Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes – Walkthrough

Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes - Walkthrough

Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes – The cruel reign of King Illeon is over, and the kingdom is once again at peace. However, the peace did not last long our heroes are waiting for new trials. It all begins when a traveler named Felix, the leader of a traveling circus, appears on your doorstep in despair. His troupe has been attacked by a mysterious monster, and now the circus is gripped by fear and panic. Felix begs for your help and even leaves a map for you to find him and his circus. Armed with determination and the support of your faithful ally Glissando, you set off to unravel the mystery of this attack. And now, in the Enchanted Forest, an amazing find of a baby dragon awaits you. You have a choice to make. The dragon can be a threat, but it can also be an important ally. That said, an approaching circus performance at the royal palace attracts many guests and heightens the tension. If you can not pass any of the puzzles or do not know where the items are, on our site you can watch the walkthrough of the game Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes, and unlock the secrets of the forest.

Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes – Walkthrough

Here you can see the full walkthrough of Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes game, namely for all chapters, including bonus chapter, in pictures.

Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 1
  • Move the carpet (A).
  • Open the cupboard, take AXE SHAFT, take FLINT and TORN CLOAK (B).
  • Read and take WILDERNESS SURVIVAL BOOK and ORION’S HUNTING BOW, move the fabric from the loom and use TORN CLOAK on it (C).
  • Use ORION’S HUNTING BOW on the hatch, take SMOKER, take the journal, take WOODEN BOBBIN (D).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 2
  • Use FLINT on SMOKER (E).
  • Use WOODEN BOBBIN on the purple thread, click on every knot, earn WOOL YARN (F).
  • Use WOOL YARN on the loom (G).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 3
  • Easy solution: Step 1: A turn 11 times, press + 5 times, B turn 10 times, press – 5 times, C turn 8 times, press + 2 times, then put them in place with the corresponding letters.
  • Step 2: A turn 8 times, press + 2 times, B turn 11 times, press – 2 times, C turn 10 times, press – 5 times, then put them in place with the corresponding letters (H).
  • Hard solution: Step 1: A turn 11 times, press + 5 times, B turn 11 times, press + 3 times, C turn 10 times, press – 3 times, D turn 8 times, press + 2 times, Then put them in place with the corresponding letters.
  • Step 2: A turn 8 times, press + 2 times, B turn 10 times, press – 5 times, C turn 10 times, press – 4 times, D turn 11 times, press – 2 times, Then put them in place with the corresponding letters (I).
  • Use PROTECTIVE CLOAK on the dragon, earn WRAPPED DRAGON (K).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 4
  • Use WRAPPED DRAGON on the open hatch (L).
  • Open the door (M).
  • Select 1 or 2, earn MAP OF CIRCUS STOPS and RATIONS (N).
  • Use RATIONS and MAP OF CIRCUS STOPS on the table (O).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 5
  • Easy solution: Click on the dots in the order shown in the picture (P).
  • Hard solution: Click on the dots in the order shown in the picture (Q).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 6
  • Take DRY HERBS (R).
  • Use DRY HERBS on SMOKER, earn SMOKER (S).
  • Use SMOKER on the bees, take HONEYCOMB, use AXE SHAFT on axe head, take DULL AXE (T).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 7
  • Take SLINGSHOT, use DULL AXE on the sharpening stone, earn AXE (U).
  • Use AXE on the log (V).
  • Easy solution: Place the axes in their places according to the numbers (W).
  • Hard solution: Place the axes in their places according to the numbers (X).
  • Go forward.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 8
  • Take BARREL HOOP, move the curtain, click on the axe, earn CLUES 1/3 (Y).
  • Remove the cloth, take the map, use SLINGSHOT on the blinds, click on the rocks, earn CLUES 2/3 (Z).
  • Take TOY WOODEN HORSE, click on the large footprint, earn CLUES 3/3 (A).
  • Use CLUES on WILDERNESS SURVIVAL BOOK, read the book (B).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 9
  • Easy solution: Use the picture as a hint (C).
  • Hard solution: Use the picture as a hint (D).
  • Move the logs away (E).
