Hoosegow: Prison Survival – The game is a prison simulator with the ability to choose answers in various situations. At the beginning of the game you get a randomly selected character, a crime and a sentence, your task is to survive in prison. Each choice of answer affects your status and the attitude of the prisoners. You must strengthen your status in society in order to be recognized by fellow inmates. Despite the location, the game is filled with humor and funny situations. If you find it difficult to choose an answer to a question, on our site you can see the answers to the game Hoosegow, and survive.
Hoosegow Walkthrough
Here you can watch the complete walkthrough of the game Hoosegow, namely the answers to all questions.
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‘Peace to you.’ β ‘Peace to you too,’ he answers glumly. ‘Why don’t you come in, take a seat, and tell me what kind of bird you are,’ he says with a smirk. Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
Quietly sit down on an empty bunk bed β ‘Hey dude! Are you in the wrong cell?’ the prisoner rudely asks. So much for making friends.
“Whatβs up, dude?” β “Whatβs up dude, howβre you doing?β you say. βHow do you think?β he respond, and you both begin to get acquainted.
Whatβs up dude? β “Whatβs up dude, howβre you doing?β you say. βHow do you think?β he respond, and you both begin to get acquainted.
‘As-salamu alaykum.’ β ‘Wa-alaykoumou-ssalam,’ you hear in response. Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
Offer a handshake β ‘Sorry dude. I don’t know you,’ he says with a shrug. ‘Now that’s embarrassing,’ you think to yourself. Not much happens for the rest of the day.
“I’ve got nothing to hide.” β You’re clean as a whistle. No incidents happen during the search.
Give them everything you’ve hidden β They take all your stuff, but they only scold you. Lucky you huh?
“Let them look. I’ve hidden everything.” β Lucky you! The guards didn’t find anything you hid.
Refuse it β ‘You don’t have any respect for me huh?’ he says. ‘I’m a high-profile thief here and you offend me.’ β-20
Take the cigarette β You light it and thank him. ‘I see you’re a cool dude,’ he says. +Smoke
Give him a cigarette β You take the last cigarette out of the pack and give it to the inmate. ‘Only cops take the last one,’ he says. ‘Well, it’s your loss,’ you answer and light the cigarette.
‘I don’t smoke.’ β ‘Are you an athlete or what?’ He sneers at you, spits, and walks away.
‘I’m empty, bro, it’s all gone.’ β ‘Are you trying to fool me?’ He looks at you closely and you remain calm, looking him in the eye.
‘I’ll sell ’em for 200 coins.’ β ‘You think I’m a S@cker huh?’ he says scornfully and leaves. β-30
Yell β ‘Okay, okay, I’m sorry,’ the culprit says. ‘Take a seat at our table, and we’ll share our dinner like brothers.’ β+20
Apologize β The prisoner looks at you haughtily and grins. ‘Well done bro.’ Looks like you won’t be having lunch today. β-30
Hit him β You go after the culprit and hit him with a tray and the guards see you. ‘We’re not finished yet,’ you shout as a guard drags you out of the dining room. β+30
Give a questioning look β ‘What are you looking at me for?’ he asks. ‘It’s your fault.’ Guess it’s “No-Lunch-Day” today. β-20
Don’t take anything β “I don’t want any more trouble. I’ve got a cat waiting for me at home.” Lunch hour goes by quietly.
Steal a spoon β You discreetly grab a spoon and hide it under your clothes. Later in your cell you make a real prison shank from the spoon and a stalk. +Agility
Steal a fork β You discreetly grab a fork and hide it under your clothes. Later in your cell you make a real prison shank from the fork and a stalk. +Agility
Steal it β You seize the moment and steal the scalpel discreetly. You celebrate your victory silently but just as you get to the exit, you’re searched and caught. Busted! You’re immediately sent to The Dump.
Sit still β ‘I don’t want any trouble. I want to go home as soon as possible and start a normal life.’ +Vitality
Take some medicine β You thank yourself for being prudent and take the medicine. For a while you have fever, but afterwards you feel fine. After a couple of days, you’re allowed to return to your cell.
Request for a doctor β You pound on the iron door of the isolation ward with your fist, demanding a doctor. ‘In the morning,’ the guard says sleepily. You fall asleep, but in the middle of the night you wake up with chills. You’ve been infected with mouse fever, and help hasn’t arrived. You’re dead. π
Continue sleeping β You fall asleep, but in the middle of the night you wake up with chills. You’ve been infected with mouse fever, now you’re dead. π
‘Big Shots don’t work.’ β ‘Who’s a big shot? You? Do not be ridiculous!’ The prisoners laugh while the guards beat you with a baton and throw you into The Dump.
Work β ‘Don’t just stand there, move your butt!’ The Warden takes you to your workstation.
Refuse β ‘You think you’re a Big Shot now huh?’ The guards beat you with a baton and throw you into The Dump. β+20
Black wire β Once you’ve sorted out the wiring, you plug the cord from the kettle into the socket and… everything works! ‘When I get out of prison, I’m going to work as an electrician.’ π°+60
Blue wire β Once you’ve sorted out the wiring, you plug the cord from the kettle into the socket and… black smoke fills the room. ‘I think I’ll stick to kitchen work from now on.’ You don’t get paid for your work and it sucks.
Red wire β Once you’ve sorted out the wiring, you plug the cord from the kettle into the socket and… black smoke fills the room. ‘I think I’ll stick to kitchen work from now on.’ You don’t get paid for your work and it sucks.
Die with honor β ‘I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.’ Your inspirational quote doesn’t impress them one bit. The following morning, the guards find you hanged in your cell. π
Get punished β You want to live so much that you’re ready to endure humiliation. Now you are a S@cker and you will live with this…
Buy off for 200 coins β ‘Ok, Name, you get to live for now.’ The inmates take the money and leave, leaving you alone with your shame. π°-200
Continue eating β ‘Tastes like prawns,’ you think, and remember the days when you could afford dinner in a first-class restaurant.
Throw the soup on the floor β ‘Hey, Cook. You bitch!’ you shout. ‘Are you trying to poison us or what?’ You see the cook shuddered with fear. He will definitely face the consequences later on.
Play for 100 coins β You lose set by set, but in the last game you manage to get back on your feet. The Inmates are reluctant to hand you the prize money but they do it anyways. π°+100 +Agility
Report to the Warden β You secretly inform the Warden about an illegal gaming club in the back room. The next day, all the players are sent to The Dump.
Walk by β ‘I’d rather read a book than play cards,’ you think to yourself.
Find another table β You make a circle around the dining room, but still don’t find anywhere to sit. ‘Either sit at the free table or leave!’ the guard yells at you. You decide that it’s better to stay hungry than to sit with a S@cker.
Chase the S@cker away β ‘Hey, you!’ you hear. An angry guard comes to you and knocks the tray out of your hands. All your dinner falls to the floor. ‘Now take a mop and clean up after yourself!’ Guess who’s staying hungry tonight? Yes. You.
Take a seat β ‘A fresh one joins the S@cker troop,’ someone says as the inmates laugh. Name looks at you with disdain. β-30 -Relations
Walk by β ‘There are many more ways to lose money than to win,’ you think to yourself and walk by.
Shout, ‘What are you playing for?’ β The prisoners are alarmed and run away, while you continue your walk, laughing to yourself at their stupidity. β-20
Play and bet 100 coins β What is wrong with these dice? The dice play in favour of your opponents as though they are enchanted. You lose a lot of money. π°-100
Don’t pick it up β It looks like everything’s fine, but as you step out of the shower you slip on a piece of soap and hit your head on the concrete floor…
Bend over and pick it up β You look around anxiously and pick up the soap. ‘I’m ok,’ you think with relief.
Call for help β A fat, sweaty guard comes in. ‘Why are you yelling like a woman in a market? Everybody, shower time is over, back to your cells!’ With shampoo in their hair the inmates come out of the shower sending you death glares. They promise to deal with you. β-30
Stab him with a shank β You pull your hand out with a shank. ‘Hey, I was just kidding,’ the prisoner explains quickly. For a second you contemplate stabbing him in the side. ‘Get out, dog!’ The prisoner runs out of the bathroom like a bullet. β+40
Run away β You push the prisoner away and run. Halfway to the door you slip on a piece of soap and hit your head on the concrete floor…. β-20
‘Go away!’ β The prisoner estimates if you are easy prey and eventually decides not to mess with you. You continue with your shower but occasionally you look around. Cautiously.
‘Why do you ask?’ β ‘Just wanna know what kind of man you are. A mole? A rat?’ ‘Don’t worry, I’m an honest criminal.’ ‘Well, come in and have a seat.’
‘Honest criminal.’ β ‘Well, come in and have a seat. I’m Name.’ Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
‘Sorry, I don’t understand your question.’ β The inmate grins. ‘You’ll need to learn prison laws, kid, otherwise it’ll be tough for you in here.’ Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
Deny eveything β The investigator presses you for several hours, but you deny everything. The investigation has no evidence to refute your statement. In the end, he gives up and lets you go.
Confess to the crime β You confess to the crime. As a result, your term is extended by three months.
Offer a bribe of 100 coins β The investigator looks around and quickly takes the money. ‘Well, Name, no more questions for you. You’re free to go.’ π°-100
‘Are you an angel?’ β The nurse laughs. ‘You’re cute for a criminal.’ She puts you on a drip and leaves. A few days later, you’re discharged and return to your cell. +Vitality
Don’t move β ‘Not even a ‘hello?’ she asks, offended. She puts you on a drip and leaves. You haven’t seen her since then. A few days later you’re discharged and return to your cell.
Kiss her β The nurse recoils and looks at you angry. ‘Savage!’ You never see her again. A few days later you’re discharged and return to your cell.
Say it’s yours β The officer looks through the magazine with interest and then throws it on the bunk. ‘Okay, guys, have a rest.’
Stare out the window β The officer notices your look and asks: ‘What are you dreaming about, Name?’ You dream about a juicy turkey fillet baked in sour cream sauce, but you just shrug your shoulders in response.
Exclaim: ‘Oh my. What boobs!’ β The officer looks through the magazine with interest and then throws it on the bunk. ‘Okay, guys, have a rest.’
Open the flap in the door β It’s dark and quiet in the corridor like in a crypt. You move to close the flap, but at that moment a hand appear from the darkness and grabs you by the throat. “Zombie,” flashes in your head, and then you hear you hear your own neck snap…. π
Don’t react β You stretch out lazily, yawning. ‘I don’t care what it is, even if it’s a zombie,’ you think. The rest of your days in The Dump go by without much action.
Go back to your cell β After being in the cold and dark isolation ward, the prison cell looks homy and cozy to you.
Go back to your cell β After being in the cold and dark isolation ward, the prison cell looks homy and cozy to you.
Use a shank β Yelling and swearing you fight off the dog. Fearing for the dog, the Warden drives away the Dobermann and takes away your shank. β+30
Throw food to the dog β You throw food and rush towards the prison block. When you look back you see that Dobermann is busy with the food, to the Warden’s upset. ‘Ugh, my stash is all gone,’ you think.
Run away β You rush towards the prison block hearing the guards whistle. You’re two steps away from the lifesaving door when the Dobermann catches up to you and sinks his teeth into your leg. The Warden decides you’ve had enough, drives the dog away and takes you to the medical unit.
Threaten him with a shank β You slowly come closer to the inmate, put a knife to his throat and politely ask him to pour a bowl of soup on his head. The prisoner throws his lunch over his head while everyone laughs. β+40
Spit in his plate β ‘What are you doing, sheep?’ the convict jumps out of his seat. ‘Is there a problem?’ The guard says, reaching for the baton. The prisoner looks at the guard with fear and sits down. β+30
Ignore him β Other inmates notice that you do not react and begin to give you the middle finger. For the entire duration of lunch, the other inmates laugh and mock you. β-30
Hit him with a tray β You take the tray and beat the prisoner with it. ‘That’s it, dude, put some iodine on your forehead,’ his buddy shouts. The convicts jump on you and beat you up. Barely alive, you are taken to the medical block.
Use your food stash β You take out food from your rainy day stash. ‘This should be enough for a couple of days.’ They remembered you the next morning. Afraid that you’ll write a complaint, they transfer you back to your cell immediately.
Unscrew the toilet bowl with a shank β ‘We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig from early morn’ till night.’ Singing the song, you take out the screws and remove the toilet. You manage to get out through the sewer and discreetly return to your cell. Your shank broke during the process, unfortunately.
Pray and wait β You pray remembering the names of all the gods. After a while you hear the rattle of the door knob. ‘Take your food, Name,’ the guard says and puts a bowl of soup in front of you.
Don’t move β It gets more difficult to breath, your thoughts swim and get mixed up. When St. Christopher sitting on the striped seal comes for you, you realize it’s the end. You die from lack of oxygen. π
Go outside β You wander in the dark corridors until the light suddenly comes on. βShoot! It’s a food warehouse!’ You take canned food and cigarettes and go back to The Dump. +Smoke
Pay 100 coins β The warden takes the money, smiles and says: ‘Well done, Name, I’ll see you in a week.’ π°-100
Cut your wrist with a shank β ‘I rather die than pay the cops,’ you say as you take out the shank and slit your wrist. The Warden does not come for the money anymore. β+40
Refuse to pay β Someone, actually, the Warden, creates a rumor that you’re cooperating with the administration. The news instantly spreads all over the prison.
Hit the guard β ‘What?! You hit me, a faithful guardian of the law, on my face?!’ The guard becomes furious and attacks you with the rage of a wounded bear. He smashes your head on a toilet bowl with all his strength. The toilet bowl breaks and your skull cracks. You’re dead. π
Give him alcohol β The more drunk the guard gets, the kinder he becomes. ‘You know,’ he says. ‘Even though you are a piece of shi@, I respect you.’ “I hope the guys won’t know about that!” you think.
