Myth or Reality 3: Snowbound Secrets (Bonus Chapter) – Lionel comes to you for help again. He and Maria helped the bigfoots get settled into their new cave. Even taught them our language. But a new problem has arisen. A local tycoon, Bernard Landry, has bought part of the forest near the bigfoot cave to build a ski resort. All this despite the protests of the town’s residents. If he manages to carry out his plan, the safety of the bigfoots will be jeopardized. You must stop the construction.
Bonus Chapter Walkthrough
- Move the snow (S).
- Take METAL COIL and YO-YO (T).
- Use YO-YO on the lantern, get STONE FANGS 1/2 and BANKNOTE (U).
- Take CHISEL (V).
- Use BANKNOTE on the window (W).
- Play puzzle, earn DECORATIVE BELL (X).
- Knock (Y), use DECORATIVE BELL on the bell hook (Z).
- Click bell button (A).
- Go forward.
- Select this option (B).
- Move the curtain (C).
- Take HANDLE and LEAF (D).
- Read the letter (E).
- Use LEAF on the paper clip, take PAPER CLIP (F).
- Use PAPER CLIP on the radiator, get BACKLIGHT REMOTE CONTROL (G).
- Use BACKLIGHT REMOTE CONTROL on the scale model (H).
- Solution: arrange the elements as shown in the image (I).
- Read the note, take ORDINARY GLOVE and ROTARY CUTTER (J).
- Take LADLE and ROPE, use ROTARY CUTTER on the tarpaulin, get TARPAULIN PIECE (K).
- Use TARPAULIN PIECE on the pot (L), read the letter, take CHOP HAMMER (M).
- Take SAFETY GLASSES (N), use CHISEL and CHOP HAMMER on the stone, take STONE FANGS 2/2 (O).
- Go to Street.
- Use STONE FANGS on the empty sockets (P).
- Easy solution: click 1-2-2-4-5-5-3-3 (Q).
- Hard solution: click 4-3-1-1 (R).
- Use STONE PETAL on the panel, get SCREW (T).
- Go forward.
- Use METAL COIL and SCREW on the pot stand, take GLUE GUN (U).
- Use HANDLE and GLUE GUN on the windowsill, take SPIKE (V).
- Go forward.
- Use ROPE and SPIKE on the hole (W), use CHOP HAMMER on the spike (X), read the note, take CONSTRUCTION HELMET (Y).
- Use CONSTRUCTION HELMET on the tent entrance (Z).
- Arrange the elements as in the image.
- Easy solution: (A).
- Hard solution: (B).
- Take IRON BOWL (C).
- Select this option (D).
- Use LADDLE and IRON BOWL on the pot, take SOUP CUP (E).
- Go back.
- Give SOUP CUP to the dog, take LIQUID RUBBER (F).
- Use ORDINARY GLOVE on the hand (G), use LIQUID RUBBER on the glove, take SAFETY GLOVE (H).
- Go back.
- Use SAFETY GLOVE on the wires (J), use SCULPTING PLASTICINE PIECE on the code image, get CODE (K).
- Go to Resort Construction Site.
- Use CODE on the code lock (L), enter the code (M), read the note, take TOOL SET (N).
- Use TOOL SET on the door (O).
- Easy solution: click the elements in the sequence shown in the image (P).
- Hard solution: click the elements in the sequence shown in the image (Q).
- Select this option (R).
- Take WIRE and WEIGHT (O).
- Use WEIGHT ON A ROPE on the branch (Q).
- Easy solution: click 3-2-1-8-2-4-3-5-6-7-5-4-9-8-11-9-12-4-10-7-13-10-12 (R).
- Hard solution: click 2-3-4-5-9-10-11-16-15-11-12-15-14-12-7-8-11-9-8-5-3-6-2-1-6-7-13-14 (S).
- Get SPRAWLING BRANCH, open the door (T), click on the dresser (U), read the note, take SOLVENT (V).
- Use SPRAWLING BRANCH on the log, take CLAMPS 1/2 and CLIMBING SHOES (W).
- Use CLIMBING SHOES on the cliff (X).
- Move the elements in the following order.
- First stage: LH-3, RH-4, LL-1, RL-2, LH-5, RL-3, RH-7, RL-4, LL-3, RL-6, LH-8, RH-9, RL-7, LL-6 (Y).
- Second stage: LH-3, RH-4, RL-1, LL-2, LH-6, LL-3, RH-5, RL-4, RH-7, RL-5, LL-4 (Z).
- Third stage: RH-4, LH-3, RL-2, LL-1, LH-6, RH-7, LL-3, RL-4, RH-9, LH-5, LL-6, LH-8, LL-5, RL-6 (A).
- Fourth stage: LH-3, RH-5, LL-1, RL-4, RH-7, LL-2, LH-6, RL-3 (B).
- Easy solution: (Y), (Z), (A).
