Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer (Bonus Chapter) – Susan has just met the captain of the Gray Flounder, who explains that the ship is not real, the giant octopus brought her on board is not real, even the captain himself is not real. The real captain is in captivity and is immersed in eternal sleep. In his dreams, the captain has traveled to many worlds, and every time he visits, the worlds he traveled through experienced terrible disasters. Susan must return to the Lost Lands. Below you can watch the walkthrough of the Bonus Chapter of Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer.
Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

- Take the MACHETE, BELT, move the stone, and take the FIN (Q).
- Take the CLUB (R).
- Place the FIN and pull it (S).
- Go forward.

- Play the puzzle (T), receive the KEY.
- Place the CLUB, pull it, place the BELT, and pull the club (U).
- Open the bag and take the FRAGMENT (V).
- Walk down.

- Place the FRAGMENT (W).
- Turn left.
- Take the ROPE (X).
- Use the MACHETE (Y), receive the MOSS.

- Place the ROPE and play the mini-game (Z).
- Solution: Cut boards and the rope when the marker hits green areas (A).
- Assemble the ladder 1-3, take the LADDER (B).

- Place the LADDER (C).
- Go forward.
- Use the MACHETE and take the GARDEN SHEARS and NAILS (D).
- Take LOCK PART 1/3 (E).
- Go forward twice.

- Remove soil and take LOCK PART 2/3 (F).
- Go forward.
- Inspect the throne (G).
- Pull out the chest and take the WEIGHT (H).
- Go forward.

- Take LOCK PART 3/3 (I).
- Use the GARDEN SHEARS (J), receive the HOT PEPPERS.
- Walk down 4 times.
- Place 3 LOCK PARTS (K).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: L-M.
- Take the BALL OF YARN.

- Place the BALL OF YARN on the HOT PEPPERS, place the WEIGHT on them, move the yarn, and receive the PEPPER AND WEIGHT.
- Go forward three times.
- Take the COMPASS (O) and SUSAN’S BODY (P).
- Walk down three times.
- Place SUSAN’S BODY (Q).

- Talk to the beaver (R), receive the BAS-RELIEF PART.
- Turn right.
- Place the BAS-RELIEF PART and take the BRANCH (S).
- Walk down.

- Place the BRANCH and push it (T).
- Turn right.
- Take the HAMMER (U).
- Use the NAILS and HAMMER (V).

- Use the MACHETE (W).
- Take the VINE (X), place the KEY and take the MOSAIC PART (Y).
- Place the MOSAIC PART (Z).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (B-counterclockwise)-4-8-6-10-(B-ccwx2)-6-4-(B-clockwisex2)-2-(A-ccw)-4-(A-cw)-1-(A-cwx2)-6-(A-ccwx2)-2-(A-cw)-1-(A-ccwx2)-4-6-(A-cwx2)-2-1-(A-ccw).
- Go forward.

- Take the LEVER-KEY (C).
- Go forward.
- Talk to Taulin and give him the COMPASS (D), receive the CHIEFTAIN’S STAFF.
- Take the SNAKE and read the book (E).

- Remove the pillows, take the MORTAR, place the LEVER-KEY, pull it, and take the HOOK (F).
- Walk down.
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution part 1: 7-8-9-6-8-10-11-8-5.
- Solution part 2: 6-9-11-12-8-4-5-7-10-8-6.
- Solution part 3: 4-5-6-8-10-11-7-4-8-12-11-9-6.
- Turn left.

- Take the SHIP FIGURINE (H).
- Read the inscription (I).
- Go to the River Bottom.
- Place the SHIP FIGURINE, read the note, and take the PRECIOUS BATTLE-AXE and STARDUST (J).
- Walk down.

- Use the PRECIOUS BATTLE-AXE (K), receive the BAMBOO.
- Use the PRECIOUS BATTLE-AXE, HOOK, and VINE on the BAMBOO, receive the STAFF.
- Go to the Swamp.
- Use the STAFF and take the LOTUS (L).
- Go forward.