Take a beating β The guard smashess your head on a toilet bowl with all his strength. The toilet bowl breaks and your skull cracks. You’re dead. π
Stab him β Luckily the wound isn’t fatal and the guard decides not to report the incident to his superiors because he’ll get into trouble as well.
Count the money honestly β You do what you say. ‘I’ve counted the money, it’s all correct.’ ‘Alright then,’ the Big Shots are satisfied. β+20
Keep 200 coins for yourself β You take 200 coins from the commun fund and shove it in your pocket. Nobody notices anything. ‘What a nice little secret,’ you think. π°+200
‘I’m not good at Math.’ β The convicts are dissatisfied. ‘Didn’t you study at school?’ You lose the respect of the Big Shots. β-20
Put in 100 coins from your money β ‘It’s okay,’ you think. You are sad to part with the money, but at least you won’t have to explain yourself to your lads. π°-100
Tell the Big Shots β ‘What’s the problem?’ they ask. You tell the Big Shots about the shortage. ‘Okay, we’ll find the rat,’ they promise. You are safe β you’ve done your job.
Keep it a secret β After a while the shortage is discovered. The inmates start looking for the culprit and remember that you were the last one to count the common funds. ‘You cheated us!’ It’s too late to justify yourself, now you have to answer for the shortage.
‘I don’t remember’ β ‘Are you bullshiting us, leaky tusk? Beat him up, guys!’ The inmates jump on you immediately. You lay on the ground covered in mud and dust.
‘I’ll pay back everything, I promise. Just give me a little more time….’ β ‘Are you bullshiting us, leaky tusk? Beat him up, guys!’ The inmates jump on you immediately. You lay on the ground covered in mud and dust.
Pay 200 coins β ‘You, Name, are a good criminal,’ the convict says and lets you go. Your debt is paid. β+30 π°-200
Offer cigarettes β ‘What’s this? Empty your pockets, Name.’ All your cigarettes are taken away from you. ‘My debt is paid. I’ll go ask my cellmate for a cigarette,’ you think.
Pay it off for 200 coins β ‘Consider your debt paid. You gotta be more careful from now on. I’m off to party!’ β+30 π°-200
Call for help β Nobody hears you scream, or everyone pretends not to hear you. ‘It’s over, boy, you better get some iodine for your forehead!’ he says, then slams your head on the locker. When you wake up, you’re in the hospital room.
Pretend you’re having an attack β ‘Bad acting!’ he says and slams your head against the locker. When you wake up, you’re in the hospital room.
Give him a bottle of alcohol β ‘It’s a valuable asset,’ the inmate says. ‘Consider your debt paid. I’m going to party today.’ β+30
Go to The Dump in his place β You go to the isolation ward instead of another prisoner. The guards don’t really care who’s rotting in the hold so long as they get to report to their superiors. The lads appreciate your deed, and you have their respect and honor. β+40
Send food to the Big Shot β ‘Here, give it to our bro so that he doesn’t starve to death there,’ you say and you take out some food from your stash under the bed. The lads appreciate your deed, and you have their respect and honor. β+30
‘It’s his fault not mine!’ β ‘It’s his headache, not ours,’ you say. Other prisoners disagree with you – ‘we must stand with our friends,’ they say. β-30
Give a bribe of 200 coins β ‘We must stand with our bros,’ you say as you take out your stash from under the bed. The bribed guard releases the prisoner from the cell. β+40 π°-200
Ask him to split the money β You get a share from the prisoner and promise to keep your mouth shut. Everything is kept secret, but the prisoner himself accidentally leaks it out. Not only did you have to return the money, but you also hat to promise to contribute twice as much to the common fund.
Report everything to the Big Shots β ‘He won’t get out of it easily,’ the inmates assure you. For several evenings you hear the screams of pain and suffering coming from the next cell. β+30
Keep it a secret β You promise to keep everything a secret, but you keep thinking that the others might find out and it drives you crazy. The constant tension causes you to have a nervous breakdown. You’re sent to the medical unit for examination.
Agree β ‘Don’t panic, bro,’ you smile and take the bottles. When the search in other cells is over the prisoners treat you to a bottle of alcohol. β+30
Refuse β ‘Do you want to offend us, Name? We’re not S@ckers you know,’ the convicts say, upset. ‘Self comes first,’ you think. β-30
Close the hole with your finger β Closing the hole with your finger is inconvenient, and you still have a bowl of soup and bread to carry. Balancing the items in your hands, you try to walk to your table. ‘You could perform at the circus, Name,’ the convicts laugh. +Agility
Go away silently β You walk to your table with the drink leaking everywhere. ‘Hey, you, hole whip! You splashed my pants,’ you hear some prisoner shouting. When you turn around you only see a glimpse of the approaching fist before it all goes dark….
Request another mug β ‘You’re just like your mug,’ the cook yells and beats you with a ladle on your head. When you wake up, you find yourself in the medical unit.
Order your cellmate to do it β ‘No problem, Name, I’ll do it right away!’ ‘It’s nice to be a Big Shot,’ you think. β+30
Refuse with a scoff β βWhat? Clean toilets? Like mother-fricking-hell!β Obviously, that earns you some time in The Dump, but you had no choice. Cleaning toilets is for S@ckers. β+30
Agree to do it β ‘Why did I do it myself? I should’ve refused or asked my cellmate to.’ Cleaning toilets is for S@ckers. When the other prisoners find out about it, your status drops drastically. β-40
Keep the money for yourself β You take the money but instead of going to the store you go back to your cell and go to bed. It was naive to think that you’d get away with it so easily. Now you owe the other prisoners money. π°+100
Treat them to your own cigarettes β They take your cigarettes. ‘Thank you, Name,’ the inmates say. ‘You’ve helped us save cash.’ β+30
Go to the store β You quietly sneak past the patrol guards (so that they don’t take the money) and safely reach the store. Then without attracting attention, you go back to your cell. ‘Here you go,’ you say and give the cigarettes to the inmates. β+30
‘Food’s quite bad.’ β After some consultations, the commissioner gives you a can of ham. ‘Thank you, boss,’ you say happily.
‘We don’t have medicines.’ β After some consultations, the commissioner gives you a pack of antibiotics. ‘Thank you, boss,’ you say happily.
‘Everything’s ok, boss.’ β ‘That’s right, comrade Name. You have to endure the hardships of life in prison with strength.’
Throw it away β ‘A Michelin star in your butt,’ you think and threw the loaf in the bin. The loaf makes a slight dent in the metal bin.
Eat it β ‘Well, it’s from a friend,’ you think as you begin to chew on the bread. CRACK! Turns out there’s a hidden surprise – a shank.
Pay 100 coins for medicines β ‘Here, buy some antibiotics and keep the change,’ you give a note to a nurse. A couple of days later you’re discharged and sent back to your cell. π°-100 +Vitality
Sigh and agree β The treatment is successful and after a couple of days you’re fit as a fiddle. ‘Thank you for looking after me,’ you say to heaven. +Vitality
Use your stash of medicines β ‘God helps those who help themselves,’ you think as you take the medicines you saved up. A couple of days later you’re discharged and sent back to your cell. +Vitality
Give a bribe of 200 coins β You pass the money for the bribe through the thieves’ channels. After a while, you receive a letter from your brother saying the case has been closed. ‘You have to protect your family, today you’ll help them, and tomorrow they will help you.’ β+40 π°-200
Ask the Big Shots for help β ‘Brother, you say …’ The convicts promise to grease the investigator’s palms. After a while you receive a letter saying the case has been closed. Your brother is free, and you’re indebted to the prisoners.
‘It’s his own fault.’ β ‘I’m in a tough spot myself,’ you think. The rumor that you abandoned your brother in trouble quickly spreads in the prison. β-30
Refuse it β ‘A tempting offer but you are not my buddy, cop,’ you strongly object. The Warden chokes and coughs. You decide it’s time to get away from the office.
Take the gingerbread β You decide to get the most out of the Warden’s good mood. ‘Can I take two? Or three?’ As a result you return to your cell with a package of gingerbread cookies.
Try to escape β You pull the sleeve towards you, but how can a person compete with the strength of a machine? ‘I’ve never even seen the sea,’ is your last thought before you die. In memory of you, the prisoners name the machine Name. π
Cut off the sleeve with a shank β ‘A real man always has a solution.’ You quickly take out the shank and cut off the sleeve of your overalls. You’re free and you cut off the other sleeve. ‘Now it’s symmetrical.’ π°+60
Call for help β The foreman hears your scream, rushes to the machine, and pulls the cord out of the socket. CLANG! The saw stops an inch from your hand. You are safe, but now you owe your savior a huge debt. π°+60
Get food supplies and wait β ‘Well, fine, look for me yourselves,’ you say as you sit down on a stone, take out provisions from the stocks and begin to wait. A day later they find you and take you back to prison.
Call for help β You call for help and after a few hours you hear the voice of the foreman. ‘There you are, Name, They’ve been looking for you for half a day. Many fellows disappear in these tunnels, so now you owe me.’ π°+60
Look for the exit β Left, right, left again … Most of the tunnels were abandoned decades ago. Even the most experienced stalkers don’t know the real length of all the tunnels. No one’s ever seen you alive since then … π
Crack the rock with a shank β ‘Be cracked, nut,’ you whisper and hammer the stone with a shank. After a couple of hours of furious hammering the stone cracks and shatters – Lucky you! π°+60
Wait for salvation β You stay silent and wait for someone to come for you. A couple of days later they really do come for you – a thin old woman with braids wearing a hoodie… π
Call for help β ‘Hey, wassup?’ Two unfamiliar prisoners find you. One of them scratches his head and says: ‘Dude, here’s the deal β we’ll get you out, but you will owe us.’ Having no choice, you agree. π°+60
Run away β You dart to the side and the tree collapses behind you with a loud crash. ‘Iβll find that bastard and shove an axe into his b@tt,’ you think. π°+60 +Agility
Stay put β You freeze and the next moment, a pine tree collapses next to you with a loud crash. ‘Iβll find that bastard and shove an axe into his b@tt,’ you think. π°+60
Throw food at the bear β The bear is taken aback by such impudence. Taking advantage of the hitch you rush away at a speed that a frightened antelope would envy. π°+60
Shout β Your scream reminds the bear of the female’s roar in the spring, and he decides to get to know you better … You die a very painful death. π
Pretend to be dead β You fall down pretending to be dead. Either the beast does not believe you, or he does not mind having some carrion. One way or another, the bear grabs you and drags you into the den. No one’s ever seen you alive since then… π
Run away β You want to run, but fear paralyzes your legs, and you’re frozen to the spot. The bear sniffs you carefully, and then grabs you and drags you to the den … No one’s ever seen you alive since then… π
Use a pain killer β You swallow the pills one by one. At some point the feeling of pain disappears, as well as smell and taste. Dragging your feet slowly you walk back to other inmates. π°+60
Drink some alcohol β ‘I will survive, I will survive!’ screaming out the song at the top of your lungs and waving an empty bottle to the beat, you return to the rest of the prisoners. π°+60
Call for help β They did come to your rescue, just it wasn’t a rescue team but a bear. Some pieces of clothing, gnawed bones, and unfulfilled dreams – that’s all that was left after that encounter. π
Signal the guard β The guard sneaks up to the door and bursts into the room. ‘Freeze, don’t hide the cards!’ All the players are sent to The Dump. You have a feeling you’ve just lost the last crumbs of respect from the prisoners. β-20
Signal the inmates β ‘Cluck-cluck,’ you warn the other prisoners about incoming danger. Suspecting something fishy, the guard peeps into the room. The prisoners manage to hide the cards and are now reading the Criminal Code like nothing happened. β+30
Stand by quietly β Whistling a song, the guard passes by. You hear the door slam down the corridor and his footsteps receding. No one else disturbs you that evening.
Report to the workshop chief β The guards search the workshop and find several caches with banned products. You get their thanks and cakes from the administration and plenty of hate from the prisoners. π°+60
Keep the alcohol for yourself β ‘Come to Daddy,’ you say as you discreetly take out a bottle of alcohol from the hiding place and put it underneath your clothes. ‘It’s my lucky day today!’ π°+60
Continue working β You work hard until the end of the shift and exceed the day’s plan. You get a bonus for your hard work. π°+100
‘Thank you, sir!’ β You’re given a portion of food from the warehouse. ‘It is a sin to refuse it,’ you think.
‘I don’t need handouts.’ β Fearful of your behavior in front of the team, the prison governor orders you to be put in isolation – away from the Minister’s eyes.
‘I’m not in the mood.’ β Alrighty then. You sit in your cell while the other prisoners sing songs behind the wall.
‘Cool, I’m in.’ β ‘Looks like it gonna be a great party today,’ you think as you walk into a cell filled with drunk prisoners. The whole night you sing songs and make fun of S@ckers. When the party’s over, you get a bottle of moonshine. β+20
Do nothing β You drive away the thoughts of theft and instead begin to count the jars of drugs on the table. ‘I’m supposed to be sober.’
Steal the alcohol β ‘So this is where all the alcohol has been going!’ You’re caught red-handed and accused of stealing a canister of alcohol from the medical unit last week. Of course, you had nothing to do with it, but no one cares.
Refuse β ‘You can’t make me clean toilets with a fork. I’m not a S@cker.’ You are kicked to The Dump for insubordination. β+30
Agree β ‘I hope nobody find out, you think and start working. But in prison, even toilets have ears. You lose the respect of the other prisoners for doing such dirty work. β-40
Hit the warden with the fork β ‘The toilet,’ you whisper, the piece of cutlery shaking in your hand. Then, you stab the Warden with the fork. β+30
Order a S@cker to work β ‘Are you claiming to be a Big Shot, Name?’ You are kicked to The Dump for insubordination.