  • Click on Felix (F).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 10
  • Select 1 or 2, earn CIRCUS COIN (G).
  • Go to Fortune Teller Tent.
  • Take FIRECRACKER and CANE (H).
  • Use CANE under the bookcase, take WEIRD DOLL (I).
  • Use WEIRD DOLL on the empty ribbon (J).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 11
  • Easy solution: Arrange the dolls height-wise according to the clue (K).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the dolls height-wise according to the clue (L).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 12
  • Use FORTUNE AMULET on the slot in the chest, take MAGNET (N).
  • Go to Fortune Teller Tent.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 13
  • Use MAGNET on the exposed rod in the chest, take POT LID (O).
  • Use POT LID on the smoky pot, take WICK (P).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 14
  • Use CIRCUS COIN on the coin slot (R).
  • Play puzzle, earn GEAR JOINT (S).
  • Use GEAR JOINT on the dummy, earn SHELL (T).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 15
  • Use BARREL HOOP on the broken wheel, use SHELL on the pile of dirt, take COMB (U).
  • Use HOMEMADE FIRECRACKER on the magpie, take GLISSANDO’S RING (V).
  • Go to Fortune Teller Tent.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 16
  • Use GLISSANDO’S RING on the crystal ball (W).
  • Easy solution: Use picture as a hint (X).
  • Hard solution: Use picture as a hint (Y).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 17
  • Use COMB on the nails in the booth wall, earn NAILS (Z).
  • Play puzzle, earn SAW (A).
  • Use SAW on the wooden beams on the left, earn WOODEN BEAMS (B).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 18
  • Use NAILS and WOODEN BEAMS on the broken wheel, take rock and use it on the broken wheel (C).
  • Move the cart, use TOY WOODEN HORSE on the wheel (D).
  • Easy solution: Step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4, step 5 (E).
  • Hard solution: Step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4, step 5 (F).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 19
  • Use EMPTY DECANTER on the water stream, earn FULL DECANTER (H).
  • Use FULL DECANTER on the empty pipe (I).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 20
  • Solution: Step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4 (J).
  • Go to Elven King’s Palace.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 21
  • Select 1 or 2 (K).
  • Take BROKEN FAIRY HOUSE, read the scroll, take ALCHEMICAL FIRE, use ELVEN LADDER on the thorn plant, take MURAL PART (L).
  • Read the scroll (M).
  • Use MURAL PART on the mural (N).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 22
  • Play puzzle, take WATERMILL LEVER (O).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 23
  • Use WATERMILL LEVER on the watermill, take THICK PALM LEAVES (Q).
  • Easy solution: Press down on part of the sheet until it snaps into place, use the picture as a hint (S).
  • Hard solution: Press down on part of the sheet until it snaps into place, use the picture as a hint (T).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 24
  • Use FIXED FAIRY HOUSE on the ruins (U).
  • Solution: Click on the flowers in this order: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, B, C, J, K, L, S, N (V).
  • Go to Elven King’s Palace.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 25
  • Use ELVEN GLOWING HOUSE on the hooks (X).
  • Play puzzle, earn FERTILIZER (Y).
  • Use FERTILIZER on the pot plant, take MAGICAL VINES and DIRTY POUCH (Z).
  • Use MAGICAL VINES on the portal (A).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 26
  • Use DIRTY POUCH on the stream, earn POUCH (B).
  • Use POUCH on the flower, earn MAGIC POLLEN (C).
  • Go to Elven King’s Palace.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 27
  • Play puzzle, earn CHARMED CRYSTAL (D).
  • Use MAGIC POLLEN and CHARMED CRYSTAL on the portal (E).
  • Easy solution: Click on the buttons: BBBBC AAC BBBC BBBC AAC BC AAAAC AAC.
  • Notice that the symbols change position each time they are reset (F).
  • Hard solution: Click on the buttons: AAC BBBBC BC AAC AAAAC AAC BC BBBBC AC AAAAAC.
  • Notice that the symbols change position each time they are reset (G).
  • Go to Broken Bridge.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 28
  • Take KNIFE, CHEST GEMS 1/3, and TORCH (H).
