cultists’ Gathering Hall.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 47
  • Use SCISSORS on the pocket, take RAVEN SCULLS 3/3 (I).
  • Go to the Secret Room.
  • Play puzzle, earn RITUAL NEEDLE (J).
  • Go to the Cultists’ Gathering Hall.
Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park Bonus Chapter Walkthrough - Step 48
  • Use RITUAL BOOK on Nancy (M).
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (N).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (O).

Congratulations! You have completed the game Mystical Riddles 4: Ghostly Park.

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