Crossroad of Worlds 4: Magic stars – The walkthrough of the game begins with the fact that you are given a new case, it is connected with the theft of magic stars. You are approached by the keeper of magical worlds Uncle Randall, and asks for your help, someone again encroached on the stars of magical worlds, they began to disappear, but their light keeps the worlds from enslavement and oblivion. You will go on an unforgettable adventure, with many puzzles and puzzles. If you can not pass any of the puzzles or do not know where the items are, on our site you can watch the walkthrough of the game Crossroad of Worlds 4: Magic Stars, and protect the stars.
Crossroad of Worlds 4: Magic stars – Walkthrough
Below you can see the full walkthrough of the game Crossroad of Worlds 4: Magic Stars, specifically on all puzzles and levels.

- Set up the camera.
- Slide segments across the screen until all top symbols align with those in the bottom row to light each one.
- Each column may contain multiples of the same symbol.
- Easy solution (U).
- Hard solution (U), move slides to their shown positions in the following order: 7-8-6-5-4-1-2-3.

- Position the monsters’ limbs so that they can catch the lantern with their hands.
- Select a limb to rotate it.
- Solution Easy: 1-A 2C B 3C B D 2E.
- 2-2A B 2C 2E.
- 3-A 2D 3B C.
- Solution Hard: 1-2A 4B 4C 2D 3E.
- 2-3A 4E 2D 2B 4C.
- 3-3A 4D E 2B 3C.

- Gather toys until you get 50 points.
- The bigger a toy is, the more points you’ll get.
- When the claw hangs over a toy, select any area on the screen to grab the toy.
- Mind the time.
- Easy solution (B).

- Hard solution (C).

- Move the cannon so that every ball is directed to a target with the same symbol as the one on the ball.
- Direct the balls with witches’ hats to the obstacles on your left.
- Solution (Q): solution is random, screenshot shows target for various cannonballs.

- Arrange the triangles to make a complete picture.
- Choose two fragments to swap their places.
- Solution (X).

- Fill the center with red candles and the outer spots with blue candles.
- Rotate different loops of candles by pressing the sliders at the left and right.
- Solution (R): D-Cx6-D-Cx4-D-Bx7-C-D-Bx2-C-B-Cx2-D.
- B-C-D-A-Bx8-A-B-C-B-C-B-C-B-C-A-Bx8-A.

- Gather four fragments of each color around the golden circles.
- Select a golden circle to rotate the fragments around it, select the Play button to swap elements standing on the lines.
- Solution: D-E-A-Bx2-E-A-C-E-Cx2-E-B-C-D-E-D-E-B-E-Bx3-Ex3.

- Rotate the flowers and move the petals so that all the colored petals are on the corresponding flowers.
- Easy solution: V-Cx2-(15-16)-V-C-(15-16)-V-Wx2-(1-2)-Vx4-Wx2-(1-2).
- Bx4-Cx4-(13-14)-C-B-(13-14)-Vx2-Cx4-(15-16)-Wx5-Xx2-(3-4)-Yx2-(5-6).
- Y-Zx4-(7-8)-Xx4-Yx2-(5-6)-Zx3-(7-8)-Yx4-Z-(7-8)-Ax3-(9-10)-Bx2-A-(11-12).
- Ax3-Zx3-(9-10)-A-Bx2-(11-12)-Ax3-Bx3-(11-12).
- Hard solution: Vx2-(15-16)-V-Cx2-(15-16)-Cx2-(13-14)-Cx2-Bx2-(13-14).
- C-Bx5-(13-14)-B-(11-12)-A-B-(11-12)-Bx3-C-(13-14)-B-C-(13-14)-Vx3-(15-16).
- Wx6-V-(1-2)-V-Wx3-(1-2)-Cx3-(15-16)-Vx3-C-(15-16)-V-C-(15-16)-Ax4-(11-12).
- Bx4-C-(13-14)-Ax2-Z-(9-10)-(11-12)-Ax3-Bx3-(11-12)-A-B-(11-12)-C-(13-14).
- Cx4-V-(15-16)-Cx3-Bx3-(13-14)-Cx2-B-(13-14).

- Put the pieces of the torn document in their proper places to restore the original text.
- Solution (X).

- Arrange the tokens with symbols in accordance with the hint you see on the screen.
- Click on a token to move it.
- Select two tokens on the same track to swap them.
- Tokens should be placed in a clockwise direction.
- Easy and Hard solution: (2-3)-(3-4)-(4-5)-(5-6)-(6-7)-(3-4)-(4-5)-(5-6).
- (3-4)-(4-5)-(2-3)-(3-4)-(1-2)-(2-3)-(1-2).