  • Take RED BERRIES, move the bush, use KNIFE on the knot, take the RAGS (I).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 29
  • Use ETERNAL TORCH on the cave (K).
  • Easy solution: 1.
  • B-A-A, 2.
  • B-B-A-A, 3.
  • A-D-C-B-A (L).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 30
  • Hard solution: 1.
  • B-A-B-A, 2.
  • A-D-C-B-A, 3.
  • A-B-D-C-B-A (M).
  • Go to Troll Cave.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 31
  • Select 1, 2, or 3 (N).
  • Use SHELL and PESTLE on the bowl, take CRUSHED SHELL (P).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 32
  • Use INVIGORATION POTION on the person (R).
  • Solution: D-1, E-2, B-3, F-4, C-5, A-6 (S).
  • Solution: Press A – 4 times, C – 3 times, D – 1 time, B – 3 times (T).
  • Get HOOK.
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 33
  • Use TOOLKIT on the bridge (U).
  • Use HOOK on the fishing rod, take FISHING ROD (V).
  • Use FISHING ROD on the bag, click on the bag, take CHEST GEMS 2/3 and HANDLE (W).
  • Go to Troll Cave.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 34
  • Use HANDLE on the pin, get AWL (X).
  • Use AWL on the cork, move the barrel, take WALNUT (Y).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 35
  • Use WALNUT on the squirrel, take CHEST GEMS 3/3 (Z).
  • Use CHEST GEMS on the chest (A).
  • Easy solution: Follow the instructions on the image (B).
  • Hard solution: Follow the instructions on the image (C).
  • Take GLOVE.
  • Go to Troll Cave.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 36
  • Use GLOVE on the pickaxe, get PICKAXE (D).
  • Use PICKAXE on the stone, get CUT STONE (E).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 37
  • Use CUT STONE on the bridge (F).
  • Easy solution: Follow the instructions on the image (G).
  • Hard solution: Follow the instructions on the image (H).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 38
  • Take SHAFT, APPLE, and GEAR (B).
  • Use GEAR on the pin next to the other gear (C).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 39
  • Easy solution: 1) press A and wait until the red line goes down 4 units, 2) press C and wait until the red line goes down 3 units, 3) press B (D).
  • Hard solution: 1) press A and wait until the red line goes down 2 units, 2) press D and wait until the red line goes down 5 units, 3) press C and wait until the red line goes down 4 units, 4 – press B (E).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 40
  • Use BUCKET OF WATER on the bench, take SLINGSHOT and PITCHFORK HEAD (G).
  • Give APPLE to the horse (H).
  • Use PITCHFORK on the hay, take HORSE TACK, open the hatch, click on the man inside (J).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 41
  • Select 1 or 2, earn KNIFE (K).
  • Use HORSE TACK on the horse (L).
  • Use KNIFE on SEALED TUBE, earn KNIFE, take MAP (M).
  • Use MAP on the horse (N).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 42
  • Solution: Click on the signs shown in the images (O).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 43
  • Use LUTE on the hat, earn LUTE, take COIN (P).
  • Take RUBBER BAND (Q).
  • Use COIN on the jar (S).
  • Play puzzle, earn BELL (T).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 44
  • Use BELL on the hook (U).
  • Go forward.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 45
  • Select 1 or 2 (V).
  • Click on the folding screen to remove it (W).
  • Take and read the note (X).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 46
  • Take KEY (Y).
  • Use HAIRPIN on the keyhole (Z).
  • Easy solution: Arrange the goblets as shown in the image (A).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the goblets as shown in the image (B).
  • Take BOWL (C).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 47
  • Take CARDS 1/4 and LANTERN, use KEY on the keyboard, take FLASK (D).
  • Use FLASK on the tap (E).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 48
  • Use BOWL on the dirt, take CARDS 2/4 and FLINT AND STEEL (F).
  • Use FLINT AND STEEL on the candle, earn FLINT AND STEEL, take CHESTNUT (G).
  • Go forward.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 49
  • Use SLINGSHOT on the dragon skeleton under the ceiling, earn CARDS 3/4 and PETCOCK (I).