Ignore him β ‘How childish,’ you think and immediately forget about what happened. None of the prisoners pay any attention on it.
Yell at him β ‘I’ll pull your flippers out now!’ The prisoner pales and stutters ‘I didn’t want…’ ‘Go away!!!’ you yell so that everyone hears.
Spank him too β The prisoner laughs. Other inmates start laughing too. It looks like a friendly joke.
‘Finish him off.’ β ‘Have you ever been bitten by lice? We don’t kill for such petty offences.’ After a long argument, the prisoners decide that you don’t follow the thieves’ code. β-20
‘Kick him well.’ β Making jokes the prisoners beat up the S@cker. ‘He’ll know better than to break the rules next time. β+20
‘Understand and forgive.’ β ‘Every S@cker should know his place,’ the inmates say. ‘You forgive once, you forgive twice, and then you’ll be stuffed yourself.’ After a long argument, the prisoners decide that you don’t follow the thieves’ code. β-20
Ask the Big Shots for support β The Big Shots quickly solve the problem with the crazy convict. He won’t bother you anymore, but now you’re indebted to high standing inmates…
Report to the administration β They listen to you carefully and take the complaint in writing. ‘We’ll deal with it,’ the officer assures you. The crazy convict doesn’t disturb you anymore, but other prisoners find out about your denunciation.
Agree to pay β ‘Don’t eat me, I’ll pay you, I swear. But I’m broke now…’ You show him your empty pockets. The prisoner believes you, but now you owe him.
Stab the psycho with a shank β ‘Ha, I’ll make meatballs from you myself,’ you say as you stab him with a shank. You’ve never seen anyone run so fast before…
Ask the Big Shots for support β ‘That’s a serious offence,’ the high standing prisoners say. ‘One can be skinned alive for it.’ For several nights, you hear screams of pain and suffering from the next cell.
Threaten him with a shank β ‘Okay, I’m sorry,’ the prisoner mumbles. ‘Was just kidding.’ You never see the blackmailer again. β+30
Ignore him β Either the prisoner is afraid of the consequences or, your authority is stronger than the rumors. One way or another, no one dares accuse you of snitching.
Agree to pay β ‘There’s no need to spread rumors, I’ll pay, I swear. But I’m broke now…’ You show him your empty pockets. The prisoner believes you, but now you owe him.
Hit him β A left hook, a right hook and finally you knock him out with a powerful uppercut. When he regains consciousness, he does not remember anything. ‘You,’ you improvise, ‘hit your head on the bench.’
Congratulate Him β ‘Children are the flowers of life. We should definitely toast to it.’ You congratulate the warden and drink to the health of his child.
‘I’m ready.’ β Even though the doctor is completely drunk, he does everything right – cut, operate, stitch. But he makes a small mistake… He forgets the scalpel in your chest cavity. By the time the doctor realizes his mistake you’re already dead. π
Give him more alcohol β ‘Let’s have a drink first.’ You drink with the doctor to the health of medical workers, then he falls asleep peacefully on the next bed. Taking advantage of the situation you take the scalpel away from the surgeon.
Push the doctor away β ‘Oh, you…’ The doctor steps back, loses his balance and falls on you. It just happens that the scalpel in the doctor’s hand dives right in your heart as he falls… π
Become a donor β The prisoner feels better and soon gets out of the medical unit. You got respect and honor because now you and the Big Shot have the same blood in your veins… β+30 +Vitality
Drink alcohol β ‘There’s more alcohol in my blood than…’ you burp loudly and smile at the prisoners. The guys decide to look for another donor for the Big Shot. +Vitality
Refuse β Despite the tough pressure from the guys, you absolutely refuse and don’t give a drop of your blood. You recover, but the Big Shot passes away… +Vitality
Search the shelve for medicines β ‘Are you looking for drugs, rascal?’ A nurse catches you. Despite your excuses and complaints, the nurse ties you to the bed and leaves you for the entire night. Death finally comes knocking at dawn… π
Take some medicine β 39…38…37β¦ Your temperature drops, and you fall into anxious sleep. In the morning you feel better. +Vitality
Take a cold shower β Your body hasn’t been under such stress since you were studying for your finals at college. Unfortunately, its unable to cope with the stress… You die of a cardiac arrest. π
Accept with glee β ‘No problems. I was wandering around doing nothing anyways.’ You go to work instead of the Big Shot.
Refuse rudely β ‘I’ve done my part, I’m not gonna work overtime,’ you state decisively. After a small talk with the Big Shot you both go your ways peacefully. β+20
Complain to the administration β The Big Shot is sent to the sawmill, and you’re thanked for taking your stance. But the other prisoners have a different opinion about it.
Cut yourself up with a shank! β ‘Ahh, I’m going to slash my wrists,’ you shout holding a shank in your hand. You get restrained in an attempt to calm you down. ‘This one is hopeless,’ the doctor says. ‘we’ll find another test subject.’
Take part in the experiment β At first the electricity gives you a nice tingle, but the voltage became soon gets higher each time. In the end the charge is so powerful that something clicks in your head, and you feel peace and harmony. The experiment is a success.
Pay him off for 100 coins β You find a S@cker who agrees to go in your place for some cash. You have not seen him again since then. Is that a coincidence? I don’t think so. π°-100
Play roulette β With a serene look, you take a revolver, put it to your temple and pull the trigger… BAM!!! You think it’s a prank, but it’s not. You’re dead. π
Refuse to play β ‘Scared?’ the Warden smirks. ‘Unlike you, I have balls.’ He takes the revolver, puts it to his temple and pulls the trigger… BAM!!! ‘Man, this has to be a joke,’ you think.
Shoot the Warden β ‘We’ll play by my rules,’ you say as you take the revolver, point it at the Warden and pull the trigger. BAM!!! ‘Hasta la vista, baby.’
Report to the guards β The guards search the prisoners and find a package of marijuana. The Warden thanks you and treats you to some gingerbread. Your actions do not go unnoticed by the prisoners.
Don’t pay attention β ‘Maybe it’s breadcrumbs,’ you think with a shrug, eating your soup. Nothing interesting happens during the day.
Ask for your share β The prisoners know your status and don’t want to fight. They give you a joint of marijuana.
Give him your spot β The prisoner lays on the bunk happily, and you settle in on the cold floor. You don’t fall asleep for a long time, listening to every creak of your beloved bed. β-20
Chase your cellmate away from his bed β Your cellmate gets furious. ‘Hey, Name, are you insane?!’ The last thing you remember is the whooshing of the chair over your ear.
‘Your place is under the bunk!’ β ‘Don’t panic, it’s gonna be fine,’ you say as the prisoner crawls under the bed. β+30
Just forget about it β You forget about the parcel as you have more important things to do. Sleep for one…
‘Maybe it rolled under the bunk?’ β You crawl under the bed and search around in the dark for a while. Finally, you find the precious bundle and a dead mouse. The package contains food from your family.
Blame your cellmate β ‘I’ll clobber you and poke your eyes out!’ you yell at your cellmate. ‘Quiet, I was just taking a look,’ Name gives you the bundle back. The package contains food from some relatives.
Go on a hunger strike β You fast for a couple of days, and then find out that they’ve resumed cooking normal meals in the dining room. Turns out that kind grannies from the neighboring villages decided to help out with products from their gardens. β+20
Eat food from your stash β You look at the plate with insects, and they seem to look right back at you, staring deep into your soul. You sigh, push back the bowl, and take out your own supplies.
Eat the insects β You enjoy the soup made of boiled insects. It is delicious, but one of the bees refused to die without a fight while being cooked and it stings you in the throat… You swell up like a balloon.
Take the whole pot β You grab the pot but burn your hands and tip the hot soup over yourself. Oh, how many screams there were. You’re sent to the medical unit, burns and all.
Put your palms together as a cup β The cook puts oatmeal porridge in your palms and pours some a juice on top. On your way to the table, you wonder how you’re gonna eat it. At this moment everyone in the dining room is making fun of you. β-30
Take a bowl from a prisoner β ‘Give me the bowl or I’ll rip it out along with your hands.’ You take the bowl from the prisoner and give it to the cook. Now you can enjoy your lunch. β+30
Continue showering as usual β The next day you find out that two prisoners have escaped. ‘Lucky bastards,’ you think with jealousy.
Report to the guards β The guards react immediately. The runaways are caught thanks to you. You think you’ve done the right thing, but no. The prisoners consider you a snitch and a traitor.
Just watch β The prisoners play with cockroaches around the room all evening, and then the guard comes and makes everyone go to their cells. The thought, ‘they scattered like cockroaches,’ flashes in your head.
Bet 100 on the red cockroach β ‘Run! Run! Run!’ The red cockroach moves his little legs briskly and is the first at the finish line. The insect wiggles his antennas, and you take your winnings with a smile. π°+100
Bet 100 on the black cockroach β The black cockroach comes off the track and disappears under the bed. Your ‘racer’ is considered to have technical errors. ‘Get back, you beast!’ π°-100
‘It’s none of my business.’ β ‘Curiousity kills the cat, that’s what my mother taught me.’ Another boring day in prison goes by without incidents.
Wait and dig it out β You memorize the secret place and during the evening walk, without attracting attention, you pull out a handmade knife.
Ask him what he is doing β ‘I’m planting a seed,’ the prisoner says and shows you an apricot seed in his palm. ‘When the tree grows, we will pick the fruit and make jam.’
Agree β You fight as hard as you can, but your opponent is stronger. You hear a crunch in your wrist. Looks like you have a fracture… The inmates help you get to the medical unit. β+20
Refuse β ‘Weakling,’ he says, smirking. Other prisoners are laughing and mocking you. You decide to pump up and go practice on bars. β-20
Support Arsenal β Arsenal defeats Chelsea 3:0. You’re happy and laugh like a baby, which irritates some other inmates. β-20
Support Chelsea β Arsenal defeats Chelsea 2:1. You’re happy and laugh like a baby, which irritates some other inmates. β-20
Just watch the match β You don’t show any emotion and watch the game silently. In sports, the process is more important than the result for you.
Give 200 coins as a repayment β Last words should be βwithout watching your backβ. βWhy didn’t you pay back earlier?’ he says, taking the money. Your debt is paid off and you can walk around without watching your back. β+30 π°-200
Play to pay β The prisoner takes cuts the deck and deftly deals cards to play ’21.’
Enough β The opponent reveals his cards: eight and nine, with a sum of 17 points. You win! ‘Okay,’ the prisoner says. ‘You win. Consider your debt paid.’
Take it β You take Queen of Spades out the deck. You have 23 points. Burned. Your opponent wins. ‘Well, Name, now we’ll make a S@cker out of you,’ he says, rubbing his palms together in delight.
Hug him β βGo away, you dog!β He pushes you away with force. βDon’t do that in front of Cool Guys, you jerk.β
Start laughing β βWhat’re you laughing at, dog,β the convict grinned. βI’m asking you to answer a riddle.β βI know, I know,β you say. βIt just sounds funny is all.β You go into the cell and get acquainted with him. β+20
Punch him β βWhat’re you doing, dog?β The cellmate yells at you, grabbing his broken nose. βOh, so you think you’re the boss now huh? You’re a S@cker and you’ll die as one here.β
‘I wonβt do it.’ β βWhat are you, a bull?β The inmate punches you in the face. βYou’re supposed to do as your elders tell you.β He rolls up his sleeves. βNow get under the bunk and catch some mice.β Afraid of being beaten, you obediently crawl under the bed.
‘Give me a ladder.’ β βYou got me,β the prisoner says, grinning slyly. βCome in and tell me what kind of bird you are.β Your first day in jail goes by smoothly. β+20
‘Bounce me up.’ β βIf you say so.β Before you can even blink, the prisoner grabs you and throws you to the ceiling… You enjoy your flight for a second, then you collapse to the floor in a heap.
Take the pot β You take the pot and twirl it in your hands. βWhat are you standing there for, you dummy?β Your cellmate yells at you and hits you on your forehead with a spoon. ‘I’ll strangle this bastard tonight,’ you think to yourself.
βIβm not a S@cker.β β βThen what does it say on your forehead?β βWhere?β You look in the mirror over the sink and immediately you get hit in the head with the pot. βDo you see it now?β the prisoner asks mockingly.
βTurn it inside out first.β β βIn-si-si-de-out,β he coughs with laughter. After clearing his throat, your cellmate looks in your direction. βI see you’re a smart guy. There’s a chance you won’t die in here.β β+20
‘Iβll stop.’ β βAs soon as you stop,β says the convict, βthe other demons from the woods climb into the cabin and bend you over like a shrimp.β The convict blows his nose into a pillow and throws it on the bunk. βThere’s your bunk, S@cker.β
‘Iβll keep driving.’ β βThat’s the right answer,β the convict says, annoyed. βAnd do you know why?β βA KAMAZ doesn’t have a hood.β You go into the cell and get acquainted with the prisoner. β+20
‘Iβll turn into the woods.’ β βAs soon as you turn into the woods the car gets stuck and stalls,β he says. βThe devils climb into the front and bent you over like a shrimp.β The convict blows his nose into a pillow and throws it on the bunk. βThere’s your bunk, S@cker.β
Krusty the Clown β βWhat did you say?β The inmate roars menacingly. βI’m rusty? I’ll drown you in the toilet!β ‘You’re also deaf,’ you think sadly.
