Murder in the Alps – Chapter 3: Atlantic Connection – The protagonist Anna will never forget the year 1932, instead of a short vacation at the Hotel Reger, she is faced with a whole series of murders. These events frightened all the witnesses to the core, the hotel is in trouble again. Your friend Otto, the owner of the hotel, needs help again. His friend and business partner is missing, and it doesn’t look like he just went on vacation. Something sinister forced him to flee in a terrible hurry. You have to find out what or who is behind these mysterious events.
Murder in the Alps – Chapter 3: Atlantic Connection Walkthrough
Here you can watch the complete walkthrough of Chapter 3: Atlantic Connection, in the game Murder in the Alps.

β’ Answer the phone.

β’ Collect all items.

1. Enter the hotel.
2. Have a conversation with Otto, then enter the Hall.

3. After the conversation, zoom in on the cabinet to take the medal.
4. Go to the Reception.
5. Complete the HOS.

1. Open the backpack and take Perfume.
2. Open the casket.
3. Cut the tapes with the razor blade and take the Postcard.
4. Open the door and take the Wires.

5. Zoom in on the purse and take the Twenty.
6. Zoom in on the casket and take the Pen.

β’ Give Otto the Note.

1. Go to room number 5, on the second floor.
2. Zoom in on the painting to take the medal.
3. Open the door with the key and enter room number 5.

1. Zoom in on the drawer to take the medal.
2. Complete the HOS.

β’ Search for items.

β’ Close the second drawer and open the fourth drawer.
1. Unlock the third drawer with the key.

β’ Open the third drawer.

β’ Open the first drawer.
2. Remove the block of wood using the Screwdriver.
3. Zoom in on the hole in the ground and take the Camera Roll and a Button.

1. Put on the gloves by dragging them onto Anna’s reflection in the mirror.
2. Go downstairs to Floor 1.

3. After the conversation, enter the Hall.
4. Zoom in on the cup to prepare some tea.
5. Pour some hot water, put the Tea Infuser into the cup, and take the cup of tea.

1. Go upstairs to Floor 2 and turn right.
2. Open the rope barrier and enter Room 8.
3. Open the toolbox and zoom it in to take the medal.
4. Complete the HOS.

β’ Search for items.

1. Join the handle to the hand saw blade and take the Hand Saw.
2. Shave the wood with the Jack Plane and take the Shavings.

3. Zoom in on the drawer and take the marked objects.
4. Cut the box rope with the knife to open the box.
5. Open the paint cans with the screwdriver.
6. Remove the paint dirt with the brush.
7. Take the Green Paint.

β’ Exit the Hotel.
1. Go to the Path to theCabin.
2. Take the Shovel.

3. Zoom in on the gates.
4. Swipe left on the lock to unlock the gates.
5. Tap on the handle to open the gates.
6. Go to the Cabin Front Yard.

1. Put the Shovel into the snow.
2. Clear the path by throwing the snow to the right using the Shovel.

1. Zoom in on the locked cabin door.
2. Drag the Pry Bar onto the planks.
3. Swipe the Pry Bar down to break the planks.

4. Enter the Cabin.
5. Complete the HOS.

1. Take the Broom. You will find the Can behind it.
2. Open the doors of the wardrobe.
3. Open the trap door.

4. Break the safe with the hammer.
5. Zoom in on the map and take North.
6. Zoom in on the underfloor storage and take the Tomato.

7. Zoom in on the safe and take the marked objects.

1. Go in front of the Hotel and turn right to the Gate.
2. Go to the Backyard.
3. Try entering the Cellar.

4. Zoom in on the cellar door and take the Note from the door.
5. Hand the Note to Otto.

β’ Go inside the Hotel.
1. Enter the Hall.
2. Complete the HOS.

1. Open the small casket and take the Gem.

2. Turn the flashlight on and take the Angel.
3. Zoom in on the safe. Open the door and take the marked objects.

β’ Exit the Hotel.
1. Go to the Backyard.
2. Zoom in on the cellar door.
3. Drag the key to the door lock to open the door.
4. Enter the Cellar Hallway.

