Nobodies: Silent Blood – Operation 9 Mulligan – Here’s the situation, Asset: Lucky Hole park owner Phil Deppler phoned in a dead body about half an hour ago. We’ve already called off the local police, but Phil’s expecting an officer to come by, and soon. Pose as the cop responding to Deppler’s call and make this problem go away. You are hereby granted temporary authorization for lethal force.
Nobodies: Silent Blood – Operation 9 Mulligan – Walkthrough
Here you can see the walkthrough of Nobodies: Silent Blood, specifically on Operation 9 Mulligan, in pictures.

- Pick up the golf club by the pirate hole.

- Talk to the owner of the park. Then eliminate him.

- Take the keys from the owner’s body.

- Pick up the bag of golf balls outside the office.
- Use the keys to unlock the door to the office.
- Use the keys to unlock the door to the storage room.
- Use the keys to unlock the electrical box.
- Open the electrical box.

- Pick up the drill in the storage room.
- Pick up the ball dispenser in the storage room.
- Pick up the pipe wrench in the storage room.
- Pick up the hand truck in the storage room.

- Use the pipe wrench to dismantle the golf club.
- Fill the ball dispenser with the bag of golf balls.

- Disable the alarm in the office.

- The alarm code involves the government ID number of the now-dead owner.
- The alarm code is 5390.

- Use the pipe wrench to remove the cover of the fan in the office.
- Remove the blades from the fan.

- Pick up the padlock in the office desk drawer.

- Figure out the combination to the office safe.
- Check the sticky note on the office file cabinet.
- Cross-reference the sticky note with the map in the office.
- The safe combination is 50-10-60.

- Take the money from the safe.

- Close the safe, then lift it with the hand truck.

- Pick up one of the dead bodies.

- Put a body inside the safe.

- Combine the drill, fan blades, and golf club shaft to create a boat motor.

- Attach the motor to the boat by the lake.

- Load the safe onto the boat.

- Take the boat to the middle of the lake.

- Dump the safe into the water.

- Go to the electrical box and switch on breaker number three.

- Place the ball dispenser right next to the pirate ship hole.
- Turn on the ball dispenser and wait to win the jackpot.

- Use the hand truck to lift the treasure chest.

- Pick up the remaining body.

- Put the remaining body inside the chest.
- Lock the chest with the padlock.

- Load the chest onto the boat.

- Take the boat to the middle of the lake and dump the chest into the water.

- Retrieve the boat motor.

- Dismantle the boat motor with a pipe wrench.

- Assemble the golf club.

- Return the golf club.
- Retrieve the ball dispenser.

- Close the office desk drawer.
- Return the fan blades.
- Reattach the fan cover.
- Arm the alarm. The alarm code is 5390.

- Return the pipe wrench.
- Return the hand truck.
- Return the ball dispenser.
- Return the drill.

- Switch off the circuit breaker.

- Close the electrical box door.
- Lock the storage room door.
- Lock the office door.
- Lock the electrical box.

- Get rid of the keys.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed Operation 9 Mulligan in the game Nobodies: Silent Blood.