Corn β βCorn… four letters. That works.β The prisoner licks his pencil and writes the word into the squares. βAnd you,β he says, raising an eyebrow, βwhat kind of fruit are you?β You go into the cell and get acquainted with the inmate. β+20
Dick β βYou’re a walrus dick yourself,β the convict says. βYou’re useless.β He spits on the floor. βGet a rag and scrub the floor clean.β You know it’s better not to argue with this inmate.
‘None of your business.’ β βIs that the way to talk, dog?β Your cellmate hits your head on the sink. βMark my words – you’re a S@cker and you’re gonna die like one here!β
‘Iβve sinned.’ β βWell then, you’ll be scrubbing shit until your sin is washed away.β The prisoner kicks a stinky bucket in your direction. βMake it shiny.β
‘Info.’ β βYou like jokes huh?β he asks, smirking, and looks at you with an appraising look. βWell, come in, make yourself comfortable, there’s your bunk.β Your first day in jail goes by quietly. β+20
Share the money with the Big Shots β As is always the case with sharing, someone is not satisfied with his share, for another it’s not enough, and someone gets left out. You, of course, are to blame. β-20
Throw a party β You make a deal with a corrupt guard to arrange for food and booze to be delivered. The party lasts two days… β+30
Buy a TV β The inmates squeal with delight and jump for joy. Now you can watch The Sopranos in HD. β+30
Order people to sort it out β Unfortunately, or fortunately, it doesn’t come to bloodshed. The prison guards quickly put a stop to the showdown. You’re sent to The Dump as the mastermind.
Do nothing β You stretch lazily on the bunk and say softly: βEverything goes by, and this, too, shall pass.β The prisoners look at each other bewildered but remained silent.
Negotiate β βDon’t worry, Daddy will sort it out,β you assure them. You arrange a meeting with the leader of the thugs.
Press the leader β βWhat a nice speech,β the leader says in response. βNegotiations are over. Take ’em out, bros!β In the heat of the showdown, you got stabbed in the side with a shank…
Pay them off for 200 coins β βLeave the S@ckers alone, and weβll pay you. Here,β you say, putting several large bills on the table, βconsider that compensation.β You lean over to the scumbagsβ Shot Caller and whisper: βLet this remain between us.β The matter is settled and in the eyes of your thugs, you managed the situation brilliantly. β+40 π°-200
Discuss everything peacefully β βThereβs nothing to get straight,β the thugs’ boss says, going on the offensive. βWe’re not going under anyone. Take them out, lads!β In the middle of a showdown, you get stabbed in the side…
βIβll talk to them.β β Some high rankers meet you in your cell. ‘How was it?β You try to persuade them to cool off a bit on the freshers. βWhat? Name, are you bending to the Warden?β Your authority declines. β-30
βMy jail, my rules.β β The Warden jerks his head nervously. βOkay, Name, off you go. I just thought two respectable people could always come to an agreement.β ‘You’re a douchebag, not a respectable man,’ you think to yourself. β+30
Slap the young fellow β βWhy are you being so snotty? This isn’t a children’s camp, it’s grown-ups only. And you,β you say, looking at the prisoners sternly, βdon’t bully him, let the boy get used to the place.β β+20
Scare them off β βName, come on, we have due reason,β the inmates say and take offense. βThe lad doesn’t know how to talk. It’s not in his place to argue with his elders.β β-20
Walk away β ‘Let them have their fun,’ you think and walk away. Later you find out that the prisoner couldn’t stand the abuse and did the Dutch. As a result, you’re summoned for questioning.
Ask whatβs going on β βSo… what’s the big deal?β you ask. ‘We’re teaching the youngster our ways Name.β βTeach, but don’t bully them. If you beat them, it’s gotta be for a cause.β β+20
Forbid it β You’re firmly against gambling amongst prisoners. There’s only one end for such games; brawls and broken bones. ‘I’ll set things in order here,’ you think.
Grant them permission β During another run, a surprise inspection happens. The inmates scatter to their various corners like cockroaches, and you get all the blame. It’s Dump time for you.
Refuse β βWell, sorry for bothering you.β The guard smiled sadly. βMy only girl is getting married in her grandmother’s darned dress.
Lend him the money β Secretly, you take money from the thieves’ coffers and loaned it to the guard. A week goes by… then another… and then you find out that the guard quit. You have to tell your bros everything. β-30
Show him who’s boss β βYou may be an O.G,β you say, βBut this is my turf, and I ain’t sharing it.β βNo need for all that, Name, I’m not here for a power struggle,β he replies. β+30
Give him a warm welcome β You brew some extra strong tea and ask him to join you. βWhat are we? Monks? Where’s the booze?β he says. That’s the end of being warm and welcoming for you. β-20
Stab him β Without batting a lid, you take out a shank and stab his leg. βThat’s how it works here,β you whisper. βThis is my turf, and I ain’t sharing it.β β+40
Treat him with alcohol β βNice to meet you,β you say and take out a flask of strong hooch and two glasses. You have a little chitchat and a lot more alcohol. β+40
Watch the game β ‘I’ll read the news from the papers later,’ you think, and sit down to watch football.
Change the channel β βFriendship won,β you say with a smirk and change the channel. In response, a few inmates hurriedly stand up to give you a seat. β+20
Chase the prisoners away β βGet back to your corners now!β you order. The prisoners up and leave obediently. β+20
Demote him to a S@cker β You take your belt off and slap it on the table. βOkay sticky hands, get your shaggy ass ready for the boiling potβ¦β β+30
Finish him off β Without hesitation, the prisoner is taken away… The next day he’s found hanging from the ceiling in his cell. The administration begins to investigate the case. β+30
Pardon him β βI’ll let you go this once,β you say. βYou’ll work off your debt in triplicate.β You wave off his show of gratitude and he leaves.
Work in the rain β ‘Good thing Iβve got the health of a Siberian mammoth,’ you think, looking at the prisoners shivering with cold. The downpour doesn’t stop you from doing your daily quota, and later in the evening, you warm up with some extra strong hot tea. π°+60
Attack the guards β You get into a scuffle with the guards. You’re knocked down and escorted to the isolation unit. ‘At least it’s not as cold here,’ you think. β+30
Raise a ruckus β You’re mad and drop your tool, but none of the prisoners dare to support you. βWhat’s up, sugar, are you melting?!β The foreman yells at you. They beat you with a baton and you get time in The Dump as a topping. β+30
Drink some alcohol β You hide yourself from prying eyes and drain the stock of moonshine. ‘Now we can work,’ you think. The severe weather had no effect on your health or your mood. π°+60
βI havenβt seen anything.β β Before you’re done talking, he shakes out your bunk and finds the bottle. βYou freaking rat!β Name comes at you with his fists. The guards rush in at the noise. βTo your corners! Chest to the wall, hands in the air!’ A guard notices the bottle of hooch. βWell, well, seems like we’ve got ourselves a little brewery here. To The Dump. Both of them!β
Demand payment for your silence β βNot fair, Name, you get to drink the booze alone, but we both share the risk. Give me some nickels, and I’ll forget all about it.β He agrees and gives you some cash. π°+100
Return the bottle β βHide it better, Name, or the dogs will sniff it out.β He says thanks and offers you a drink. One shot goes and then another, and slowly the evening goes by smoothly. +Relations
Knock him out with the guitar β ββYou think you’ve found yourself a clown you red-faced pig?β You yell and grab the guitar. Before you swing, a heavy ashtray flies to your head. You wake up in the medical ward. Turns out the Warden’s no slouch.
Strum and sing at random β βDo you even know the notes?!β He angrily grabs a heavy ashtray and hurls it at you. You come to your senses in the medical ward.
‘Can’t play, but I can dance.’ β βI said play, dog!β He angrily grabs a heavy ashtray and hurls it at you. You come to your senses in the medical ward.
Turn around and swear β βCome on, try it one more time camel!β you shout. The inmates surround you, furious. ‘Were you referring to us, S@cker?β The inmates kick you and push you down the stairs.
Ignore it β ‘A little spit never hurt anyone’ you reassure yourself. βHey, S@cker,β you hear behind you. βGet out of the way!β Before you know it, you get a kick in the ass so hard that you go tumbling down the stairs. β-20
Take out your shank β You take out your shank and, swearing, climb up the stairs. βI’ll kill… Anyone… Where are you?..β You look a little crazy and the inmates stop laughing and run for their lives when they see you. β+40
Stay in the shower room β Half an hour later, your cellmate walks in and hands you some clothes. βWe’ll deal with the jokers later,β he mutters. +Relations
Call for help β βBros! Anybody! A little help here!β You yell at the top of your lungs. A big, big guy comes in for a shower. βDon’t scream, sweetie, I’ve got your backβ¦β You keep screaming, but now it’s out of fear. When the prisoner finishes his dirty work, you feel humiliated.
Come out naked β You walk down the corridor nkaed as if nothing happened. The inmates stare at you in amazement. Realizing that the joke has failed, some convict throws your clothes at you. βDid you drop your clothes Name?β Staying cool, you get dressed and leave. β+20
Fight β You fight fiercely for several rounds. In the end your exhausted opponent misses a punch, and you knock him out with a powerful hook. β+30
Refuse β ‘Complain to your mom!’ You’re pushed into a makeshift ring, where your rival’s powerful hook sends you flying. β-30
Use a shank β The Warden stops the fight. ”All right, that’s enough! This has gone too far, everyone to your cells now!’ They take your shank away and take you out of the gym. β+40
Watch β Feeling someone’s gaze one nurse turns around. ‘You’re up next, Name.’ Your pulse skyrockets and your heart can’t handle it. You die. π
Take sleeping pills β With shaking hands, you take out a bottle of sleeping pills. You fall asleep, and the next morning you find a large stitch on your side. ‘It’s better not to ask questions,’ the nurse whispers. A couple of days later you’re returned to your cell. +Vitality
Take poison β With shaking hands, you take out a bottle of poison. ‘A quick death is better than hell’s torment.’ You’re dead. π
Attack the doctor β You jump on a doctor with a shank. ‘I’m a surgeon myself, bastard!’ The nurses successfully pull you off him. The administration decides to cover the story up and you return to your cell, kidneys and all. β+30
Agree β You’re taken to the theatre and put to sleep. When you wake up afterwards, you find a white bandage on your side. The administration keeps their promise and your term is reduced by three months.
Refuse β The doctors drug you. Seeing that your organs look nice and pink, they decide to take more than just a kidney. You’re dead, with an empty crate for a corpse. π
Unscrew the vent with a shank β You unscrew the clogged screen from the vent and the smoke is gradually pulled out of the cell. When the fire is extinguished, you’re let out of isolation. +Agility
Yell ‘Fire.’ β You scream and pound on the insulator door. Luckily, the firefighters are nearby. After the incident it’s bye-bye Dump for you.
Wait and pray β You pray, calling on all the gods you know but they don’t seem to hear you. When the firemen get to your cell, you’re already toast. π
Wet a towel with alcohol β You cover your nose with a wet towel and lay down on the floor. it helps you breathe until the rescue team comes. After the incident it’s bye-bye Dump for you.
Keep it for yourself β You hide your weapon under your clothes, looking over your shoulders for onlookers. Now you’ll have the strongest voice if any dispute arises.
Take it to the guards β You take the shank to the Warden’s office. The next day, all the cells are searched except yours.
Take it to the Big Shots β ‘Cool present, Name,’ one says. ‘You can come to us if you ever have a problem.’ β+30
Pull out a shank and rob him β ‘What, huckster, do I look like a S@cker?!’ You threaten him with a shank and rob him. β+30 π°+100
Accept it β The inmate gives you some crumpled bills. ‘You’ll pay back with interest.’ π°+100
Refuse β ‘I’m loaded,’ you say, patting on your pocket. The inmate shrugs and leaves.
Throw the plate at the cook β ‘Hey, you, did you marinate the meat in your underwear?’ Other inmates also sniff their lunch and push the plates aside in disgust. β+30
Eat your dinner β When you get up from the table, you feel nauseous and dizzy. ‘Why are you so pale?’ And that’s the last thing you heard before everything goes dark.
Drink only juice β When you get up from the table, you feel nauseous and dizzy. ‘Why are you so pale?’ And that’s the last thing you heard before everything goes dark.
Talk to your cellmate β ‘Bullshit,’ Name says. ‘There’s no such order.’ You go to bed but at night you suddenly wake up gasping for air. In a moment, you realize that someone is trying to suffocate you with a pillow. You struggle and resist, but Name is stronger. You’re dead. π
Strangle your cellmate with a pillow β At night when Name falls asleep, you grab a pillow and try to strangle him. He struggles, but you’re stronger. After a couple of minutes, he stops fighting. Your term is extended for committing murder.
Tell the Warden you don’t believe him β You return to your cell and look closely at your cellmate, but don’t notice anything strange about his behavior. You go to bed but at night you suddenly wake up gasping for air. In a moment, you realize that someone is trying to suffocate you with a pillow. You struggle and resist, but Name is stronger. You’re dead. π
Stab your cellmate with a shank β You return to your cell and watch your cellmate carefully. He puts his hand under the mattress, and you think he’s going for a knife. The next moment, you grab your shank and stab him in the heart.
Exchange β With shaky hands, the prisoner passes you the shank and takes cigarettes. Now you have the loudest voice in any argument.
Refuse and light a cigarette β Instead of answering you take out a cigarette and light it. ‘I’ve changed my mind,’ he says, ‘There will be no exchange.’ He puts a shank to your throat and takes all your cigarettes. β-20
Refuse β ‘I’m all set,’ you say, ‘I don’t need a shank.’ ‘You’ll be sorry you said no later on…’ he responds.
