Magic City Detective 3: Rage Under Moon – The walkthrough of the game begins with the fact that
Unsolved Case Episode 12: Hidden Lies – The walkthrough of the game begins with the fact that you
Unsolved Case Episode 11: The Final Chapter – The walkthrough of the game begins with the fact
Unsolved Case Episode 10: In Pursuit of Truth – The walkthrough of the game begins with another
Unsolved Case Episode 9: The Scarlet Hyacinth – The walkthrough of the game begins with the fact
Unsolved Case Episode 8: Murderous Script – The walkthrough of the game begins with you quickly
Unsolved Case Episode 7: Murder on Air – The walkthrough of the game begins with the fact that
Unsolved Case Episode 6: Lost in Horror – The walkthrough of the game begins with the fact that
City Legends 3: Ghost of Misty Hill – Walkthrough of the game begins with the fact that your friend
City Legends 3: Ghost of Misty Hill (Bonus Chapter) – You arrive at the Misty Hill Treatment Center