Nobodies: Silent Blood – Operation 6 Tee Time – An extremely fortunate break: Nash’s phone call went to a suburb just twenty miles from your present location. The number belongs to Lu Chen, a business partner of Nash who is very likely our mystery client. If we’re right, Chen has the connections necessary to alert the entire network that it’s been compromised. Our assassin is acting fast, which may well complicate this cleanup. Don’t get sloppy.
Nobodies: Silent Blood – Operation 6 Tee Time – Walkthrough
Here you can see the walkthrough of Nobodies: Silent Blood, specifically on Operation 6 Tee Time, in pictures.

- Take some sugar packets from the cafe.
- “Borrow” a club from the golfer in the cafe.

- Pick up the jar in the kindergarten.
- Pick up the paints in the kindergarten.

- Empty the sugar packets into the jar.

- Place the jar full of sugar near the anthill to collect a large number of ants.
- Pick up the golf ball lying in the grass.

- Empty the jar of ants onto the mascot.

- Go to the 3rd hole and place the ball on the turf.

- Hit the ball with the club to win the hole and get a voucher.
- Time your shot with the windmill’s rotation.

- Redeem the voucher for a chocolate bar at the cafe.

- Give the chocolate bar to the obnoxious kid in the kindergarten.

- Leave the kindergarten, then return to pick up the stress ball.

- Distract the father and son, then swap their golf ball with the stress ball.

- Take the coin from the payphone’s change return.

- Use the coin to make a call with the payphone.

- Call the exterminator. The phone number is in the yellow pages 335-5897.

- Pick up the phone first, then dial the number.

- Open the back of the exterminator van.
- Take the pesticide sprayer from the exterminator van.

- Spray the mascot costume with pesticide to kill the ants.
- Pick up the mascot costume in the locker room.
- Pick up the novelty golf ball in the locker room.
- Pick up the epoxy in the locker room.
- Pick up the electric grinder in the locker room.

- Pick up the dead body in the parking lot.

- Hide the body inside the novelty golf ball.

- Examine the paints. Combine the colors to create a green hue.

- Mix blue with yellow.

- Use the grinder to cut out part of the 7th hole dinosaur. (He’ll be fine.)
- Remove the cut-out part of the dinosaur.

- Put the body inside the dinosaur.
- Return the cut-out part of the dinosaur.

- Use the epoxy to repair the dinosaur.

- Cover the epoxy in green paint to mask it.

- Return the mascot costume.
- Return the giant golf ball.
- Return the epoxy resin.
- Return the angle grinder.

- Return the golf club.

- Return the paints.
- Return the jar.

- Return the pesticide sprayer.
- Close the van door.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed Operation 6 Tee Time in the game Nobodies: Silent Blood.