- Hard solution: (Y), (Z), (A), (B).
- Select this option (C).
- Solution: click 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 (D).
- Take NET and DRY MOSS (E).
- Use SOLVENT and DRY MOSS on the stain, take OLD MAP (F).
- Use OLD MAP on the trail (G).
- Take CAMERA and CLAMPS 2/2 (H).
- Use CLAMPS on the tree (I).
- Play puzzle, earn SMALL PICK AXE (J).
- Use SMALL PICK AXE on the ice, take TREKKING POLES (K).
- Use SAFETY GLASSES and TREKKING POLES on the tree stub (L).
- Select this option (M).
- Pull on the lever (N).
- Go forward (O).
- Read the note, take STONE FLASK and FLINT (P).
- Use FLINT on the torch (Q).
- Take LID (R).
- Read the note (S), use STONE FLASK and LID on the pool, take ACID (T).
- Go back.
- Take ACORN CAPS and SAW (U), use GLUE GUN on the snowflake symbol, take GLUE SNOWFLAKE (V), examine the note (W).
- Use GLUE SNOWFLAKE on the puzzle (X).
- Easy solution: click 1-6 (Y).
- Hard solution: click 1-8 (Z).
- Read the note, take ICE MIRROR SHARD 1/4 and TONGS (A).
- Use TONGS on the fire, get CROCHET HOOK (B).
- Use CROCHET HOOK on the net (C), click on each knot, get NET (D).
- Use WIRE and NET on NET, get NET (E).
- Go to Forest Lake.
- Use NET on the water (F).
- Easy solution: arrange the objects by weight (G).
- Hard solution: arrange the objects by weight (H).
- Click on the cabinet (I), use CORKSCREW on the hole (J), take HONEY JAR (K), use ACID on the chain, open the bundle (L), read the note, take TELESCOPE (M).
- Go to Hall of Voices.
- Use TELESCOPE on the tripod (N).
- Easy solution: click on the elements in order shown on the image (O).
- Hard solution: click on the elements in order shown on the image (P).
- Use CONSTELLATION MAPS on the torch, click on each torch (Q), take BONE SPATULA (R).
- Go to Snowy Trail.
- Give HONEY JAR to the mink (S).
- Solution: move the sable chip to bring it to the finale and void the bugs (T).
- Open the box, take ICE MIRROR SHARD 3/4 and SHOVEL (U).
- Use SHOVEL on the dirt, take DRY PIGMENTS and SCARLET CRYSTAL (V).
- Go back.
- Use SCARLET CRYSTAL on the empty slot (W), click on the crystals and redirect the beams toward the mirror (X), use CAMERA, get PHOTO HINT (Y).
- Use PHOTO HINT on the puzzle (Z).
- Easy solution: click R-U-L-L-L-U-R-U-R-R-U-L-U-L-L-U-L-U-R-R-R-U (A).
- Hard solution: click R-R-R-U-L-L-U-L-L-L-L-U-R-U-R-R-U-R-R-R-U-L-L-L (B).
- Go to Abode of the Elder Bigfoot.
- Give ICE MIRROR SHARD to the Bigfoot (D).
- Use ACORN CAPS and DRY PIGMENTS on the pot, get DILUTED PIGMENTS (E), take FIRE SYMBOL and SAW HANDLE (F), use BONE SPATULA on the loose stone, take MOSAIC PIECE (G).
- Go to Hall of Voices.
- Use MOSAIC PIECE on the empty slot, take BIGFOOT PAW AMULET (H).
- Use BIGFOOT PAW AMULET on the amulet slot (I).
- Play puzzle (J).
- Use SAW HANDLE on SAW, get SAW (K).
- Go to Forest Lake.
- Use SAW on the log (L).
- Easy solution: click L-L-R-R-R-L-L-L-R-L (M).
- Hard solution: click L-L-L-R-R-R-R-L-L-R-R-R-R-L-L-L-L (N).
- Take LOG (O).
- Use LOG on the bridge (P), take WATER SYMBOL and KEY (Q).
- Go to Snowy Trail.
- Use KEY on the keyhole, read the note, take CHECKERS 1/2 (R).
- Play puzzle, earn CHECKERS 2/2 (S).
- Go to Bigfoot’s New Home.
- Use CHECKERS on the field (T).
- Easy solution: arrange the elements as in the image (U).
- Hard solution: arrange the elements as in the image (V).
- Use DILUTED PIGMENTS and BRUSH on the wall (X), click on the sun, take WIND SYMBOL (Y).
- Go to Abode of the Elder Bigfoot.
- Easy solution: avoid collision of the Bigfoot chip with the construction chips, random mechanics (A).
- Hard solution: avoid collision of the Bigfoot chip with the construction chips, random mechanics (B).
Congratulations! You have completed the game Myth or Reality 3: Snowbound Secrets.