  • Use PETCOCK on the tap, earn GREAT GROWTH POTION (J).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 50
  • Play puzzle, earn MAGIC SEED (K).
  • Use GREAT GROWTH POTION and MAGIC SEED on the flowerpot, take MUSHROOM (L).
  • Go forward.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 51
  • Use MUSHROOM on the piano lid, take CARDS 4/4 and BOLT (M).
  • Use CARDS on the card table in front of the fortune teller (N).
  • Easy solution: Arrange the cards as shown in the clue (O).
  • Hard solution: Arrange the cards as shown in the clue (P).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 52
  • Solution: Swap puzzle pieces: 1-2, 1-5, 1-4, 1-6, 8-9, 7-9 (Q).
  • Solution: Swap puzzle pieces: A-3, B-5, C-2, D-1, E-6, F-4 (R).
  • Take SCOOP NET and VIAL OF SEDATIVE, use FLINT AND STEEL on the cannon (S).
  • Take and read the note, take WATERSKIN and AXE (T).
  • Use WATERSKIN on the cannon (U).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 53
  • Use AXE on the roots, take WICK (V).
  • Use WICK on the cannon (W).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 54
  • Easy solution: The correct position of the cannons is shown in the image (X).
  • Hard solution: The correct position of the cannons is shown in the image (Y).
  • Use KNIFE on the meat, earn KNIFE and MEAT (Z).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 55
  • Use VIAL OF SEDATIVE on MEAT, earn BAIT (A).
  • Use BAIT on the wagon (B).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 56
  • Click on the path (C).
  • Easy solution: The correct path is shown in the image (D).
  • Hard solution: The correct path is shown in the image (E).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 57
  • Take a closer look at the window, use SCOOP NET on fireflies, click on each firefly and catch them all, earn FIREFLIES (F).
  • Use FIREFLY LANTERN on the shadow (H).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 58
  • Easy solution: C: right-up-left-down-right-up-left-down-right-up, A: down-right-down-left-up, B: left-down (I).
  • Hard solution: C: right-up-left-down-left-up-right-up-left-up, A: up, B: down-left-up-right-down-right, A: right-down-left-up (J).
  • Select 1 or 2 (K).
  • Go forward.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 59
  • Take PYTHIA’S DRAWINGS 1/2 and CLIP (L).
  • Take FAN FRAME (M).
  • Use CLIP on the keyhole, take WIRE (N).
  • Use WIRE on the neck of the large doll, earn KIDDY OPENER (O).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 60
  • Take TOY KEY (P).
  • Take SALT POUCH, use TOY KEY on the keyhole (Q).
  • Play puzzle, earn TOY BIRD (R).
  • Use TOY BIRD on the smoke, take NEWSPAPER (S).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 61
  • Use TICKET on the doll’s hand (U).
  • Go to Circus of Illusions.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 62
  • Use LUTE on the doll (V).
  • Use KIDDY OPENER on the lever, take WHEEL and LEVER (W).
  • Go to Pythia’s Dollhouse.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 63
  • Use LEVER on the mechanism, take PYTHIA’S DRAWINGS 2/2 (X).
  • Use PYTHIA’S DRAWINGS on the book, click on the drawings until you get a code, take CODE, use FAN FRAME on the book (Y).
  • Go to Circus of Illusions.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 64
  • Use BOLT and WHEEL on the monowheel, take CLEANING AGENT, PEGS 1/2, and DIAL, take a closer look at the code lock, use CODE on the lock, enter 3847, take PEACOCK FOOD (Z).
  • Go to Pythia’s Dollhouse.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 65
  • Use PEACOCK FOOD on the peacock (A).
  • Easy solution: Move the seeds as shown, move seed C, move seed A, move seed B, move seed C, move seed A, move seed B (B).
  • Hard solution: Move the seeds as shown, move seed A, move seed B, move seed C, move seed D, move seed A, move seed B, move seed C, move seed D (C).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 66
  • Use PEACOCK FEATHERS on the fan frame (E).
  • Solution: Put the parts of the fan in the correct places A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D, F-F (F).