Endure it β You spend half the night in pain, but in the end you fall into a fitful sleep.
Take some medicine β With shaky hands, you take out a bottle of pills and pop one. The next morning, you feel better.
‘I’ve already got a shank.’ β ‘If you say so,’ he says and winks. Nothing much happens for the rest of the day.
‘I’m a pacifist.’ β ‘No problem.’ He respects your choices and walks away.
Buy for 200 coins β The exchange goes quickly and smoothly. Now you have the loudest voice in any argument. π°-200
Get a star underneath your collarbone β ‘Stars are too cool for you,’ he says. You feel embarrassed.
Refuse β ‘I’m here if you change your mind,’ he says. ‘I’ll be here for the next quarter of a century.’
Get a winged wheel β ‘Well, you’ve made your choice who to be,’ says the thief and gives you a S@cker tat. You lose even more respect with the inmates. β-40
Get domes on your chest β ‘Golden domes, joy for my soul.’ The thief sings a song and gives you domes, one for each year you’ve spent in prison. β+20
Open it β You’re as happy as a child who’s received a Christmas gift. In the parcel you find something sweet.
Secretly eat food from your reserve β The hunger strike lasts until several prisoners land in the hospital, but not you. Nobody guesses that you cheated. β+20
Support the protest β Fearing for the prison’s reputation, the administration made concessions and fire the Warden. The prisoners warmly thank you for your support. β+30
Refuse β ‘Scared, Name? Or are you with them?’ You lose the respect of prisoners. β-30
Warm up with alcohol β After a few sips of alcohol, you get warm. ‘Don’t let the bastards get ya down. Turn it around with another round,’ you hum. You endure solitary confinement bravely. Neither your body, nor your mind is damaged.
Hide in a corner and cry β After a while you hear the screeching of the door bolt. βPull up your snot, Name, your mom’s not coming for you,β a guard says, throwing you a warm, but stinky blanket.
Jump to keep warm β ‘What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.’ You endure solitary confinement bravely. Neither your body, nor your mind is damaged.
Report the prisoner β You mumble something in response, and go quietly to the Warden and tell him everything. The prisoner is searched and sent to The Dump, and you’re thanked for your cooperation. π°+60
Agree β You take the bundle and leave the workshop without any problems. Outside you handover the cargo to a prisoner. Your action gains you the respect of the Big Shots. β+30 π°+60
Refuse β ‘Sorry,’ you say. ‘I don’t want any trouble.’ The working day goes by without any incident, but you lose the respect of the prisoners. β-20 π°+60
Keep the cargo for yourself β ‘No problem,’ you say, hiding the bundle under your clothes. You leave the workshop freely, but instead of handing over the cargo, you keep it for yourself. β-30 π°+60
Work hard β You decide not to commit reckless actions and work hard on the task. During the shift, your team collects two tons of apples. π°+60
Steal several apples β Before you get in the truck, they search you and find the apples. ‘Are you short of vitamins Name?’ says the guard. ‘I can prescribe a double dose of correctional labour.’ You don’t get paid for the day.
Lure the rat with food β The rat smells the food, came out of hiding and gets trapped. It dies a quick and ruthless death. Nobody else disturbs you through the night.
Apply rat poison β You sprinkle poison on the floor and go to bed peacefully. In the morning you find a dead rat in the corner. No more rodents bother you.
Let it be β The rodent doesn’t anything to eat in your cell. In a couple of days, a dead rat rolls out from under the bed.
Blame your cellmate β ‘What?! Name, are you insane?’ he yells. ‘You smoked the last one yourself yesterday.’ Oops… awkward. -Relations
Search his nightstand β ‘Where are my cigs, bastard?’ you yell at him. You search the nightstand and find a pack of cigarettes. ‘We’ve got ourselves a rat here…’ -Relations +Smoke
Say nothing β You decide not to ruin your relationship with your cellmate, and then you remember that you smoked the last stick yesterday.
Go for it β You fake a gastritis crisis and get sent to the hospital, but the doctor quickly calls your bluff. Hello, cold and gloomy isolation cell.
Refuse β ‘Sorry champ,’ you say. ‘I’m sober’ Name throws his cards on the table and goes to bed. You don’t say a single word afterwards. -Relations
Stand guard β You watch the corridor while Name sneaks into the medical unit. Everything goes like clockwork; you go back to the cell with a bottle of alcohol. +Relations
Take the blame β They search you, but don’t find anything. ‘Where’s the pass, Name?’ the Warden yells in your face. You have absolutely no idea where it is.
Get food from your stash β You slyly wink at the prisoner and take some food out of your stash. ‘They can’t break us.’ After a couple of days, they realize you won’t give in and release you. β+20
Stay mute β After the third day, the other prisoner can’t stand it anymore and confesses to theft. He’s taken to The Dump, and you return to your cell weak and starving.
Threaten the other inmate with a shank β ‘Tell me you bastard, did you steal the pass?’ Fearing for his life, he confesses to the theft. He’s sent to The Dump, and you’re released. β+30
Pay it off for 200 coins β ‘I could take it in kind,’ he says, ‘but money is also good for me.’ Your debt is paid in full. β+20 π°-200
Stab him with a shank β You take out a shank. ‘Dude, it was just a joke,’ the prisoner quickly says. You think for a second if you should stab the bastard. He sees the doubt in your eyes and says: ‘You know what, forget about the money you owe me.’ β+30
Fight back β You push the prisoner and prepare to hit him. ‘It was just a joke,’ the prisoner quickly says. He walks away at the safe distance and says: ‘Just don’t forget, Name, you still owe me.’ β+20
Relax and submit β The inmate pushes you back and clamps your fists… The debt’s been paid, but you feel humiliated afterwards.
Buy medicines for 250 coins β The guard quickly shoves a package of antibiotics in your hands and slams the cell door shut. π°-250
Buy food for 250 coins β The guard takes the money and gives you a can of stew. ‘Have a nice time,’ he says, and slams the cell door shut. π°-250
Decline β βYou’re a fool Name. No one’s gonna remember you.β With that, he slams the cell door shut.
Agree β ‘What do I have to lose?’ you think. ‘I’m at rock bottom as it is.’ βGive me a sheet of paper, Mr. Warden. Or better still, a stack of them.’
Refuse β βItβs up to you to offer, Mr. Warden, and itβs up to me to refuse,β you say. βEven these walls have ears.β The Warden shrugs his shoulders and sends you back to your cell. β+30
Refuse β βNo guys, I’ll pass.β βThere’s no such word in a S@ckers’ vocabulary,β an inmate retorts. They grab you and drag you through the vomit. You come back to your cell filthy and humiliated. β-20
Complain to the guards β You look out into the hallway and yell, βHey, do we have a cleaner here or what?β βDid you throw up?β The guard comes up and pokes the sick inmate with his baton. βClean it up right now. And you, Name back to your cell.β β-20
Hire a S@cker for 100 coins β You walk up to the prisoner scrubbing the toilet. βBuddy, since you’re already dirty, clean up over there, too. Iβll pay you, of course.β The S@cker does a clean job. The Big Shots are happy, and you don’t get dirty. β+30 π°-100
Clean up β You take a bucket and a rag and clean the cell. βHey, don’t leave out under the bunk,β an inmate says to you. You go under the bunks to clean and find a shank. ‘Try to make me clean up next time,’ you think, quickly hiding the shank.
Agree β The Big Shot unwraps the parcel and takes out a juicy ham and parmesan cheese. βThe food’s great. My regards to your mom,β he says. βWhy so little though? Ask her to send more. Well-fed guys means a healthy and safe son.β They don’t just take your package, they leave you in debt and hungry.
Try to get it back β βI’m not your cash cow. Give me my stuff back or else!β You try to fight back, but you get punched in the gut. βDid you hear that?β The Big Shot laughs. βThe rat makes threats. The food looks good, though. Come on, guys, let’s go make some strong teaβ. You’re left empty-handed, heavyhearted. β+30
Attack with a shank β βPut that back, dog,β you move toward the prisoners, wielding the shank in your hand. βWe were justβ¦β the inmate stammers, making excuses. βWe just wanted to look.β You get the package back and make them respect you. β+40
Resolutely refuse β βOver my dead body,β you say menacingly. βDon’t make a fuss, Romeo,β Name says, taking offense, βI’ve got more interesting pics.β When he turns away, you hide your dear photo.
Give it to him β βTake it, I don’t want to see her.’ He grabs the photo, stares at it intently, then tears it up and throws it in your face. βWhere are the tits?β He yells. Name gives you a slap on the head and hops on the bunk.
Exchange them for cigarettes β βThis picture is very dear to me,β you say, βso give me some cigarettes in return.β Name smirks and tosses you a crumpled pack. βEnough trading, pimpβ. After taking the picture, the cellmate jumps on the top bunk and covers himself with a blanket. +Smoke
Tell the guards β You pretend to agree, but you sneak up to the guards and whisper something about a planned murder. There’s an unscheduled inspection in the creditor’s cell. You do not know all the details, but the convict is put in solitary confinement for a long time. Doesn’t matter, as long as he forgets about the debt.
Pay your debt of 200 coins β βNow we’re even,β he says. βIt’s nice to do business with decent people. If you need my help again, jusk ask.β ‘Not in this life,’ you think with relief. π°-200
Iβm in β You follow the debtor to the gym and wait for him to start lifting weights. βThe Big Man says hello,β you whisper, and drop a barbell on his foot. You leave the gym to the cracking of bones and wild screams from the prisoner. β+30
That’s not my field, sorry β He grins. βWell, you gotta pay it back today, and since you don’t have any money, that leaves only ‘one way’. While the other inmates are working out in the gym, he takes you into the locker room and… Afterwards, you don’t think you can call yourself a man any longer.
Send a S@cker to the showdown β In the evening you meet the said cellmate with a puffy face and a black eye. βWhat’s up, bro? You got the message?β You ask. The inmate mumbles something and promises to pay everything back. β+30
Talk with the neighbor β βStop fooling around dude. A number of people have noticed you,β you say to the prisoner. βYou ready to become a rat just for a pack of Prima?β βNo, Name, come on… I’m not a rat,β the inmate tries to justify himself. βI’ll pay everything back today. Scout’s honorβ β+30
Just take the can of stew β βI hoped there were still decent people in this vile place,β he sighs. βWhere can I get justice at all?β βIn the penal code,β you laugh. You take the stew but ruin your reputation as an honest thief. β-30
Suggest yourself β βSure you’re a smart criminal,β the Godfather says, βBut it’s too early for you to become a Shot Caller. Don’t look like a wolf, you’ll grow up.β You donβt say a word, but in your heart you hold a grudge.
Keep silent β The thieves confer and argue. βWhat’s your opinion Name. Why aren’t you say anything?β the Godfather asks. βI think you’re talking rubbish and nothing good will come out of this meeting.β βRubbish you say?… Then you don’t belong here afterall.’ You’re demoted to a Man.
Buy a status for 200 coins β The thieves confer and argue while you await their verdict. βIt’s decided. You’re a smart criminal Name,β the Godfather says. βYou always have money. What else do you need to keep order? So take over as the Shot Caller.β Happy as a lark, you grin and accept congratulations. π°-200
Say βnobody is worthy.β β The thieves shut up and look at each other. βWatch your tongue Name,β the Godfather says angrily. You get a punch to the jaw from one side and immediately another one from the other side. You’re severely beaten and expelled from the circle of thieves.
Demand your share β The nurse reluctantly gives you the medicine. ‘That was easy,’ you think, but after a while the guards come into the room. βHere he is,β the nurse points at you. βI saw him stealing medication from the locker.β You’re sent into isolation to treat your health as you should.
βI didn’t see anything.β β βThank you,β the nurse tearfully thanks you. βIt’s not easy for you either, I can see that. Take this as a ‘thank you.β The nurse shares the stolen medication with you. You nod and silently take the medicine. +Vitality
Demand her affection β βOkay,β agrees the nurse playfully. βI’ll just close the front door.β You wait, but instead of the nurse an enraged guard comes at you. βDid you make a pass at my woman, you dog?!β Before you can open your mouth you’re hit in the neck with a baton.
Put a scalpel to the throat β βHonestly, I don’t care,β the doctor smirks. βOne less moron in the world. But if you don’t return the scalpel, I’ll put strychnine in your IV. You’ll be in agony for days.’ With shaky hands, you return the scalpel. +Vitality
Donβt move β ‘I don’t want any trouble. I want to go home as soon as possible and start a normal life.’ +Vitality
Pick it up β You hide the scalpel, already imagining the effect it will have on your enemies. Unfortunately for you, the doctor comes back with the guards. βGet up,β the guard yells at you. βShake off your bed now.β The guards turn your things over and find the scalpel. βTo the recovery Name,β the guard says and twists your arms behind your back.
Protect the nurse β βGive me that,β you grab the convict and try to drag the shank out of his hands. βYou’re a dummy,β the convict roars, and, dodging your hand, her stabs you with the shank. The doctors fight for your life, but there’s not much they can do for you… RIP π
Stand aside silently β Seconds later, the guards burst into the ward and tranquilize the convict. βFinish this one too,β the guard commands. Before you can open your mouth a hurricane of heavy blows falls on you. Later you die of your injuries… π
Calm the convict down β βListen, do you have any idea what the gang will do to you if you touch this sister? All the Big Shots are crazy about her,β you say to the convict. Your words cool him down and he lets the girl go. +Vitality
Re-tattoo for 200 coins β βIt was a stupid mistake i made when i was younger. Who didnβt?β you say. βI can fix it, with your permission.β The Big Shot agrees and directs you to the tattoo artist. βYou can go to our Picasso; he’ll decorate you according to the rules.β β+40 π°-200
‘Itβs my gangβs sign.’ β βDon’t bullshit me,β he replies sharply. βI know all the gangs. No one would have crap like that.β You try to justify yourself, but you only make it worse. Your status drops sharply. β-30
Respond with aggression β βMy body is my business,β you reply sharply. βYour business is left on the outside,β the convict says. βYou’re insulting your bros with your tat.β You try to argue, but you only make it worse. Your status drops drastically. β-30
Warn the Big Shot β You don’t find the prisoner with the tattoo right away, and when you do, you’re approached by the scumbags. βWaste this hero too,β one of them orders. You are cut up with shanks, alongside the Big Shot. π
Tell the guards β The guards burst into the shower room and disarm the inmates. In the commotion, one of them drops a shank. ‘Now that’s the meaning of karma,’ you think, and discreetly pick up the weapon.