5. Go to the Cellar.
6. Zoom in on the switch and turn on the light.
7. Enter the Cellar

β’ To clear the path to the Cellar, rearrange the objects by following these steps: Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

1. Zoom in on the box to take the medal.
2. Complete the HOS.

1. Join the axe blade to the handle to pick up the Axe.
2. Move the picture aside and take the Brick.

3. Zoom in on the suitcase and take the marked objects.

1. Give the Brownshirts Dagger to Otto.
2. After driving to Town, enter the Bar.

β’ Arrange the lock pins, in the following order, from left to right. Then tap on the latch to unlock the door:

1. Zoom in on the glass to take the medal.
2. Complete the HOS.

1. Open the chest, unFold the Flag and take it.
2. Zoom in on the cap and take the Anchor.

3. Zoom in on the ship and take the marked objects.
4. Zoom in on the drawer and take the Cork.

β’ Exit the Bar.
1. Drive to the Hotel.
2. Go to the Hall.

3. Enter the Fireplace Room.
4. Talk to Otto.

1. Zoom in on the frames to take the medal.
β’ Go to the Corridor.
2. Go upstairs to Floor 2 and turn left.

3. Enter room number!
4. Zoom in on the toy soldier to take the medal.
5. Complete the HOS.

1. Turn the pages and take the Umbrella once you see it.

2. Zoom in on the casket and take the Wine Opener.
3. Light the candle with the lighter.

4. Get the key out of the bottle.
5. Unlock the door with the key and take the Awl.

1. Give Otto the Journal.
β’ Go downstairs to Floor 1.

2. Go to Reception.
3. Complete the HOS.

1. Carve the Jack-o’-lantern with the knife and take it.
2. Cut the pillow with the same knife.

3. Open the drawer with the key and take the Guest Book.
4. Zoom in on the pillow and take the Ring.
5. Zoom in on the letterbox and take the Peacock and Pills.

β’ Go upstairs to Floor 2 and turn left.
1. Enter room number 4.
2. Give Otto the Guest Book.

Tap on each of the matching names as shown in the Following:

β’ The next day…
1. Complete the HOS.

β’ Search for items.

β’ Close the first drawer and open the second drawer.

β’ Close the second drawer and open the third drawer.

β’ Close the third drawer.
1. Zoom in on the hole in the floor and take the Quarter.

β’ Go downstairs to Floor 1.
1. Go to the Hall.
2. Complete the HOS.

1. Pull the rope and take the Toy Duck.

2. Open the drawer with the key and take the Watch.
3. Zoom in on the safe. Take the marked objects.

1. Put the Map on the table.
2. Put the Ruler on the table.

β’ Exit the Hotel.
1. Go to the Gate.
2. Try opening the doors of the car.

β’ Return to the Hotel.
3. Go to the Hall.
4. Take Teapot.

β’ Exit the Hotel.
1. Go back to the Gate.
2. Drag the Teapot onto the door to unfreeze the lock, and drive to Town.

3. Enter the Bar.
4. Complete the HOS.

1. Zoom in on the ship. Take the marked objects.
2. Zoom in on the drawer and take the Jack playing card.
3. Open the doors and zoom in on the shelf. Take the marked objects.

1. Take the marked items.
3. Take the marked items.

β’ Go to the Hotel.
1. Enter the Hall.
2. Show Otto the Flag.

3. Go to the Kitchen.
4. Complete the HOS.

1. Turn the knife holder and take the Bread Knife.
2. Unfold the Flag and take it.
3. Zoom in on the lamp. Rotate the bulb and then take it.

4. Combine flour and water in the bowl and mix it to make the Dough.
5. Move the curtain out of the way, and zoom in on the window to take the Snowflake.

6. Zoom in on the shelf and take the marked objects.
7. Zoom in on the scales and put the coffee beans into the coffee grinder.
8. Tap on the handle to grind the coffee and take the Coffee Grinds.

β’ Go back to the corridor.
1. Go to the Hall.
2. Show Gerhard the Flag from the kitchen.

β’ Go upstairs to Floor 2 and turn right.
3. Enter room number?.
4. Zoom in on the hanging clothes to take the medal.
5. Complete the HOS.

1. Open the dice box and take the Dice.

2. Use the handle to wind up the music box. Open it and take the Ring.
β’ Open the suitcase.
3. Open the envelope with the Dirk dagger and take the Photo.

1. Put the box on the ottoman stool.

β’ In order to unlock the box, the picture parts must be arranged as follows:

1. Give Otto the Fuse.
β’ Go downstairs to Floor 1.
2. Go to Reception.

3. Zoom in on the cupboard and take the key of the room number 2.

β’ Go back to the corridor.
1. Zoom in on the door of room number 2.
2. Drag the key to the door lock to open the door.
3. Enter room number 2.

