Nobodies: Silent Blood – Operation 7 Slalom – Are you familiar with HerbaSpark, Asset? It’s a glorified pyramid scheme that convinces people to dump their life savings into selling overpriced natural supplements. The woman at the top of that pyramid is Janet Moore, and she’d been transferring an awful lot of Bitcoin to Lu Chen lately. Seems she was taking her garlic pill money and reinvesting it directly into terrorist ventures. Moore is on vacation at an exclusive Japanese ski resort. Pack your bags, Asset.
Nobodies: Silent Blood – Operation 7 Slalom – Walkthrough
Here you can see the walkthrough of Nobodies: Silent Blood, specifically on Operation 7 Slalom, in pictures.

- Pick up a rock near the medical tent.

- Take the screwdriver from the storage building.
- Take the blower from the storage building.
- Take some bags of salt from the storage building.
- Take the pickaxe from the storage building.

- Pick up the green slope sign near the snow machine.

- Place the green slope sign at the top of the mountain, near the lift.
- Take the wire coil near the weather station.

- Use the blower on the weather station to simulate a malfunction.

- Use the screwdriver to remove the latch from the weather station’s electrical box.
- Leave the technician to his work, then return to the weather station later.

- Take the battery from the weather station electrical box.

- Use the pickaxe to pry a plank from the bench near the medical tent.

- Place the rock near the boulder by the cave to act as a fulcrum.

- Place the wooden plank on the rock to make a lever.
- Push down on the wooden plank to cause an avalanche.
- Take the board.

- Pick up the body in the storage building.

- Take the stretcher from the medical tent.

- Put the body onto the stretcher.

- Use the salt to melt some snow where the snow machine is facing.

- Use the pickaxe to dig a hole in the exposed ground.

- Put the body in the hole.

- Use the pickaxe to cover up the hole.

- Wrap the wire coil around the pipes leading to the snow machine.

- Connect the battery to the wire coil.
- Use the snow machine to replace the snow you melted.

- Return the green slope sign to its place.
- Pick up the battery.
- Pick up the wire coil.

- Return the black slope sign to its place.
- Return the wire coil.
- Return the battery.
- Reattach the latch.
- Close the electrical box.

- Return the plank.
- Return the stretcher.

- Return the screwdriver.
- Return the pickaxe.
- Return the blower.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed Operation 7 Slalom in the game Nobodies: Silent Blood.