Run away β ‘I’d better get out of here before it starts,’ you think. You grab your stuff and slip out of the room unnoticed.
Check it out β You crawl into the tunnel. ‘Itβs not finished,’ you think grudgingly. But you don’t leave empty-handed. In the hole, you found a shank that was used to dig the ground.
Leave it as it is β ‘No one has ever escaped from here, and neither can these guys,’ you think, and walk away to be safe.
Report to guards β ‘I’m sitting in jail, and you should be too,’ you think and call for security. The administration thanks you for your vigilance and gives you some gingerbread. However, your actions don’t go unnoticed by the prisoners.
Pick up the machine gun β ‘Thanks for the present, Comrade Sergeant,’ you think with excitement. ‘It’s always been my dream to be a gun baron.’ Your risk pays off in full. You miraculously manage to get the machine gun out of the yard, and you quickly take it to the local gang. π°+200
Shoot the thugs β βSwallow the lead, you shameful wolves,β you shout and fire toward the gang of scumbags. At that moment, a siren howls and a beam of light hits you from the tower. Then, a shot rings out… Lucky for you, you were shot by a rubber bullet. β+30
Tell a guard β You pick up the machine gun and yell to the soldier on the tower: βHey guard, pick up your paddle before the war starts!β Suddenly a siren howls and a beam of light hits you from the tower. Then, a shot rings out… π
Make a machine β You work on the moonshine flask throughout your shift and don’t get any time to do your daily quota. βWe won’t get any pay,’ the prisoner laments. βWhatever,β you reply and pick up the bottle of moonshine.
Report the convict β βOk, letβs do it, I’ll go get the tools,β you say, and then you run to the guards. The prisoner is caught red-handed trying to unscrew the body of the fire extinguisher. π°+60
Refuse β βYou’d better get on with your work instead of fooling around,β you say, reprimanding the prisoner. βYou want others to work for you while youβre drinking huh?β You leave the prisoner and go back to work. π°+60
Give up on working β At the end of the day, you present the broken pickaxe to the foreman. βNext time, it better be you that’s broken!β The supervisor yells at you. βYou’re as useless as tits on a boar.β You’re deprived of your pay for the day’s work.
Ask for a new pickaxe β The supervisor scrutinizes the broken pickaxe. Finding nothing to complain about, he gives you a new tool and a parting word: βIβve got my eyes on you, freaking workaholic.β π°+60
Work with the broken pickaxe β After a couple of hours, your hands bleed and you can’t work anymore. βYou’re a fool, Name, and you’re useless as tits on a boar,β the supervisor says angrily. You’re sent to the infirmary and deprived of your pay.
Grope about for a way β Fumbling about in the darkness, you carefully make your way to the exit. Fortunately, you avoid the scuffle around you and make it to the light safely.
Stand still β You freeze and listen. You hear a thud to your right, and a muffled mutter in front of you. When the lights come on, some of the prisoners look slightly bruised, but no one’s seriously hurt.
Take out a shank β βDon’t come near me, I’ll make minced meat out of you!β You yell, waving your shank around. The prisoners stay away from you. When the lights come on you heave a sigh of relief. β+30
Fight back β You close your eyes and begin swinging your arms, and it’s enough to scare him off. ‘Get lost, psycho! While I’m being kind….’
Say nothing β You cower and look terrified. ‘Ugh. What a disgrace,’ he says, softening his tone. ‘Get out of here while I’m being nice.’
Call the cons for help β ‘Bros, a little help here!’ Your cry for help is useless. You step back, but you stumble again and hit your head on a rock. Your last thought is, ‘I sure am acting awkward today.’ π
Refuse β ‘No, go find someone else.’ The con shrugs his shoulders and goes off to find another partner.
Agree β ‘No problems, just don’t pull a muscle.’ You grab the barbell and lift it up but can’t hold it. CRASH! The barbell falls on the con’s chest. ‘Oops… That doesn’t look good…’
Ask for just the cigs β ‘Hey, bro, what do you say we just smoke, huh? No point to all this after all.’ ‘What?!… Get out of here!’ The big man takes a swing at you and you scram. The laughter and whispers around you show that this incident will leave quite the mark on your rep. β-20
‘What’s up?’ β ‘I can’t sleep,’ he whispers. ‘Count sheep.’ ‘It’s not helping…’ ‘Not my problem,’ you turn on your side and fall asleep. The rest of your sleep goes without incident. +Vitality
Scream in fright β The convict jumps back in surprise, stumbles over the stool, and hits his head on the corner of the bunk. ‘Serves you right,’ you think. +Vitality
Stab him with a shank β The prisoner groans and falls to the floor, and you go back to sleep. The next morning you see your neighbor sitting on the bunk and solving a crossword puzzle as if nothing happened. ‘Must have been a dream,’ you think to yourself. +Vitality
Play for 100 coins β Several games later, you balance between winning and losing, but eventually you beat the con. Clearly upset, he throws the cards on the table. ‘You’re a goddamn cheat,’ the convict says, taking offense. π°+100
Agree β You nod and sit down at the table and play all evening.The convict turns out to be a good player, but you’re no slouch either. At the end of the game, he collects the cards: ‘Good game, Name, thanks a lot.’
Refuse β ‘Well, as you wish,’ he says and begins to play solitaire with someone else.
Tell the guard off β ‘Go to hell, cop. I don’t have time for you right now.’ You get your ass kicked to the dump for that.
Go β The Warden gives you some gingerbread and tells you that you’re getting a shortened sentence for ‘good behavior.’ How cool! You get three months off.
Refuse politely β You never find out what the Warden wanted to talk to you about.
Discuss everything over a drink β ‘I’ll explain everything, guys. We’ll just get our throats wet.’ You pull out the alcohol and serve it to the prisoners, explaining that it’s all a set-up. They believe you and sympathize with you.
‘Yes, I worked in the police force, so what?’ β ‘I took bribes and terrorized businessmen, that’s what I did at my job.’ The cons laugh at your joke and the question dies right there. β+20
Deny everything β You begin to explain that nothing of that happened, and that it’s all a set-up. And anyway… Before you can finish, you get punched in the nose. β-40
Get food from the stock β ‘What a bitch,’ you think, and pull out the rations you’ve been saving. The food supply allows you to survive until you get out of the dump.
Threaten with the union! β ‘I’ll complain to the union, I’ll call the TV, the president!’ Your scream shakes the walls. The threat works, and the warden brings you cold stew and stale bread.
Exchange food for cigarettes β ‘There we go,’ in exchange for the cigarettes, the Warden brings you cold stew and stale bread. ‘And what will you give me for the dessert?’ He asks you defiantly. In your mind, you tell the Warden to go to hell.
Buy food for 100 coins β ‘There we go,’ the Warden says cheerfully, and brings you cold stew and stale bread. ‘Any tips for me?’ In your mind you tell the warden to go to hell. π°-100
Pass by β ‘Why pull the strings for someone else?’ You think as you walk by. Later you learn that that convict got stabbed with a shank. You’re summoned for questioning as a witness.
Vouch for him β ‘Who’s gonna pay then? All right. His debt’s all yours, got it!?’ The bros let the convict go, but make you a debtor…
Call the guards β You call a guard, and he comes. ‘Put your hands on your head and face the wall!’ he yells. As a thank-you, the saved con shares his cigarettes with you. You did the right thing, except now there’s a rumor that you’re snitching to the prison guards. +Smoke
Get your shank out too β The forces are equal, and no one dares make the first step… After a while, the convicts give up. The tension subsides, and the prisoners go back to their cells one by one. The conflict is over.
Sneakily take the bank β During the scuffle, you try to sneak a few coins out but someone notices you. All the prisoners, forget their disagreements and rush at you. In your death certificate, the doctor writes on the margin: ‘greed did him in.’ π
Relieve the tension β You turn on the radio to defuse the situation but get hit by a flying rock. The convicts rush into the fight, and you get stabbed in the side… ‘Well, at least I got injured to cool music…’ π
Just watch β The convicts throw themselves at each other screaming… The guards arrive at the noise, beat everyone with their batons, and take them to the dump. Luckily, you escape punishment.
Wash together β Now every day you shower with prisoners you don’t know. While you wash, you chat a little and discuss the latest events. You make a lot of new friends in the process. β+20
Refuse to take shower β ‘Yes, Name, you don’t have to shower. Because there are no showers in the dump! You get your ass kicked to the dump for being stubborn.
Threaten the cons with a shank β ‘A blade in the side to whoever comes after me, got it?’ You threaten the inmates with a shank and go into the shower stall. There are no daredevils willing to take the risk, and you shower alone… β+20
Scream! β You scream and stomp your feet. The snake looked at you like you’re crazy, turns around, and crawls it’s way into the next shower stall. After a moment, you hear screeching and swearing from there.
Freeze.. β You look at the snake and it looks at you. You look at it, It looks at you. After having enough of watching you, the snake crawls into the neighboring stall… a moment later you hear screeching and swearing from there.
Kick the snake β The offended snake bites your leg and crawls back into the sewer… You’re dead before you realize what’s happened. π
Clean out the pockets of the youngsters β The fishes aren’t as dumb as you think. ‘Hey, you, bring my money back!’ You’re caught red-handed and forced to return the loot. Now you owe the prisoners.
Go over and listen β ‘Kerosene has a point,’ you think as you listen to him with all your attention. A lot of what you hear will come in handy in prison life. β+20
Pass by β Kerosin notices you and shouts to you. ‘Hey, Name, think you’re the smartest? Or do you think I’m an empty-nester?’ A low chuckle breaks out in the crowd. You realize that your reps have started to fall. β-20
Call for help β When the orderly leaves, you call out to the inmate in the next bunk, but in response, you hear a resounding snore. You try to call out louder, but the room starts spinning and you fall into oblivion… π
Continue sleeping.. β You decide to ignore it and go back to sleep… At night you have a terrible nightmare that never ends… It’s like you’re already in hell. π
Scream! β You want to scream, but the orderly puts his hand over your mouth. ‘One, two, Freddy’s coming for you.’ You see the orderly’s crazy eyes bulging in front of you, and that’s the last thing you see before it all goes dark… π
Tell a guard about the package β The guards catch the courier on the other side of the prison wall. You’re thanked and given a pack of gingerbread as a present. You did the right thing, except now there’s a rumor that you’re snitching to the prison guards.
Run and get the bundle β You try to stealthily take the bundle, but… the guards are especially vigilant today. You’re caught and sent to The Dump. ‘I wonder what was in that package?’
Refuse to go β ‘No, guys, my knees hurt, you better find someone faster.’ The bros let you go, laughing, and find another ‘boar.’
Stop β ‘I can’t,’ you exhale heavily, and get down from the chairs. ‘Fucked up little fella,’ the con grins. ‘You owe me now, got it?’
Call a cellmate for help β Name chuckles and shakes his head. CRASH. You feel a sharp pain and fall off the chairs. Before the orderlies take you to the infirmary you hear a comment from a convict. ‘Such good stretching, he’d make a terrific acrobat, ha-ha.’ β-20
Continue stretching β It’s hard to keep your chairs in place and sit up from the splits. ‘You’ve got it, Name,’ the convict who bet with you helps you up. ‘Well done, you win.’ β+30 π°+60 +Agility
Continue showering like nothing happened β ‘Who the hell is that lad on his back?’ Prisoners stumble over the body, but no one helps the victim. The accident happened near your stall, so you’re called in for questioning later in the evening.
Help him β You rush to him, but you slip and… half an eternity later, you wake up in the infirmary. On the next bed, there’s a second victim with his head bandaged. ‘Hey, Name,’ he whispers. ‘Did I get hit by a truck?’
Call an orderly β You call an orderly and together you take the victim to the medical unit. Halfway there the prisoner wakes up. ‘Oh, just like in the war, the wounded man is carried out by the medics. Thanks guys!’ β+20
Refuse β ‘Sorry, bro,’ you say. ‘I’m no messenger.’ In response, the prisoner shrugs his shoulders, and you go your way.
Keep the loaf for yourself β You take the loaf, but on the way there you decide to take it for yourself. After the walk, you meet the angry convict. Looks like you’ve just made an enemy. Not good at all… β-30
Agree β Halfway there, the guards stop you. ‘Stop right there, Name! Whoa, what’s this here? You a baker now? ‘ The guard breaks the loaf and finds a shank inside. You’re immediately sent to the dump.
Call for help β By the time help comes, it’s too late. Name gets out of jail early. With his feet forward…
Search his nightstand β The cellmate wheezes while you find cigarettes and mutter thoughtfully, ‘What do you need them for in the afterlife? I need them here! I’ll smoke them and remember you fondly…’ +Smoke
Continue sleeping β When you wake up in the morning, you see your cellmate sitting on his bunk as if nothing happened… ‘What a dream that was.’