4. Zoom in on the newspaper and take the medal.
5. Complete the HOS.

1. Open the doors and take the Notebook.
2. Open the doors and take the Cigarettes.
3. Open the jaw and take the Golden Tongue.
4. Open the globe and take the Web.
5. Put the paper into the ashtray.
6. Burn the paper with the lighter.
7. Take the Ash from the ashtray.

8. Zoom in on the aquarium and take two Butterflies and a Dolphin.
9. Zoom in on the microscope and take the Blood.
10. Zoom in on the bird’s face and take the Eye.

1. Give the Notebook to Otto.
β’ Exit the Hotel.
2. Go to the Backyard.

3. After the explosion, go to the Cellar Hallway.
4. Take the Shovel.

β’ Go back to the Backyard.
1. Drag the Shovel onto the snow pile.

2. Drag the Shovel and throw snow onto the fire to put it out.

1. Go to the Cellar.

2. Enter the Cellar.
3. Complete the HOS.

1. Move the rag away and take the Explosive.
2. Unlock the box using the wrench.
3. Open the box.
4. Open the suitcase.

5. Zoom in on the box and take the marked objects.
6. Zoom in on the suitcase and take Lincoln.
7. Put the battery into the flashlight and put the cover on it. Take the Flashlight.

1. Put the Explosives on the box to start defusing it.

β’ To defuse the explosives, follow these steps:
1. Rotate the stone in the center until the inner mechanism is free.

2. Rotate the inner mechanism to match the symbol pairs.

3. Move each of the balls into the holes using the different routes shown. Only one ball may be active at a time.

4. Tap on the switches, in the following order, to disable the arming mechanism:

β’ Exit the Cellar.
1. Go to the Path to the Cabin.

2. Goto Cabin Front Yard.
3. Enter the Cabin.
4. Complete the HOS.

1. Move the firewood and pick up the Axe.

2. Zoom in on the underFloor storage and take the Arrow.
3. Zoom in on the safe and take the Beacon and Bore Brush.
4. Rotate the cylinder and take the Bullet once you see it.

β’ Go to the Hotel.
1. Enter the Fireplace Room.
2. Show Otto the cigarettes.

β’ Go upstairs to Floor 2 and turn left.
3. Enter room number 4.
4. Complete the HOS.

1. Turn the pages and take the Skull once you see it.

2. Zoom in on the box and take the Bandage.
3. Zoom in behind the door and take the marked objects.

3. Take the marked items.

β’ Go downstairs to Floor 1.
1. Go to Reception.
2. Zoom in on the phone.

β’ Go upstairs to Floor 2 and turn right.
3. Enter room numbers.
4. Complete the HOS.

1. Rotate the handle to release the Gloves.
2. Take the Gloves.

3. Zoom in on the drawer and take the marked objects.
4. Put the brush into the red paint to color the star.
5. Take the Red Star.

1. Go to room number?.
2. Complete the HOS.

1. Open the medallion and take 1 Mark.
2. Open the drawer and take the Clock Face.
3. Close the suitcase and take the Radio From behind it.

1. Put the Radio on the table.
2. After the Comic, give Gerhard the Gun.

β’ Go downstairs to Floor 1.
3. Enter the Hall.
4. Go to the Fireplace Room.

1. Go to the Reception.
2. Take the First Aid Kit.

3. Go back to the Fireplace Room.
4. Give first aid to Otto using the First Aid Kit.

1. Check Otto’s pulse. To do this, tap on the pulse graph when the blue line is about to do a beat.

2. Combine antiseptic with the cloth to clean the wound.

3. Close the wound with a clean cloth.
4. Attach a bandage.
5. Swipe the bandage three times to bandage Otto.

1. Pass Gerhard’s gun to Otto.

2. Go to the Kitchen.
3. Complete the HOS.

1. Turn the knife holder and take the Axe.
2. Open the cupboard and take the Mold.

3. Zoom in on the clock and take the Cocoon.
4. Zoom in on the scales and take the Fork.
5. Zoom in on the flavorings boxes and take Ginger.

1. Go back to the Fireplace Room.
2. Tie Gerhard up with the rope.

3. Give Gerhard’s ID card to the Policeman.

β’ Next morning, go down to the Hall.