Hidden Escape: Island Mystery – Chapter 8: The Island’s Secret – The stakes have become higher. With Eliza keeping Ashok at gunpoint, Liam and Leela must find the source for her. We’re at the endgame now.
Island Mystery – Chapter 8: The Island’s Secret Walkthrough
Here you can watch the complete walkthrough of Chapter 8: The Island’s Secret, in Island Mystery.
Move the handle to the right by pressing the triangular button or the handle itself. Align the symbols on the buttons with the tine locks to ensure a smooth passage.
To continue, select the desired ends of the star.
Click on the figurines to play their corresponding notes. Match pairs of figures with the same notes to continue.
Click on the bells to ring them. Each bell plays a specific role in the spell depending on its frequency.
Click on nodes to link them together into a single connection. The number of crystals on each node indicates how many connections it can make.
Press the grid to rotate the buttons. Match the pattern on the grid with the pattern reflected by the lantern. Press the lantern to rotate it to turn the symbols and match the pattern on the lantern.
Align all the triangles in their places. Press the rotate buttons to move the triangles.
Use the rotator to change the position of the external light sources. To continue, connect all the light beams together.
Move the crystals to their respective slots. Create a path for the crystals by clicking on the blocks and changing their direction.
Press and pull to turn the dials. Line up the symbol parts in the direction of the pointing finger with the symbol in the center.
Match the spell on the locket with the parts of the symbol reflected between the witch’s hands. Click on the parts of the symbol to create a combination.