Take out alcohol β ‘Sure, why not? But we won’t be toasting with tea.’ With a sly grin, you take out some alcohol and pour it into mugs. Name eagerly joins you, and by the evening you’re chatting like old buddies. β+20
Treat him β ‘No problem. Have a seat.’ Time passes quickly over a cup of strong tea, and soon you and Name become buddies.
Tell him off β ‘Who do you think you are?’ You spit at your cellmate’s feet. ‘Here’s your tea, bugger!’ The convict averts his gaze and, with his head down, climbs onto his bunk. β+20
Be rude β ‘A dick from the mountain where they sent you. Any more questions?’ ‘What? You got dental insurance, huh?’ The argument picks up quickly, and only the guards’ intervention prevents a fight. Well, looks like you’re not gonna be friends with your new cellmate.
Respond calmly β ‘Hey, what’s up? I’m Name. Why do you ask? Wanna go on a date?’ ‘No, no, no, it’s nothing like that, don’t worry. I’m not asking anyone out right away. But you can ask again in another hour or two.’ With a laugh, you shake his hand. ‘Now I’ve got a mate.’
Answer by the code β ‘When you’re entering a new cage, you don’t say anything until you’re asked. Don’t you know that?’ ‘My bad. You’re right, it’s my fault.’ He bows his head respectfully and retreats to his bunk. ‘Well, you should know your place, little fella,’ you smirk to yourself. β+20
Ignore him β You stay silent, trying not to start anything with him. ‘Why are you turning away, huh? Come on, clean it up, you little punk!’ ‘Darn, I’ll have no peace even in my own cell now!’ β-20
Give a cheeky response β ‘I don’t know, maybe she did, but I was having fun with your mother at the time.’ The convict stares at you for a while, then starts laughing out loud’ ‘Ha-ha, you’re not bad! I think we’ll get along great. Name’s Name.’
Take out a shank β ‘No, she didn’t. But my dad told me how to deal with S@ckers,’ you say, playing with your shank. Your message is clear, and the convict silently takes up the mop. Soon, the floor is shiny as amirror. β+20
‘And you, who are you?’ β ‘Cooper-pooper-dooper-field, get it? You don’t believe me? Wait, I’ll show you a trick…’ The con pulls out a bottle of moonshine and gives you a sly wink. The rest of the evening goes more than fun. But you never dare to ask where exactly he hid the booze…
‘Honest fellow’ β ‘Yeah? Well, you don’t look like a dumb boar to me. Well, then, here’s a trick.’ The convict pulls out a bottle of moonshine and gives you a sly wink. The rest of the evening is more than fun. But you never dare to ask where exactly he hid the booze…
Agree β You get up and intercept part of the load. The two of you quickly put things in their places. ‘Wow, I’ve got a lot on my plate. What are you looking at? Are you waiting for a present? It’s not New Year’s Eve, is it? Get under the bunk and stay out of my sight. I’ll call you when I need you.’ ‘Wow, such gratitude,’ you think, lying on the cold floor.
Refuse β ‘What, you are too bored to give a brother a hand… oh, shit!’ The whole “Tower of Pisa”, once again leaning, falls down with a crash. The convict grunts and climbs onto the bunk. A couple of minutes later, his loud snores echo throughout the cell. ‘Well, this is kind of awkward…”
Tell him your name β ‘My name’s Name, but so far it’s been more ‘hey, you!’ ‘Oh, that works for me! It’s easy to remember. I guess you can call me ‘who’s there!’ You both laugh, after which he shares an extremely smelly cigarette with you. You don’t have a choice, though. But your relationship with your cellmate is, as they say on TV, stable.
Tell him off β ‘None of your business,’ and I’ll call you ‘Silence of the grave.’ Understood?’ The cellmate gives you a long stare, then bursts into laughter. ‘Silence of the grave,’ how creative! All right, all right, you made a tramp laugh… Live a little.’ ‘Phew. I got away with it this time,’ you think, happy that your bluff worked. β+20
Ignore him β You give the con a cold stare and don’t move from your seat. ‘Uh, are you deaf? Or are you mute? I think you’re mute, but who cares?’ The convict, getting no answer from you, lies down on his bunk and seems to forget about your existence. ‘Know your place…’, you think, trying to calm the trembling in your knees. β+20
Punch the con β Your “punch” hardly makes his head turn. The next moment, he’s gripping your wrists like a vise. ‘Bold, aren’t you? Just how I like them.’ He presses your face against the wall and… when it’s all over, you feel humiliated and insulted.
Threaten him with a shank β ‘Don’t bare your teeth if you don’t want a blade in your rib!’ The bully immediately slams his mouth shut and sits down on his bunk, warily looking at the shank. You two seem to have found some common ground. β+20
Demand a different cellmate β ‘Hey, commander, take this guy away!’ You bang on the door but to no avail. By evening you feel sick, and by morning you are completely down. You’re taken to the medical unit.
Give him some medicine β ‘Here, dude, take it or you’ll be dead, and I’ll join you.’ You share the medicine with your cellmate. In the morning he feels much better. And so do you. Life with a disease is not easy, not fun, and not long.
Ignore them β ‘It’s okay, I’ve got the immunity of a mammoth.’ With this thought, you go to sleep, but at night you wake up with a cough. By morning you feel sick, and they take you to the infirmary.
Ignore him β The convict becomes a little gloomy and lies down in silence on his bunk. He doesn’t make any more attempts to make friends. It’s a pity that you have to live in a cell with such an atmosphere, but the opinion of the Boss is more important to you.
Make friends β ‘Sup. You know, sometimes it’s a white check, sometimes black, or a complete… ‘ ‘Complete mess? I see…’ Half an hour later, you and Name are chatting like old buddies. ‘Yeah, Kerosin’s not gonna like that…’ β-20
Stab him with a shank β ‘For some it’s a check sky, and for others it’s under the lid!’ You grab a shank and stab it under the con’s ribs… You earn the respect of the Boss, but he doesn’t get time to thank you. You’re sent to the dump. β+30
Try to crack the cellmate β ‘Hey, tramp, what’s going on? Who wants me dead? Spit it out before I crack you myself!’ Under the pressure, the cellmate confesses and gives you the shank. He was in debt to the Big Shots, and they ordered him to kill you.
Stab the cellmate β ‘Punch first, Freddy…’ You grab the shank and stab it under the con’s ribs… Well, problem solved… almost. While you’re in The Dump, you have time to think about a final solution.
Ignore the warning β ‘No, it’s bullshit. It’s probably just another of their joke.’ Throwing away the letter, you go to sleep. In the morning you wake up alive and well. False alarm.
Refuse to pay the dept β ‘I thought you were the right one, Name. But you’re just a penny fart, that’s what you are. Everyone will hear about this. I can assure you.’
Slaughter the youngsters’ chief β When all the convicts leave the canteen, you quietly stick a shank in the back of the rookie and disappear into the crowd. The guards begin to search for the culprit, but don’t find anyone. The youth, without a leader, quickly disband and the trouble ends. ‘Dexterity, and no debt,’ you think contentedly.
Lecture the youngsters β ‘All right, rookies, get your ears open and listen to me like I’m your favorite teacher!’ You begin to explain why the code and authorities in prison are more important than the cigarettes in the stash. However, the rookies quickly lose interest in your speech and walk away. Seems like you still got a debt problem. β-20
Make a deal with the guard β ‘Listen, commander, I deadly need your help. No, nobody needs to die.’ You ask him to forget the convict’s misconduct, and in return, you promise to provide order in the canteen and the yard. The guard promises to take care of everything.
Refuse to pay the debt β ‘They said you were the right one, Name But you’re just a penny-fart, that’s what you are.’ You get kicked out of the meeting. ‘Yeah, that’s a nasty way to go, especially in front of the bros…’
Give 200 coins to the guard β ‘Commander, listen, here’s a present for you, to get something for the kids. Help me solve a problem.’ You give a bribe to the guard. He listens to your request and nods. In a couple of days, you find out that the issue is solved, and the bro can quietly enjoy his last days before going out of jail. π°-200
Take the blame β You write a confession. The details are enough to convince the administration that it is true, but not enough to add to your sentence. That’s why you ‘just’ get thrown into The Dump.
Give 200 coins to the guard β You find out who’s supposed to be on duty that day and give him a bribe with clear instructions not to interfere with the bros’ party. ‘Hey boss, listen, here’s a present for you to get something for the kids. Just help me solve a problem.’ As a result, the party goes as it should, and your debt is repaid. π°-200
Try to convince the guard β You find out who’s supposed to be on duty that day and ask him not to interfere with the bros’ party. ‘Listen, boss, I deadly need your help. No, nobody needs to die…’ He promises to provide peace. As a result, the party goes as it should, and your debt is repaid.
Refuse to pay the debt β ‘What? Hell no! You…’ ‘Well, Name, you won’t get away with it that easily. The whole brotherhood will know that your word is worth less than salt!’
Refuse to pay the debt β ‘They said you were the right lad, Name. I guess they were bullshitting. That’s all right, I’ll open the brothers’ eyes. You’re just a cad, that’s all you are!’
Pay 200 coins to the Godfather β ‘Ah, Name, come in, come in. What did youbring with you? A gift, or a trick?’ You explain why you came and offer to pay to cancel the order. After a long negotiation, you manage to agree on a reasonable price… π°-200
Talk to the Godfather β ‘Ah, Name, come in, come in. What did you bring with you? A gift, or a trick?’ You explain why you came and offer peace and cooperation. Without listening to you, he gives the signal to his cronies to throw you out, which they gladly do.
Give him some money from the coffers β ‘You’re the right man, Name. One could hang you on the wall instead of a painting! Ha-ha, just kidding!’ In a couple of days, the convict gives you back the amount, and you put it back in the coffers. The bros didn’t notice anything.
Refuse to pay the debt β ‘Well, it’s up to you, Name, but you won’t get away with it. Tomorrow all the inmates will know that you can’t be trusted!’
Give 200 coins from your stash β ‘Wow, you’re a lifesaver! Thanks for helping me out. No jokes.’ The grateful convict soon starts telling everyone what an honest con you are. Willpower can make you rich after all…if you get in the right person’s will. ‘And I guess he’s forgotten to pay the money back…’ β+20 π°-200
Negotiate with the Godfather β You explain things to the Godfather. After consulting with his bros, he answers. ‘We’ll let him in, but if he messes up, you’ll pay with your skin, got it?’
Refuse to pay the debt β ‘I thought you were a straight lad. But you seem to be one of the cockS@ckers who can’t follow the criminal code. Well, then get out, and I’ll make sure the bros know what kind of con you are!’
Donate 200 coins to the coffers β ‘You’re so generous, Name. The bros always need some money. Come on, come on, we’ll promote the thief, don’t worry.’ ‘Cash and a kind word can solve everything,’ you think. π°-200
Convince the foreman β You find the foreman and ask him to send another prisoner to the industrial zone. You even have with you a list of tough S@ckers who’d be great for such work. The guard chuckles and promises to solve the issue.
Give the guard 200 coins β ‘Hey, listen, here’s a present to get something for the kids. Help me solve a problem.’ You give a bribe to the guard and another prisoner is sent to the industrial zone. π°-200
Refuse to pay the debt β ‘They said you were the right one, Name. You’re a penny fart, that’s what you are. Everyone will hear about it I assure you. I won’t even have to go into detail!’
Stab him with a shank β You get up but instead of moving to another table, you take the shank and stab the inmate. ‘Got you!’ The next moment, the guards jump on you… You’re sent to The Dump for some discipline. β+40
Leave the table β You hurry up and stand atond take another table. ‘I don’t need conflicts. There are plenty of seats around here anyways.’ β-20
Hit him with your head β You punch the prisoner in his stomach, but your punch rolls off as if his stomach is an inflatable mattress. The next moment, you get a heavy blow to your jaw. You wake up in the medical ward. β+20
Apologize and leave β You mumble an apology and get up. But when you want to take the food tray one of the convicts stops you. ‘Leave it. What comes to our table stays here.’ You humbly go away. Today you’re left without lunch. β-20
‘I’ll sit where I want.’ β ‘All right, you can stay here…’ You take a spoon but at that moment one of the prisoners grabs your bowl and throws it to the floor. ‘But you won’t eat with us at the same table.’ Today you’re left without lunch. β-20
‘Shut up and eat your soup.’ β A couple of seconds the convicts look at you with surprise, and then one of them grabs your bowl and throws it to the floor. ‘Be gone, wimp!’ You decide not to fight and get up from the table. Today you’re left without lunch. β-20
‘Who are you again?’ β ‘I’m an honest thief and I only sit at the table with honest thieves. I don’t know you, so be gone.’ You decide not to fight and take another table.
Ask to be transferred β ‘You want to rent a room at the Hilton Hotel?’ The guards laugh behind the door. After a while it turns out that you’ve contracted tuberculosis. In the absence of proper treatment you don’t last long. π
Give him some medicine β Don’t worry,’ the inmate wheezes. ‘The cops beat me up because they wanted some information. But I’ll never tell on my bros!’
‘It’s nothing serious, nothing to worry about…’ β You spend several days in the cell with a sick prisoner and after a while you contract tuberculosis. In the absence of proper treatment you don’t last long. π
Wait and pray β You wait the whole day… and the day after that… after the third day you lose count and your mind becomes blurred. After a while, a bony corpse is found in the cell… π
Bang on the door with your fist β You hear the guard swear behind the door. ‘Do you know how many of you are in here? And there’s just one of me!’ After a while, they bring you a bowl of soup and stale bread.
Take food from your stash β You take out food stashed for a rainy day. ‘This should be enough for a couple of days…’ They remember you only in the morning. Fearing that you’ll write a complaint, they transfer you back to your cell.