- Separate the molecules of coffee from the particles of poison.
- To do that, guide the molecule of poison through the maze with the help of the buttons.
- Easy solution: L-1-K-2-L-3-K-4.

- Hard solution: 1-P-2-N-3-O-4-P-5.

- Repair the mechanism.
- Place the gears in such a way that all mechanism parts start rotating.
- Easy solution (X): (1-6).

- Hard solution (Y): (1-8).

- Arrange the suitcases on the trolley.
- Select the suitcases to move them.
- Easy solution (T): (1-7).

- Hard solution (U): (1-10).

- Place lanterns on the playing field so that the light from them illuminates all the paths on the field.
- Easy and hard solution (U).

- Select the wires to place them on the circuit board.
- Wires cannot cross each other and every circuit must be engaged.
- Easy solution: (1-6).

- Hard solution: (7-17).

- Arrange the symbols.
- Easy solution (G): (7-4-1-2-3-6-9).
- Hard solution (H): (5-3-7-10-9-5-4-8-9)-(5-3-6-5-4-1-2-3-5-6).

- Link each token with the correct number of connections.
- Select a token, then select a line to solidify the connection.
- Double connections can be created by selecting a line twice.
- Easy solution (J).

- Hard solution (K).

- Place the houses on the branches.
- Solution (X).

- Recreate the sequence of the symbols depicted above by choosing the number of steps the blue indicator makes and the direction it moves.
- Each time you make a mistake, you have to start from the beginning.
- Easy solution: (7-A)-(4-A)-(4-A)-(7-B)-(4-A).

- Hard solution: (4-D)-(4-C)-(7-D)-(3-D)-(3-C)-(4-C)-(3-D).

- Arrange the funnels in the correct positions.
- Select a funnel to move it to an available space.
- Easy solution (H): (1-8).

- Hard solution (I): (1-32).

- Move the chips to the right side of the board.
- Note that they are linked as pairs.
- Easy solution (O): drag chips as shown.

- Hard solution (P): drag chips 1-7.

- Remove the flowers of the same color on the branch.
- Click on the flowers on the branch above the others.
- Walkthrough (T): (1-5)-(6-10)-(11-15)-(16-21)-(22-25)-(26-31).

- Brew the reviving potion.
- Mix the ingredients according to the recipe.
- Easy solution (X): 4-2-8-2-5-7-6-7-2-1-7-1-9-10-7-1-1-3.

- Hard solution (T): 4-2-11-2-2-1-10-1-1-3-5-7-6-7-7-1-9-1-8-1-3-1-1-3.

- Move the heart to the center of the circle with the help of golden arrows.
- Easy solution (X): A-B-C-2B.

- Hard solution (T): 3A-B-C-2B.

- Follow the recipe to make the serum.
- Easy solution (F): D-B-G-B-E-A-H-A-F-C-I-C.

- Easy solution (G).

- Hard solution (H): D-B-G-B-E-A-H-A-F-C-I-C.

- Hard solution (I).

- Hard solution (J).

- Place all the goblets in their places, according to the clue.
- Click on the clue to enlarge it.
- Click on the button in the middle when you have put all the cups in their places.
- Easy solution (T).

- Hard solution (U): C-B-Fx3-E-F-B-E-C-E-F-E-G.

- Align the symbols in their proper slots as shown in the clue above.
- Select a symbol and then the arrows to move it.
- Easy solution (X).

- Hard solution (T).

- Get all the weights into the same line by arranging the springs according to their tension.
- Select two springs to swap their positions, then pull the handle to test your solution.
- Easy solution (@3): (1-6)-(4-5)-(3-4)-(7).

- Hard solution (@25): (8-9)-(11-13)-(14-15)-(16).

- Move the spheres along the grid to align the string with the pattern drawn in the background.
- Easy solution (X).
- Hard solution (T).

- Arrange all the magic spheres according to the instructions on the piece of paper attached to the scale.
- Select a sphere and put in on a scale to weigh it.
- Solution (X).

- Arrange the symbols according to the plot.
- Solution (A): (A-7)-(D-12)-(E-2)-(D-13)-(A-3)-(D-8).
- (C-13)-(B-5)-(D-9)-(C-7)-(F-12)-(C-1)-(D-10)-(D-6)-(F-4).

- Click on the stones at the base of the magic orb to change the symbols inside the orb.
- Easy solution (X): 1-2-3-4-5.

- Hard solution (T): 1-2-3-4-5.
Congratulations! You have completed the game Crossroad of Worlds 4: Magic stars.