  • Click on the book, play puzzle (G).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 67
  • Use DIAL on the clock (H).
  • Solution: Press in the correct sequence: 5-6, 12-9, 6-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-6.
  • Take BRUSH (I).
  • Use BRUSH on the jar, earn GLUE (J).
  • Go to Circus of Illusions.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 68
  • Use CLEANING AGENT on the box (K).
  • Take a closer look at the torn hole, use GLUE on the ball, earn METAL BALL (L).
  • Use METAL BALL on the horse emblem (M).
  • Take GLOVES and THIMBLE (N).
  • Use THIMBLE on the horse emblem (O).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 69
  • Easy solution: Stage 1: follow the number 1, thimbles always change places differently, after shuffling, click on the image you were following.
  • Stage 2: follow the number 2, thimbles always change places differently, after shuffling, click on the image you were following.
  • Stage 3: follow the number 3, thimbles always change places differently, after shuffling, click on the image you were following.
  • (P).
  • Hard solution: Stage 1: follow the number 1, thimbles always change places differently, after shuffling, click on the image you were following.
  • Stage 2: follow the number 2, thimbles always change places differently, after shuffling, click on the image you were following.
  • Stage 3: follow the number 3, thimbles always change places differently, after shuffling, click on the image you were following.
  • (Q).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 70
  • Use MAGICIAN FIGURINE on the small stage, take MAGICIAN’S WAND (S).
  • Play puzzle, earn TOY HOOK (T).
  • Use TOY HOOK on the balcony, earn TOY SQUIRREL (U).
  • Go to Circus of Illusions.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 71
  • Use LULLABY CHORDS on the doll, take MAGICIAN’S HAT (W).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 72
  • Use MAGICIAN’S WAND and MAGICIAN’S HAT on the mannequin (Y).
  • Easy solution: Press in the correct sequence: step 1: 1-2-3-4, step 2: 1-2-3-4-5-6, step 3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (Z).
  • Hard solution: Press in the correct sequence: step 1: 1-2-3-4-5-6, step 2: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, step 3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (A).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 73
  • Select 1, 2, or 3 (B).
  • Use GLOVES on the dragon, earn FIRE DRAGON, take CANDLE (C).
  • Use FIRE DRAGON on the ice (D).
  • Use SALT POUCH and CANDLE on other candles (E).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 74
  • Solution: Follow the prompt and repeat the pattern as shown in step 1 and step 2 (F).
  • Use FLIGHT AMULET on the bag, take HOT PEPPER (H).
  • Use HOT PEPPER on the dragon, take BUCKET (I).
  • Use BUCKET on the rubbish, click on the handkerchief, take PEGS 2/2 (J).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 75
  • Use PEGS on LUTE, earn ILLUSION LUTE (K).
  • Use ILLUSION LUTE on Pythia (L).
  • Easy solution: Press the strings in the order given in the clue in step 1, step 2, and step 3 (M).
  • Hard solution: Press the strings in the order given in the clue in step 1, step 2, and step 3 (N).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 76
  • Take the lid off (B).
  • Take BOLT and BELT (C).
  • Use FOOD GUIDE on the contents of the box (D).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 77
  • Play puzzle, earn CHEST KEY (E).
  • Use CHEST KEY on the keyhole, take EMPTY GLASS (F).
  • Use EMPTY GLASS on the water, get FLASK WITH WATER (G).
  • Use FLASK WITH WATER on the plate (H).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 78
  • Easy solution: Click and drag C in the following direction С1-A-C2-B-C3-A-C4-B-C5-A-C6 (I).
  • Hard solution: Click and drag D in the following direction B-D1-C-D2-A-D3-B-D4-A-D5-B-D6-C-D7-B-D8-A-D9-B-D10 (J).
  • Select 1 or 2 (K).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 79
  • Take MAGIC FLUTE (L).
  • Take PUZZLE PIECES 1/3, use SHOVEL on the dirt, get ENCHANTED VINE (M).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 80
  • Use SOOTHING FLUTE on the wolf (O).
  • Easy solution: Click and drag 1A-2B-3C-4D-5E (P).