Refuse to take a shower β Other prisoners join the protest. Fearing a riot, the prison authorities allow inmates to not take a shower. β+30
Take a cold shower β ‘A man is like steel. When tempered, he hardens and grows stronger’β you think as you shower with cold water. Your body endures the icy water, and you feel rejuvenated. +Vitality
Paying debts is a must β You remind yourself that you must pay back the debt at any cost. ANY!
Spill shampoo on the floor β ‘I believe I can touch the sky…’ The prisoner slips and falls hard to the floor. After that incident he completely forgets about your debt.
Sing along with him β ‘I believe I can touch the sky,’ you sing. ‘I hope your memory is better than your voice,’ you hear from the next stall. ‘Do you remember your debt, Name?’ You remember pretty well…
Calm down β You take a deep breath, in and out… Inhale and exhale… Your heart rate returns to normal, and you fall asleep. You feel better the next morning.
Call your cellmate β In response you hear the rumbling sounds of snoring. Your pulse jumps up to 200 beats per minute and your heart can’t stand it. You’re dead. π
Drink a sedative β With shaky hands, you take out a bottle of pills and pop one. You feel better in the morning.
Say they’re yours β ‘Playing cards are forbidden in the cell,’ the guard says. ‘I’ll let you go this time.’ Name looks at you with gratitude. +Relations
Hit the Warden with a chair β The Warden swears and runs out of the cell. A minute later guards break into the room and beat you with batons. You’re thrown into a room in The Dump, barely alive. β+30 +Relations
Look at the floor silently β The Warden takes the cards. Name goes to The Dump. You spend the next few days alone.
Take it β The guard notices the exchange and snatches a shank made from a piece of slate and tape of your hands. ‘To The Dump! Both of them!’ You are sent into isolation.
Don’t take it β The guard notices the movement and snatches a shank made from glass and tape from your cellmate’s hands. ‘You’re in trouble, Name. Put him in The Dump.’ You spend the next few days alone. -Relations
Yell, ‘Hey, what you got there?’ β ‘Show me.’ The guard takes a shank made from glass and tape out of your cellmate’s hands. ‘You’re in trouble, Name. Put him in The Dump.’ You spend the next few days alone.
‘It’s not mine.’ β ‘Where did it come from? A bird carried it on its tail perhaps? Go to The Dump and refresh your memory. If it’s drugs, I’ll skin you alive.’ You are sent into isolation.
‘Name put it there.’ β The warden looks at your cellmate. ‘Is it yours?’ ‘It’s tea, boss.’ The guard unfolds the package and sniffs the contents. ‘Okay, you get to live for now.’ -Relations
Try to sleep β You turn from side to side but shortly after you fall asleep, you wake up again from his snoring. And so it goes all night. In the morning you wake up with a terrible headache.
Take sleeping pills β You take out a bottle of sleeping pills and pop one. Gradually the veil of oblivion envelops your mind, and you finally fall asleep.
Punch him β Name swears and curses you and can’t sleep long after that. On the contrary, you lay down on the bed and fall asleep immediately. -Relations
‘You got any cigarettes?’ β ‘This is a “no-smoking” cell,’ the inmate answers coldly. You don’t say a word afterwards.
‘Peace!’ β ‘Peace,’ the inmate answers gloomily. ‘Why don’t you come in, take a seat, and tell me what kind of bird you are,’ he says. Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
‘Good evening.’ β ‘Hello,’ the inmate responds. You walk in and begin getting acquainted with the prisoner.
‘Please don’t hit me.’ β The inmate smiles. ‘I have a feeling it won’t be easy for you in our academy.’ Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
‘Peace!’ β ‘Peace,’ the inmate answers gloomily. ‘ Come in, sit down, tell me what kind of bird you are.’ Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
‘Hello, bro.’ β ‘You are not my brother, dog,’ he retorts. So much for making new friends.
Meekly stand by the door β ‘Don’t stand there, come in,’ the convict says. ‘Tell me what kind of bird you are.’ Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
‘Care to treat a tramp to some tea?’ β ‘Who are you? A rat?’ ‘Don’t worry, I’m an honest criminal.’ ‘Join me at the table then.’ Your first day in prison goes by quietly.
Slit your wrists with a shank β You slit your hand with a knife. No one is around to help you, and after a while you died from the blood loss… π
Wipe a tear quietly β You turn away to the wall, embarrassed by your tears. ‘Life isn’t fair and I have to learn to live with it.’ A couple of days later you feel better.
Share your grief with your cellmate β ‘Don’t put your problems on me man, I have mine to deal with,’ Name says gloomily. You stay alone in your sadness.
Hooray! β Unfortunately, the money spent on the lawyer is a waste. He can’t help you.
Hm.. β The judge decides that you don’t deserve such a harsh sentence and it’s sentence by three months.
Throw it away β You never get to find out what’s in the letter.
Read it β Your friend is getting married and invites you to his wedding. In your response, you write to him to go to hell.
Agree β ‘So, it’s a deal!’ The Warden lets you sign on some paper and gives you a friendly pat on the back. As a result of the deal, your term is reduced by three months.
Refuse β ‘Have you thought about it well, Name?’ You remain unmoved. ‘A couple of weeks in The Dump will make you more reasonable,’ he says. You’re sent into isolation.
Sit quietly β ‘I don’t want any trouble. I want to come home as soon as possible and start a normal life.’
Search the cupboard β You open a drawer and find cigarettes. After the conversation, you leave the office and go back to your cell with the trophy. +Agility +Smoke
Search the cupboard β Immediately you open the drawer, the Warden returns to the office. ‘You’re in serious trouble, Name.’ You’re sent to The Dump.
Sit still β ‘I don’t want any trouble. I want to come home as soon as possible and start a new life.’
Take sleeping pills β You take out a bottle of sleeping pills and pop one. The veil of oblivion envelopes your mind and you finally fall asleep.
Try to fall asleep β You turn from one side to the other, but after a short while, you wake up again from the sound of his snoring. And so it is all night. In the morning you manage to fall into a fitful sleep.
Strangle the convict with a pillow β The prisoner struggles and tries to push you away. Finally, he succeeds, and runs out of the room screaming. You hear his screams echo through the corridor of the medical unit. You’re sent to The Dump.
Swear and continue sleeping β You swear and turn to the wall, but the loud beeping sound keeps you awake. In a couple of minutes nurses come and take the prisoner to the ICU. You don’t see him again afterwards. A few days later you’re discharged and sent back to your cell. +Vitality
Search his nightstand β ‘What the hell is going on?!’ You turn around and see a nurse in the doorway. Without investigation you were sent to The Dump.
Call for help β You rush into the corridor and call for help. The nurses hear your scream and rush to you. They take the prisoner to the ICU. You don’t see him again afterwards. A few days later you’re discharged and sent back to your cell. +Vitality
Punch him in his chest β You hit the prisoner in the chest. The monitor beeps shortly and … the prisoner’s heart starts beating. ‘What are you doing!?’ you hear a scream behind you. They restrain your arms and take you to The Dump.
Listen to the doctor β You diligently follow all the doctor’s instructions and after a couple of days you feel absolutely healthy. Time to go back to your cell. +Vitality
Take all the medicines at once β You tip a full jar of medicine into your mouth. Then the second one… After the third jar, you feel dizzy. You’re dragged into a whirlpool of oblivion. After several days in a coma, you die. π
Refuse from medicines β You go on strike and refuse to take your medicine. Despite the doctors’ requests, you don’t take any pills. Unfortunately, your body isn’t able to cope on its own. The illness worsens and you die. π
Interfere β You dish out slaps to the bullies and tell them to stop bullshiting. The prisoners look at each other with contempt and walk away. β+30
Call the guards β The guards send the culprits to the isolation ward, and the others are asked to go back to their cells. Your actions don’t go unnoticed by the prisoners. β-30
Watch β Word comes after word, blow after blow, then the guards round up and beat everyone. You take a hit to your liver, and it sends you to the medical unit.
Take the blame β During the interrogation you say that it’s all your fault. The investigator is surprised but decides not to get into it. Once there’s a culprit, the case is closed. Your sentence is extended by three months.
Tell them everything β You actively cooperate with the investigator. The Warden thanks you and awards you an honorary diploma. Your actions don’t go unnoticed by the prisoners.
Deny everything β During the interrogation, you deny everything. You pretend that you don’t understand what you’re being asked. In the end, the investigator gives up and lets you go. β+30
Walk past them β ‘Self comes first,’ you think and pass by. Later on, you learn that the prisoner couldn’t stand the abuse and hung himself in his cell.
Interfere β You interfere and get punished for it. ‘Mind your own business!’ The prisoners let the small one go and start kicking you with enthusiasm.
Take some pills β ‘Gonna take some vitamins.’ After taking the medicine, you continue your workout. β+20
Catch your breath β ‘I’m out of breath,’ you gasp. ‘You’re a softie, Name,’ the inmates around laugh.
Continue your workout β You get over the discomfort and keep working out. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your chest. The room spins and you pass out. Later you die of a heart attack in the ICU… π
My goose is cooked β You drop the bar on your chest and literally hear your ribs crack. You’re immediately rushed to the medical unit.
‘Someone, help!’ β One of the prisoners helps you get the bar back in place. A minute later and an eighty-kilo bar would have crushed you under its weight. ‘Now you owe me, Name,’ he says.
Push as hard as you can β You strain each muscle of your body and …put the bar on the mount. A minute later and an eighty-kilo bar would have crushed you under its weight.
Call your cellmate for help β You call your cellmate, but the scream takes away your last strength, and you drop the bar on your chest. You literally hear your ribs crack. You’re immediately rushed to the medical unit.
I won’t set him up β You decide not to do anything reckless and continue working. During the shift, you sew five coats and two pants. π°+60 +Agility
Steal the awl β You steal the awl try to take it out of the workshop at the end of the shift. However, you’re searched at the exit, and they find the awl. ‘I just… I forgot to return it,’ you say. Such excuses don’t work in prison. It’s ‘Hello Dump’ for you.
Hide a blade in your pocket β You steal a blade and at the end of the shift you try to take it out of the workshop. However, at the exit you’re searched, and the blade is found. ‘I just…’ you try to explain. ‘I forgot to return it.’ Such excuses don’t fly in prison. You are sent to The Dump.
Hide a blade under your tongue β You hide the blade in your mouth and accidentally swallow it. You’re immediately sent to the medical unit.
Work quietly β ‘Work made a man out of a monkey, so it won’t do any worse for me.’ You continue to work with enthusiasm. During the shift, you sew five coats and two pants. π°+60 +Agility
Quietly pee in the soup β You lower your pants and pee in the soup discreetly. ‘Come on, try it,’ the cook says. You scoop the soup with a spoon and try it … you immediately throw up right in the pot. The whole prison unit doesn’t have lunch that day. β-30
Do the job β ‘The prisoners must eat well, otherwise we won’t make it till the end of the sentence.’ You diligently follow all the instructions of the cook, and you get his respect and the prisoners’ gratitude. β+30 π°+60 +Agility
Sprinkle a jar of hot pepper β You take a jar of hot pepper from the shelf and tip it into the pot. ‘Bon appetit, shameless wolves.’ During lunch, the prisoners try the soup and jump from the table screaming wildly. The guards think it’s a riot and beat everyone with batons. π°+60
Put poison in the saucepan β You add cabbage, onion and… a pinch of poison to the soup for extra flavour. ‘Bon appetit, shameless wolves.’ After lunch, a dozen prisoners are rushed to the hospital. π°+60
Bet 100 on Arsenal β Arsenal beats Real Madrid with a disastrous goal. Not only are you satisfied with your team’s play, but you also earn some money. π°+100
Just watch the game β You don’t want to fight over money, so you just watch the game.
Bet 100 on Real Madrid β Real Madrid beats Arsenal with a disastrous goal. Not only are you satisfied with your team’s play, but you also earn some money. π°+100
TV is evil β ‘Television is a means of manipulation and control over the human mind. We need to protect ourselves from evil propaganda.’
Buy a new one for 200 coins β You make a deal with the Warden, and the guards bring you a used but working plasma TV. When the convicts see the new TV, they squeal with joy. You become the number one hero in the prison block. β+40 π°-200
Fix the TV β You scratch your head and start to disassemble the TV. But you forget to pull the plug out of the socket… BOOM! Everywhere goes black… You wake up in the hospital room.
Take out a shank β ‘Be gone!’ you threaten the Big Shot with a shank and make him leave. Your cellmate appreciates your help. β+40 +Relations
Hit the Big Shot β You come up from behind and knee him behind the knees. ‘Don’t yell at my buddy!’ Suddenly the Big Shot’s friends show up and pounce on you. You lie beaten up in mud and dust. β+30
I’d rather pass by β You decide not to interfere and pass by. However, your cellmate notices you and decides that you just got scared. -Relations
Ask what’s going on β ‘Is he your buddy?’ the convict asks. ‘Well, sorry, no more questions.’ Your cellmate appreciates your help. +Relations
‘I have nothing to treat you with bros.’ β The inmates are offended because you haven’t prepared any treats. You lose their respect. β-40
‘What? I don’t know anything about that…’ β The inmates are offended because you haven’t prepared any treats. You lose their respect. β-40
Brew strong tea for inmates β The inmates congratulate you and wish you good health and all other nice things. With your generosity, you earn the respect of the prisoners. β+30
Treat them to sweets β The inmates congratulate you and wish you good health and all other nice things. With your generosity, you earn the respect of the prisoners. β+30
Offer them some alcohol β The inmates congratulate you and wish you good health and all other nice things. With your generosity, you earn the respect of the prisoners. β+40