- Place the LOTUS (M), take the EAGLE (N).
- Turn left.
- Use the STARDUST (O), take the RECIPE and WOLF (P).
- Walk down.

- Take the LOTUS PETALS (Q).
- Go to the River Bottom.
- Take the SEASHELLS (R).
- Go to the Chieftain’s Home.

- Place the RECIPE (S), LOTUS PETALS (T), and MOSS (U).
- Place the SNAKE (1), WOLF (2), and EAGLE (3).
- Inspect the area (V).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (W).
- Take the ELIXIR and SICKLE.
- Go to the Magic Meadow.

- Place the MORTAR and use the SICKLE (X), receive the CUP OF RESIN.
- Go to the Chieftain’s Home.
- Place the CUP OF RESIN and SEASHELLS (Y).
- Prepare the potion: (1-2)-3-4-5-(6-2).
- Use the ELIXIR and take the RITUAL OINTMENT (Z).
- Go to the River Bottom.

- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: (B).
- Talk to the man (C) and take the FISH FIGURINE.
- Walk down.

- Place the FISH FIGURINE, select it twice, and take the MALLET (D).
- Go to the Magic Meadow.
- Use the MALLET (E).

- Play the puzzle (F), receive the CRYSTAL.
- Walk down.
- Place the CRYSTAL (G).
- Turn right.

- Use the PRECIOUS-BATTLE AXE twice (purple), receive the MAGNET STONE.
- Move the stone (H), take the HANDLE (I).
- Go to the Ancient Bathhouse.

- Open the compartment (J), place the HANDLE (K).
- Go to the Dragon Mouth Cave.
- Talk to Taulin (L), receive the JAW.
- Go to the Temple Complex.

- Place the JAW and push it (M).
- Go downstairs.
- Use the MACHETE, push the crate, and take the CART (N).
- Take the TORCH (O).
- Go to the Beaverling’s Yard.

- Place the CART (P).
- Prepare the cart: (1-2)-(3-2)-(4-2)-(5-2)-(6-2)-(7-2)-(8-2)-(9-2)-(10-2)-(11-2)-(12-2).
- Move the cart (Q).
- Turn right.

- Put up the ladder (R).
- Read the note (S).
- Go to the Dragon Mouth Cave.
- Place the TORCH (T), receive the LIT TORCH.
- Go to the Ancient Bathhouse.

- Use the LIT TORCH (U).
- Go to the Tomb.
- Play the mini-game.
- Solution: 1-3.

- Take the IRON MEDALLION (V).
- Place the MAGNET STONE on the IRON MEDALLION, receive the MAGNET ON CHAIN.
- Go to the Corridor.
- Use the MAGNET ON CHAIN (W), receive the KEY.
- Go to the Barn.

- Insert the KEY (X), open the door, and play the puzzle.
- Mini-game solution 1: Ax2-Bx2-Yx2.
- Mini-game solution 2: (C).
- Receive the TONGS.
- Go to the Opposite Shore.

- Use the TONGS and open the door (D), pull the lever (E).
- Take the BUCKET (F).
- Walk down three times.
- Use the BUCKET to acquire the BUCKET OF SAND and take the TREE FIGURINE (G).
- Go to the Tomb.

- Place the TREE FIGURINE and take the RULER’S HELMET (H).
- Go to the Chieftain’s Home.
- Give the RULER’S HELMET (I), receive the SEAL.
- Insert the SEAL and take the note, MOURNER’S TEARS, and KEY (J).
- Walk down.

- Insert the KEY and turn it (K), collect 7 eggs (green) and take the BASKET (L).
- Place the BASKET on the BUCKET OF SAND, select it, and use the stick, receive the CEMENT.
- Turn right.
- Use the CEMENT (M).
- Go to the River Bottom.

- Take the CHIP (N).
- Go to the Magic Meadow.
- Place the CHIP (O).
- Play the mini-game.

- Solution: (P).

- Go to the Beaverling’s Burrow.
- Use the ENERGY (R).
Congratulations! You have completed the game Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer.
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