  • Hard solution: Click and drag 1A-2B-3C-4D-5E (Q).
  • Select 1 or 2 (R).
  • Go to Nerida’s House.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 81
  • Use BELT on the pipe, take JAR OF CHEESE and LEVER (S).
  • Use BOLT and LEVER on the socket, take KEYS (T).
  • Use KEYS on the keyhole (U).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 82
  • Easy solution: B, D, A, D, C, C, B, D, C, C, B, D, A, D (V).
  • Hard solution: B, D, A, D, C, C, B, D, C, C, B, D, A, D, C, B, D (W).
  • Go forward.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 83
  • Use PLATE on the falling pollen, get POLLEN OF OMNISCIENCE (X).
  • Take HAIRPIN and PARCHMENT, use POLLEN OF OMNISCIENCE on the blank pages (Y).
  • Play puzzle (Z).
  • Solution: Follow the instructions in the image (A).
  • Solution: Follow the instructions in the image (B).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 84
  • Use MAGIC WAND on the bookshelf (C).
  • Take LUFFA (D).
  • Go to Nerida’s Yard.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 85
  • Use LUFFA on the mess, take PRUNING SHEARS (E).
  • Use PRUNING SHEARS on the vines (F).
  • Easy solution: Click on the vines in the following order (G).
  • Hard solution: Click on the vines in the following order (H).
  • Go to Forest Thicket.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 86
  • Select 1 or 2 (I).
  • Go to Abandoned Village.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 87
  • Use STONE WITH WIND RUNE on the mill, get WOODEN HANDLE (K).
  • Use WOODEN HANDLE on the metal piece in the wall, get FILE, read the note, get DIARY SCRAP (L).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 88
  • Take HOOK, use SHOVEL on the dirt, use HAIRPIN on the chest (M).
  • Easy solution: Follow the instructions in the image (N).
  • Hard solution: Follow the instructions in the image (O).
  • Take SCRAPER.
  • Use SCRAPER on the moss below, get BOG MOSS, open the pouch, take MANURE, use LUFFA on the helmet (P).
  • Go to Nerida’s House.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 89
  • Use BOG MOSS on the wooden cups (Q).
  • Go to Nerida’s Old Archives.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 90
  • Use DIARY SCRAP on the books, click on the book with the same symbol, open and read the book, get RUNE BOOK (R).
  • Use MANURE on the plant, get FIREFLY (S).
  • Use FIREFLY on the right flower (U).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 91
  • Easy solution: 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2 (V).
  • Hard solution: 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7 (W).
  • Take DENSE LEAF.
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 92
  • Use DENSE LEAF on the pipe, take WOODEN AMULET (X).
  • Use WOODEN AMULET on the hook, take MONSTER FIGURINE, use FILE on the metal piece, get FLAGPOLE (Y).
  • Go to Abandoned Village.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 93
  • Use FLAGPOLE on the doghouse, take the bucket and use it on the doghouse, take AWL (Z).
  • Use AWL on the sack, move the sack, take THIN BRUSH (A).
  • Go to Nerida’s Old Archives.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 94
  • Play puzzle, earn KNIGHT FIGURINE (B).
  • Take a closer look at the box, use MONSTER FIGURINE and KNIGHT FIGURINE, take OILER (C).
  • Go to Forest Thicket.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 95
  • Use OILER on the helmet, take PUZZLE PIECES 2/3, SHACKLES, and COAT OF ARMS (D).
  • Use COAT OF ARMS on the chest, take PUZZLE PIECES 3/3 (E).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 96
  • Use PUZZLE PIECES on the puzzle (F).
  • Easy solution: Click all the tiles in the following order (G).
  • Hard solution: Click all the tiles in the following order (H).
  • Take PLANET.
  • Use PLANET on the wheelbarrow, use THIN BRUSH on the paint, get BRUSH WITH PAINT, take FANG and ROPE SPOOL (I).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 97
  • Use BRUSH WITH PAINT on MEMORY STONE, click on the stone x5, get MEMORY STONE (J).
  • Go to Abandoned Village.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 98
  • Use MEMORY STONE on the background (L).
  • Easy solution: BCDABCDAA (M).
  • Hard solution: AABCEA (N).
  • Play puzzle (O).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 99
  • Use ROPE WITH HOOK on the raft, take SHOEMAKER’S KIT, use PARCHMENT on the stone, examine and take CONSTELLATION MAP (P).
  • Use CONSTELLATION MAP on the wall, click on the clusters of stones in the order shown on the note, take BEAR BERRY and CAN OPENER (Q).
  • Go to Nerida’s House.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 100
  • Use CHEESE on the mouse, take AMBER (S).
  • Use BEAR BERRY and AMBER on the wooden cups (T).
  • Easy solution: Select the following ingredients and click on the cauldron: 1+3, 2+4, 7+5, 7+8, 9+6, 10+8 (U).
  • Hard solution: Select the following ingredients and click on the cauldron: 1+3, 2+4, 7+5, 7+8, 9+8, 10+6, 10+11 (V).
  • Get POTION.
  • Offer POTION to the person, click on her, get HEALING POTION (W).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 101
  • Take GEARS 1/3, use SHACKLES on the window, take METAL BIRD (X).
  • Take METAL NEST (Y).
  • Use METAL BIRD and METAL NEST on the gate (Z).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 102
  • Easy solution: C, C, C, B, B, B, B, B, C, D, D, G, K, K, K, K, K, G, G, E, F, F (A).
  • Hard solution: C, C, C, B, B, B, B, B, C, D, D, G, K, K, K, K, K, G, G, E, F, F (B).
  • Go forward.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 103
  • Play puzzle, earn DRAGON FOOD (C).
  • Use FOOD WITH HEALING POTION on the dragon (E).
  • Select 1 or 2, get SCREWDRIVER (F).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 104
  • Use SCREWDRIVER on the screw, get SATURN (G).
  • Use SATURN on the empty slot (H).
  • Easy solution: Follow the instructions in the image (I).
  • Hard solution: Follow the instructions in the image (J).
  • Go to Circus Tent.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 105
  • Select 1, 2, or 3 (K).
  • Take JUMPING RING and BOMBARDIER, use FANG on the board (L).
  • Use BOMBARDIER on the cannon, take BUCKET (M).
  • Use BUCKET on the water, get BUCKET WITH WATER (N).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 106
  • Use BUCKET WITH WATER on the fire (O).
  • Easy solution: Using the given blocks, make a straight line for the buckets to reach the two flames.
  • You have a limited number of steps (P).
  • Hard solution: Using the given blocks, make a straight line for the buckets to reach the two flames.
  • You have a limited number of steps (Q).
  • Take VALVE (R).
  • Go to Circus Animal Cages.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 107
  • Use VALVE on the petcock, move the bucket, take BOBBIN (S).
  • Use BOBBIN on the thread, take TRAINER’S TORN BOOT (T).
  • Go to Circus Tent.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 108
  • Use HEAVY TRAINER’S BOOT on the board, take GEARS 2/3 and FELIX’S SIGNET RING (V).
  • Use FELIX’S SIGNET RING on the hollow, take LIGHTER and GEARS 3/3, use JUMPING RING on the platform (W).
  • Go back.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 109
  • Use GEARS on the mechanism (X).
  • Easy solution: Click on the gears in the following order (Y).
  • Hard solution: Click on the gears in the following order (Z).
  • Take LETTER C.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 110
  • Examine the box, use LETTER C on the text, take MAGNET (A).
  • Go to Circus Tent.
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 111
  • Use MAGNET on the hole, get LIGHTER OIL and WICK (B).
  • Use LIGHTER OIL and OLD LIGHTER on the platform (D).
Royal Romances 6: Fortunes and Foes Walkthrough - Step 112
  • Easy solution: Red – 1, green – 2, blue – 3, orange – 4, pink – 5, yellow – 6 (E).
  • Hard solution: Red – 1, green – 2, blue – 3, orange – 4, pink – 5, yellow – 6, blue – 7 (F).
  • Walkthrough Bonus Chapter, at the link below.
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